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I wake up in the same position I fell asleep few hours ago. Practically laying on JJ. He's the one who woke me up, I don't think he fell asleep too.

I sit down and run my fingers through my hair.
,,Do you want to talk ab..." he stars. I shake my head.
,,Not now. We need to go to the ferry." I say still looking in front of me.
,,Whenever you are ready, I am here for you and know that I mean everything I said." he sits squeezes my hand for a second before he stands up.
,,Thank you." I look up at him.
,,Of course, Kie." he smile at me.
,,I need to talk to John B." I remember.
,,He's waiting, we know it was Big John who kind of kidnapped you last night." he admits. I raise my eyebrows at that.
,,Sam has security cameras around his house..." he looks down for a second.
,,Can I ask you something?" he asks.
,,Sure." I nod.
,,Why were you crying last night at the beach?" our eyes meet and I don't know what to tell him.
,,It was before all of this and I... kind of feel like it's my fault, after that 'peachy' speech you had." he adds. I look down at my hands.
,,It was... I was drunk, J. It wasn't your fault at all." I shake my head.
,,I won't pressure you, but I was worried, I still kind of am." I look up. I knew I shouldn't have told him about the Rafe incident, now he will worry about me all the time and after what I did few hours ago...
,,Don't do that. I am worried because I love you, not because what happened." he frowns at me. I raise my eyebrows again.
,,I can see it in your eyes how are you thinking my life would be easier of you haven't told me." he explains.
,,I was just.. realizing what happened in the few past days, that's why I was crying." I admit vaguely. I mean it's not a lie, it's just not whole truth.
,,Okey." he nods.

We go downstairs, where is literally no one.
,,Where is everybody?" I ask JJ.
,,We wouldn't fit into one car, so Caleb took them and after he drop them off, he'll come back for us." he explains. I nod.
,,So, there is one thing we need to talk about, while we wait for Caleb." JJ says and looks down. Fuck, I hope he doesn't want to talk about the kiss. I am not ready to talk about that when I already know how he feels about me.
,,J.." I start but he starts at the same time.
,,I have your old phone." he says, I raise my eyebrows.
,,What?" I whisper.
,,I took it from Caleb, I thought you might want it if you decide to go to the police in the future." he looks me in the eyes.
,,I can hold on to it while you decide, what you want to do." he offers me.
,,You should throw it in the ocean." I say kind of angry.
,,I don't want anyone else to hear it. Especially you, J." I extend my hand, so he can give me the phone, but he doesn't move.
,,Give it to me." I say like he didn't understand the gesture in the first place.
,,No." he shakes his head.
,,No? You just said it's my decision." I frown.
,,I won't listen to it, I promise, but till you have cleared mind, I won't give it you. You might regret it later." he explains. 
,,I won't." I shake my head.
,,You might." I roll my eyes, why is he so annoying all of a sudden.
,,Tell me in a week and we do what you want to do." he agrees, kind of.
,,Fine." I sigh, it's pointless to argue with him about this.
,,Great." he tightly smiles.

We wait in silence for another 10 minutes before Caleb comes back.
,,Hey." he hugs me immediately.
,,I am sorry, Cabe." I say honestly.
,,I know, it's okey, I am glad it turned out this way. Might have been a much worse." he hugs me again before he drives us to the harbor.

We say our goodbyes and get on the ferry. We have 2 hours journey ahead of us. No one ask me anything, it might be because of the look JJ gives them when some of them try to open their mouth to say anything.

We find a seats next to each other and I look at John B. He's already looking at me. I know he know that it was his dad who kind of kidnapped me last night from the party, JJ told me in the car, so I would be prepared.

,,I know you know and I can imagine you have questions, but I don't know everything." I start. He nods at that.
,,After I woke up, I was kind of shocked, because it was him. Your dad. Who was suppose to be dead." I look down for a second.
,,I couldn't believe it to be honest. I was very drunk, so I wasn't entirely sure if I'm seeing right." I look back into his eyes.
,,He didn't tell me much about where he was or how he survived or he end up there. He only told me one thing." I look around to everyone.
,,He said some bad people are after that kerchief, he said we need to hide it as soon as possible. It's not save to have it. He said if anyone ask, we need to play dumb and say the hospital never returned it to you after I got shut. Then he gave me my old phone back, he said I must have dropped it when he gave me a ride that night. He took it with him, so he could return it to me after he got back that day. He didn't, it was waterproof, he said it kind of save him. My pictures, it was full of our photos. It kept him fighting for survival." I look back down.
,,He also found something else in there. Something I didn't know was in my phone, he kept it even when the battery died, so he could eventually give it back to me. He did and when he told me about what he found in there, I had to listen to it. I had to find out what he knows, how much he knows. It made me go back into that night that's why I... was like I was when you found me." I admit the whole truth, I still keep the detail from them. That won't change.
,,That's it. He kicked me in to the street after that, because it wasn't safe to talk to me. To any of us. Yet. He just had to tell someone and I was the only one who could've reached last night." I finish the story, but my eyes are still glued to the floor.
,,What did you do with the phone?" Sarah asks, because she can imagine what was on it.
,,I have it." JJ answer her question.
,,I wanted to throw it in the ocean, but someone thinks I don't have clear mind for that decision." I say irritated.
,,Because you don't." he stands by what he said earlier.
,,I throw it in the ocean the next week, I don't care as long as I can actually do that." I look at him.
,,You can." he shrugs, but I can see in his eyes he doesn't agree.
,,What?" I ask.
,,You said it's my decision." I narrow so I can look at him from better ankle. 
,,It is." he nods.
,,I don't agree, but you can do whatever you want." he looks away.
,,I don't get you guys. One minutes you love each other, the next you argue with each other." Pope says out of nowhere.
,,Life." I smile at him ironically. Kie just looks away and looks at the ocean for the rest of the way.

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