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Before we went to sleep yesterday night, we discussed with Sarah everything about how to get the rest of the money. That's why are we here. 

,,Hey." I sit down. Sarah just nods at him.
,,Hi." he looks up from his phone. 
,,I am glad you are okey." he looks at Sarah and then me.
,,Yeah, we are, but that's not why are we here." Sarah explains. He raises his eyebrows.
,,We were hoping you could help us with something. Something decent for a change." she smiles ironically, which surprises him.
,,With?" he asks confused.
,,JJ." I go directly to the point. That surprises him even more than Sarah's attitude.
,,With JJ's restitution." I add.
,,You knows it money for me, right?" he says.
,,They sink my boat." he frowns.
,,And you totally deserve that after jumping Pope out of nowhere." Sarah reminds him. He looks down embarrassed.
,,I try to stop Rafe." he says still not looking at us.
,,You should have tried harder, Topper." Sarah leans back into her chair.
,,You have loads of money, you won't even feel it." I say.
,,JJ will." I add.
,,I can give you my savings." he looks up again. I can see he wants to redeem himself.
,,I don't like that Pogue, but you are right." he nods and give both of us a look.
,,Great." I smile.
,,How much do you have?" Sarah asks little bit less mad.
,,Around seven thousand dollars." he guesses. We raise our eyebrows, he just shrugs.
,,How much do you have?" he asks.
,,Around fifteen thousand." I answer him truthfully.
,,I'll give it to you tomorrow." he looks at me if that's work and I nod in agreement.
,,Thanks." I smile.
,,What about the rest?" he asks.
,,I'll take same extra shifts at the Wreck and maybe I'll find second job." I shrug.
,,They're hiring in the cinema in Figure 8. You can ask there." he recommends.
,,Great, I'll ask. Thanks." I nod.
,,Sure." he looks again at the both of us.
,,I need to go, but I am glad you are back." he gets up and waves us before he leaves.

We leave after him and I drive us directly to the cinema to ask about the job. The hire me at the spot. I don't think much people are interested if the took me immediately. I think it has to do with the fact it's a night shift from 5 to midnight on weekends, but that's perfect for me.

On the way back to John B's house, we stop at the shop and buy them 3 phones.


,,Hola." I say when I step on the porch where are they seated. Sarah waves at them.
,,Look who the cats drag in." JJ says ironically. 
,,Ha, funny." I shake my head at him.
,,What are you doing here?" he asks and sits down properly. 
,,I didn't really think your parents let you out so soon. Or ever." he adds. I don't even have the time to answer him. Sarah goes to sit down next to John B and kisses him briefly.
,,They don't really know we are here to be honest." I admit. I lay my phone on the table and open my bag with free hands now.
,,We bought you something." I say and take out 2 phones from my bag. I give one to Cleo and one to John B.
,,None for me?" JJ asks.
,,Nope, you suggested yesterday you don't really care about if we are alive so.." I smile at him sarcastically. 
,,Pff, I was just joking but whatever." he rolls his eyes kind of mad he didn't get one. I sit down at the same time as my phone rings. JJ looks at my phone before I can grab it and raises his eyebrows.
,,Why is Topper texting you?" he asked confused.
,,I wanted something from him." I say because I am not a good liar.
,,From Topper?" John B asks.
,,Yup." I nod and text him back.
,,What the fuck did you want so desperately?" John B asks again.
,,I know you don't like him but he's a decent guy when he's not with Rafe." I kind of defend him.
,,He's a Kook and I don't like him for many reasons beside that." he corrects me. I roll my eye.
,,What do you want from him?" JJ reapers John B's question.
,,None of your business." Sarah answer that one.
,,Wait, you are on it with Kie?" John B looks at her now.
,,It's not a big deal." she shakes her head.
,,Hm." he looks away even more mad than before she said anything.
,,Well, as much as I enjoy this conversation, I need to go." I get up.
,,To do what now?" J asks.
,,None of your business." I repeat what Sarah said. He smile ironically.
,,Figured." he nods. I smile and take the last phone from my bag.
,,Think fast." I say before I toss it to him. He catches it.
,,I knew it." he rolls his eyes and I smile.
,,Next time you are rude to say, you won't get anything." I warn him. He winks at me because he knows it's not truth. My stomach does a backflip at that, so I look away.
,,I'll pick you up later alligator." I say to Sarah.
,,Text when you leave." she says and I nod. She knows where am I headed with my parents.
,,Anything from Pope?" I ask before I leave.
,,Noup." Cleo shakes her head.
,,Should we really call the police like he said?" Sarah asks and everyone look at me for answer.
,,I'll stop by at his place after my thing." I say.
,,If he's not there, we should consider that for sure." I smile and head to my car. 

I am thinking about the lies or hold up truth I say and didn't say to them. I'm doing this for JJ, I need to remember that!

When I park in front of our restaurant I go back to reality and go inside.
,,Hey." I lean against the counter, my parents smile at me.
,,I just wanted to tell I find a second job in the cinema at the weekends and I would like to take as many shift as you can give me." I cut to the chase, they raises their eyebrows at me.
,,What about school?" mum asks.
,,I have never studied on the weekend anyway, I do everything in the week days and if I couldn't handle it, I can quit anytime." I say.
,,Do you need money or what?" dad asks still confused.
,,I want to get myself busy so I wouldn't be bored." I lie. They nod slightly.
,,And one thing! Sarah asked me if she could work here too?" I ask them, because she really did ask me that.
,,Sure, but she doesn't have to I hope she knows that." mum says.
,,I told her that but she wants to do something in her free time apart studying and hanging out with our friends." I explain.
,,Okey, I talk to when I get home." mum agrees.
,,Thanks, by the way I drop her at John B's and I'll pick her up later." I say.
,,Yeah, she texted me." mum nods. I smile.

I help them out in the few next hours, but we close early today and head to the police station. We decide I should talk to them about Rafe, if he decided to come back to Outer Banks. I just want to know my options or if I even have a chance to get him arrested after what he did to us. To me. 

After two hours we leave. Shoup said it's kind of my word against his, but the voice tape could help my case if I chose to follow up with them. He said the worst case scenario is restraining order, because he insulted me but in fact didn't rape me. The best case scenario is he gets arrested for everything I accused him. It really depends on much various factors. 

My parents part ways, because they are heading home and I to Pope and then to pick up Sarah.

Pope is alive, but he's grounded and his parents didn't let me come in, but they were glad I'm okey. I sit back into my car and head to John B's again.

I horn when I stop the car. I don't really feel like talking to them again, I know they will have questions I won't answer. Sarah comes up and get in.
,,Why didn't you go in? They were surprised by that." Sarah buckle up and I drive away.
,,I don't have any answers for them they would like to hear from me." I tell her the truth.
,,Yeah, sorry. I shouldn't have asked." she nods.
,,How did it go with Shoup?" she asks another question. I tell her everything.
,,I hope he rot in there when it comes to it." she frowns. I know she really means it. 

We stay quiet for a moment.
,,I won't be spending much time with Pogues in the following month or so, if they ask anything pretend you don't know anything except I am grounded." I need to tell her that, so we are on the same page.
,,Okey." she nods, but I can hear her voice crass. She hates, I hate it, but we have to do it.

,,Mum mum also agreed about you working at the Wreck. She wants to talk to you when we get home." I change the subject again. She smiles. I know we need money, but I also know she wants to work there. 

The rest of the way, we stay silent. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. Mine are around the blond. Like always. I know he's going to be mad because I won't be spending time with them, maybe even more when he finds out why. But I don't really care. I'm doing it anyway. I already know he doesn't like me in a way I like him, so I have nothing to lose.

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