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When they spot us, I can say they are suprised we came. JJ doesn't say a word and goes inside.

I stop at the porch.
,,Luke's back." I annonce the news. I also tell them what happened since Luke walked in to the Wreck.
,,JJ's angry, but he will get over it." I say.
,,When he does, tell him to forget my name." I turn around and walk away. Sarah follows after me and gets into my car without asking.
,,What happened between you?" she asks.
,,I am still mad at you." I give her a look.
,,I'm sorry." she says.
,,I shouldn't have said what I said. I was just angry at the word." she explains.
,,I'll support anything you decide to do." she adds.
,,Yeah, well, people shouldn't say lot of things when they are upset." I state.
,,Are you refering to JJ now?" she asks.
,,He's an asshole. I was trying to help. I get why he's angry but he won't take my or anyone's help and I won't just watch him suffer." I shake my head.
,,Or watch Luke actually kill him." I add the worst case senario which I, unfortunatly, wouldn't pass Luke after what I saw today.
,,I hate him." I say after a moment of silance.
,,Luke or JJ?" she asks.
,,Both? Luke more obviously." I answer.

I pull over because I am very close to a breakdown. My tears push out when it all finally hits me. Sarah hugs me for a minute and then switches seats with me and drive the rest of the way home.

,,JJ loves you." she says when we lay in my bed together.
,,I hate him." I say.
,,You don't." she squeezes my hand.
,,I do now." I correct her.
,,He was probably worried sick about you, you have to understand that. You know how he went after he found out you took a bullet for him." she reminds me, which is unnecessary.
,,I know, but he doesn't get I was and still am worried about him." I say.
,,He doesn't have a lot of people who does. His mum left him and got herself a new family. His dad is the one who hurts him. He only got us, so he doesn't get to say what we can do to help to protect him." I explain to her.

She doesn't say anything else, because there isn't anything else to add. Sarah sleeps over in my room, I fall asleep only for a few hours before my alarm clock wakes us up at 7.

We get ready and go to school like nothing happened. My dad asked me what was yesterday about, so I ignored him. They lie? I lie! They lost my trust.

We get to the school exactly as Twinkie. John B parks next to my car.

We get out of the car, but my phone starts to ring. I take the call and continue walking into the school.
,,Press one if you accept a cal from Rafe Cameron." I sigh and press one anyway.
,,Kiara." he says.
,,Rick and Hannah stopped by." he continues when I stay silant.
,,And?" I try to play dumb.
,,You know why I am calling. You're a smart one." he says.
,,You know what I want for helping them out, so I won't even say it, just tell me if I should start packing my shit or what." I sigh again.
,,You are an asshole, you know that? Is it so hard for you to do one decent thing for once without wanting something in return? Malia's your half-sister, for God sakes." I remind him.
,,I am in jail, Kie. I want out and I take every oppurtunity to do so." he ignores my suggestion.
,,I think about it." I say.
,,Don't think to long and!" he says so I don't wait before hanging up.
,,Don't say I am not a good person... Bugs are everywhere, Kie." he hangs up after that. I stop on sight, so someone bump into me. I stumble but I don't fall. When I turn around I find the Pogues standing there.
,,We called after you the whole way from the car!" Pope says. I look at Sarah instead, she raises her eyebrows at me.
,,What?" she asks.
,,Who was that on the phone?" JJ adds. I look at him for a second.
,,Rafe mother fucking Cameron." I say and bypass them and head back to my car.

They follow after me, but I ignore their questions. I am on a mission I hope I am wrong to be.
,,What the fuck are you doing!?" JJ grabs me by my arm and stops me. I shake him off.
,,Didn't I tell you to lose my name!?" I repeat what I sent him yesterday. He frowns and looks hurt for a second, so I turn around and go to my car.
,,For real, Kie, what did he says, so you went this crazy?" Sarah opens the passanger door.
,,Get in, we have to check the house." I start the car. The Pogues stand behind her listening.
,,Check for what?" she asks and starts to get in.
,,For bugs." I give her a look.

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