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We sit down in our upcoming class. I hear people whispering all around me, but I try not to notice and bother by it. 

When the bell rings, everyone gets quiet when the teacher steps into the classroom. I try to concentrate but the stares are not quite easy to ignore, so it distracts me anyway. 

I shoot look in JJ's direction and discover he's giving everyone a death stares, which makes me smile a bit. I look away when my phone vibrates in my back pocket, so I take it out and read a message from my mum.

Mum: Sheriff Shop called. Rafe's court is going to be next week. They will summon you and Sarah, but they might summon some of the Pogues also. 

I look up when someone dabs my shoulder. It was Sarah who is sitting next to me.

,,Your mum texted me." she shows me her screen, which says practically the same.
,,She texted me too." I comment afterwards. 

,,Cameron! Carrera! Put the phones down or I take them." the teacher says and when we look at him, we nod and put the phones away as he asked. I can't not notice how the whispering starts again. Great.


When the class ends, I get up as fast as I possibly can and get out. I don't wait for the others, because I really need some fresh air and alone time for a second. 

Unfortunately, Samantha gets in my way. I stop and roll my eyes at her.
,,Is it true?" she asks immediately and looks down on my neck, which is very uncomfortable.
,,Yes." I say and don't wait for another questions which would for sure came if I stay longer. I already told people I care about and I am not going to be amusement for others who hates my guts. 

I get out of the school and I keep going to my car. My phone starts to vibrate again in my pocket. Someone is probably calling me. I would take a hard guess and say it's the Pogues, because my parents wouldn't call me when I am in school. 

I get in my car and start the engine. My phone connects to the car so I can see JJ's name on my control panel when he calls. I deny the call and drive all the way to my house. 

I go upstairs without looking into the kitchen. I leave my bag and phone on my bed and put some swimsuit on. I text my mum when I am headed so she wouldn't worry again, but I don't really ask her for permission. Then I finally go to the garage to grab my surfboard and head to the nearest beach on foot.

I don't meet anyone on my way there, which is perfect. I don't need some more stares and whispering today. 

When my feet finally meet the see, I run in and dive in for a second. The waves are perfect today, so after I put the rope around my ankle, I start to swim and catch my first wave after so long. I don't even remember the last time I went surfing. I didn't really know how much I missed it till this moment. I get in my zone and block the rest of the word away. I finally have some peace for now.

I get tired after a while, so I lay on my surf and look at sun and rest before I get to it again. 


I keep surfing till my problems don't really matter, because how tired I get. I swim back to the beach where I recognize 5 people sitting next to each other. As I get closer I realize it's Pogues. How long are they sitting here?

I stop in front of them. 
,,What are you doing here?" I ask them immediately. 
,,Two hours? Give or take." Sarah answers me with a smile.
,,How did you know I was here?" I ask another question.
,,Your mum was worried, so she called me and asked what happened. She also told me where you went, because you actually texted her." Sarah answers again.
,,I am sorry, I didn't call you back, it was just too much." I look away from them.
,,I couldn't breathe and I had to get out of there." I bite my lip.
,,I also couldn't stay at home after yesterday, so I went here. I am really sorry, I should have at least texted. I didn't think." I take all my courage and look back at them. They don't look pissed as I thought they would, just worried. I don't know what I prefer more now when I see their faces. 
,,Don't look at me like that." I say. I get going again and head home.
,,You hungry?" I shout even though I don't stop. 
,,You ask like you don't know the answer to that!" Pope shouts back and I hear them get up. 
,,Pick me up at home." I say and they don't argue about me walking  there when I could drive with them. 
,,So, do you at least feel better?" Sarah catch up with me. 
,,I do. I am so tired, I don't give a fuck about others opinions." I smile and she chuckles.
,,Great." she nods.
,,I didn't know you can surf like that, by the way. You were amazing." she changes the subject.
,,I am the best for a reason." I say with a smile on my face.
,,I heard other's opinion on that one." she laughs and I give her a look.
,,If it was JJ's I don't care, he just can't accept the truth. However, if it was anyone else, I want names!" I joke, sort of.
,,JJ and John B." she's still laughing.
,,Start looking for another boyfriend because he's a dead man." I warn her.
,,What about yours? How come he gets to live?" she smile from ear to ear and wait for my response. Does she know? I mean we are not couple! Officially, that is.
,,I don't have one, did you hit your head or something?" I play it off.
,,I know you, Carrera. I know what's up." she says not buying it.
,,And I am from the outer circle, I can recognize the looks you two giving each other. So either you are lying to me right now or you haven't acknowledge that yet." she states.
,,Which is it, Kiara?" she asks and gives me another look like she knows everything already.
,,Alright Miss Know-it-all, I am sorry to disappoint you but you are totally off. My answer is neither of the two option you gave me, because there is a third one. You want to know what's that?" deny, deny, deny - isn't that what JJ always says? 
,,Sure Miss Deny-deny-deny." she chuckles because she knows she's right.
,,We are best friends who went through a trauma and are worried about each outer. That's. It." I end the conversation because we are outside of our house, so I run inside while she keeps laughing outside. 


,,I don't understand, why are you start laughing every time you look at me! It's annoying, Sarah!" JJ says when I get out because I had to change into some more appropriate clothes.
,,I already told you to ignore her. Multiple times, on multiple occasions." I stop next to Sarah.
,,She's annoying." JJ states and goes to Twinkie.
,,Stop it, Sarah." I punch her lightly when she starts to laugh again. This time when she looks at me.
,,I am sorry, but it's just even more obvious after our talk." she sits in the back, because Pope called shotgun. 
,,SO, I HEARD YOU THINK JJ'S THE BEST SURF, JOHN B." I change the subject when JB starts to drive. He shoots me a look through the rear view mirror.
,,You did!?" JJ whoops with delight.
,,Who told you that?" John B bites his lip, clearly nervous.
,,Your girlfriend." I smile at her. Payback. She rolls her eyes.
,,I also told her..." she starts, but I cut her off.
,,Fine, it doesn't matter!" I sigh. 
,,What!?" Pope turns around confused.
,,That's it?" JJ asks also confused, because when this topic comes, it's endless conversation. 
,,Yup." I nod and Sarah starts to chuckle again. 

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