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,,She left." I say when I come back inside after I went to check up on Kie.
,,What?!" JJ tries to stand up, but John B pushes him back down.
,,Stay still." he comments.
,,I try to call her, she probably just needs to cool down." I say and call her.
,,You reached Kie, text me, I don't listen to voice mail. Bye bye." I listen to her voice mail and roll my eyes by the end of it.

I text her instead.

Sarah: Where r u? R u coming back? U ok? Text me back immediately!!!!

,,That's great. Another one bite the dust. Just what we need right now." Pope shakes his head.
,,What were you thinking, J! Why did you went with Luke?" John B asks him.
,,I was trying to protect you from him!" JJ shouts out.
,,Alright, calm down." I say.
,,She'll be fine." I sit back down and spam her more.
,,I sometimes wonder, why she even bothers to have a phone!?" I ask frustrated and throw it on the table.
,,To yell at Rafe Cameron." Cleo laughs.
,,Yeah, that was satisfying." I nod.
,,What?" JJ asks confused.
,,She thought, he's the one who took you, so she called him and yell at him for at least 5 minutes before he hanged up." I explain.
,,I really thought she would kill him through the phone." I add.
,,Well, it looked like it." Pope nods.
,,Satisfying." I repeat and lean back.

My phone starts to ring few minutes later. It's Anna.
,,Hey." I say.
,,Riley's back?" she asks confused.
,,Aperently. Why?" I raise my eyebrows even though she can't see me.
,,Kie just texted that they are going to the beach. I texted her back but she didn't replay again, so I just wanted to ask you." she explain.
,,Wasn't she in jail?" she asks.
,,Yeah. She got out." I say. I don't think she would like the rest.
,,You are at John B's?" she changes the subject.
,,Yeah. With everyone exept for Kie." I say.
,,Okey. Okey. We are heading home, are you sleeping there?" she ask yet another question.
,,Yeah." I nod.
,,Okey. School tomorrow! Don't be late!" she reminds me.
,,Don't worry. Bye." I hang up the phone.
,,Kie's with Riley. On the beach." I say to the others.
,,She's so dead." Pope leans his head into his hands.
,,She's not." I shake my head.
,,You heard Rafe!" he looks up at me. The rest are speachless.
,,Yeah exactly. Tell me the last time he told us the whole truth? Never, you are right." I nod.
,,Shit." JJ closes his eyes for a second.
,,This is all my fault." he adds.
,,It is." Pope nods and shakes his head.
,,I am gonna head home. I need a fresh air." he gets up and leaves.

We hang out here the rest of the night. JJ looks on edge the whole time, but Kie still haven't texted or called back, so I kind of get it.

Around 8, she finally calls me.
,,You alive?" I ask and stand up.
,,The fuck, Sarah! Of course I am!" she says and I sigh in relief.
,,Rafe was lying about Riley, I'll tell you tomorrow. I just got home and I am kind of tired." snd adds.
,,You are not coming back?" I ask her.
,,No." she says.
,,Do you want me to come home?" I ask and start to pace around.
,,No, I'll be fine. Still kind of mad but mostly tired. I'll just watch something on Netflix, I hear about the new series Kaleidoscope, I might watch that and then go to sleep." she says and I sit back down.
,,I saw it on TikTok. Everyone has different order to watch it but it still makes sense anyway. I mean, that's cool!" I nod.
,,Yeah exactly. I am interested if it's that good like everyone is saying. I tell you tomorrow." she says and we say our goodbye.

,,So?" JJ asks.
,,She's staying home to watch Kaleidoscope. Did you heard about it!? It..." I am interupted by JJ.
,,Great. What about Riley? Is Kie okey?" he asks.
,,Why don't you call her, JJ?" I fake smile at him. He rolls his eyes and carefully gets up.


I take a shower. I also wash my hair while I am at it. When I am changed into my PJ's, I decide to straighten my hair again, just to make JJ pissed again.

When I am done, I go back to my room. I lie down on my bed and check my phone. I raise my eyebrows at the 46 missed calls from JJ. I roll my eyes and call him back.

,,You okey?" I ask.
,,What? Sure, I am.. I was..." I interupet him.
,,Alright. Bye bye." I hang up the phone and turn on my TV to watch Netflix.

My phone pings with new messagge. I know it's JJ but I look anyway.

JJ: Please. Call me back. Im sorry. I know you are mad, but I need to talk to you. Pleaseeeeee <3.
Kie: Stop calling and texting. We can talk tomorrow!!! Night.
JJ: Ill come to your house, if you wont talk to me now!
Kie: I'll call the police!
JJ: You wouldnt.
Kie: Wouldn't I? U sure? Ask Sarah.

He doesn't respond again, so I imagine he went to ask Sarah.

JJ: Okey. You can call the police. I wont stop you, but I dont really care tbh.

I roll my eyes and call him.
,,What?" I ask when he picks up.
,,You okey? I heard you went to the beach with Riley." he says.
,,We went surfing. I am alive and fine. Rafe was lying about her. We good now?" I sum it up.
,,Clearly we aren't." he sighs.
,,I'm sorry I went with him. I just didn't want you to get hurt if we stayed. I would have texted you I'm fine, but you found me first. I didn't want you to get worried I got kidnapp or anything." he explains.
,,Jesus Christ, JJ. You weren't fine! You still aren't! We already had this conversation about Luke, you can't go back to him when he feels like hurting you!" I shout at him. He should be glad he's not here after all.
,,I can handle..." he starts.
,,But you can't! I can't take it anymore, you can't go back, do you understand!? I won't look away next time. You can hate me all you want. I won't let him hurt you again!" I say.
,,Hate you? I could never hate you, Kie." he states.
,,You might, when he does something again and I'll do something too." I say.
,,Like what? I told you to stay away from him!" he says.
,,I won't till you do the same." I state.
,,Fuck, Kie. Just listen to me for a second. He hurted you today and he was drunk as a scunk. You think you can defend yourself when he's sober? No!" he reminds me.
,,Yeah right, he punched me once, I punched him many times more. I am not afraid of him." I shake my head.
,,You did what!?" he asks and I can hear him go somewhere.
,,You heard me. I am dome leting him hurt you. I won't look away anymore only because you asked me. I have had enough. So did you! You don't deserve this and it's time for you to realize that!" I almost shout at him.
,,Night!" I say so I wouldn't yell at him more and hang up the phone.

I try to continue to watch the Kaleidoscope, but I can't concentrate. I finally give up after 20 minutes and look at the ceiling instead thinking about today and yesterday.

I end up pacing around the room to calm down. I fall asleep only for 3 hours untill my alarm wakes me up and reminds me I have to go to school.

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