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Me and the twins eventually get up and we drive to the next town so I could get everything back to the lady. Except for the gun.

After that we make a stop in local shop and I buy some Oreo to Kylie because it's her favourite and Reeses to Mal. We also buys some ingreadiens for dinner since the twins decided to cook for everyone tonight after the night we had.

,,So, what are we doing today?" Frankie asks when we get back to the Carrera's cabin.
,,Keep it down or Kylie will think of something you'll probably hate." I say and we go to the kitchen to place the bags on the kitchen counter.
,,I wasn't thinking you'll never come back." Kyle shows up out of nowhere. I roll my eyes and sit down on the counter.
,,They are cooking." I smile.
,,Oooh, I am starting to like you." Kyle nods.
,,You didn't like us?" Finnley asks and looks at Frankie.
,,Depends on the day. Today I do." Kyle smile and leaves.
,,Oh, you should probably check your room, Sarah found your closet!" Kyle shouts after me.
,,Oh great. They left without saying anything and she attacked my room too." I roll my eyes and hop down.
,,I'll go check." I say.
,,Wait! We are going first, maybe we'll find our clothes there you stole from us!" Frankie decides and they run there.
,,Fucking perfect." I sigh and follow after them.

,,We'll come back, it's a full house in there!" the twins turn around and go back down. I shake my head and walk into my... messy room.
,,The fuck?" I say.
,,Hey! Bad word!" Kylie shouts. I look up, she's in my bed... on my phone?
,,I lost it!" I point out.
,,The police found it." she comments.
,,Don't worry, no one missed you." she adds.
,,Funny." I roll my eyes and turn around and shout when I meet five pair of eyes looking at me.
,,Jesus Christ! I almost got a heart attack!" I step back.
,,I can do CPR, don't worry!" Mal says lying beside Kylie.
,,Huh? What the hell is going on right now?" I look from the girls at the Pogues.
,,What are you still doing here? I thought you left. Like, hours ago!" I take another deep breath.
,,We went to visit my dad and wow he had a lot to say." JJ says and goes to sit down next to Kylie. I follow him with my eyes.
,,Okey? Am I suppose to know what are you talking about?" I ask confused.
,,Yup." he nods.
,,Okey. I still don't get it." I look back at the four standing next to each other.
,,Why did you come back?" I raise my eyebrows.
,,You are not the only one who lives here, you know." Kylie says.
,,Yeah that's obvious, but... why are you hanging out in my room? I mean the cabin's huge." I state and look between them.
,,Your room is the nicest." Sarah says and points at my wardrobe.
,,Why don't you wear all this?" she changes the subject.
,,Okey, is this a dream or something?" I look down at me.
,,Did someone drug me?" I whisper to myself.
,,It's real, Mia." Kylie sits up.
,,Guess what?" Mal asks and I look up.
,,What?" I ask.
,,We are going painballing tomorrow." she smiles and I shake my head.
,,Absolutally not." I say.
,,Oh yeah, we already got teams! Sam and Jamie are coming tomorrow too!" Kylie joins her.
,,Key?" I sit down on my chair.
,,Maybe I am in another dimension." I say to myself.
,,Suprise!" my door opens up and all four Riley's brothes comes in, I just look up.
,,Nothing?" Tom asks and look at the Pogues.
,,Oh, hi there!" they wave at them.
,,I need to lie down." I say and move Kylie so I could do that, but I freeze for a second when I don't find the box from JJ on my night stand.
,,Looking for something?" JJ asks. I slowly turn to look at him.
,,I... guess not." I say more confused by the second and lie down.
,,Really? Still nothing?" Mark reminds their presents.
,,I'll get to you later." I say.
,,Well you don't get any gifts then, grumpy." Ryan comments.
,,Did you say.. gifts!?" Kylie shouts and the six of them walk away downstairs. I look up.
,,And you are still here." I say to myself and close my eyes at them.
,,Are you on drugs?" I ask and sit up.
,,Unfortunatelly not." John B shakes his head and sits down on my chair. Pope leans against my desk and the girls go back into my closet. JJ's sitting next to me leaning his back against the wall behind my bed.
,,Okey, different dimension it is." I decide and lie back down.
,,I hope superheroes exist in this one." Pope states and smiles.
,,I wouldn't be suprised." I nod.
,,Okey, what's this!?" Sarah comes back with more clothes.
,,Could you not?" I get up and go grab the dress from her.
,,Why I never saw this on you!?" she let me have it and goes back in. I follow her.


I chuckle when I see Kie's face before following Sarah inside the closet. She kicks them out soon after and closes the door.
,,Leave my clothes alone." Kie gives her a look.
,,Okey." Sarah nods and walks into her bathroom.
,,What do we have in here?" she says behind her. Cleo goes to stand next to Pope who puts his arm around her shoulders.
,,Hey! You were looking for this, right?" Sarah comes back into the room with the hair-straightener.
,,Oh yeah." I nod and Sarah litteraly throws it out of the window.
,,I mean, why? It was expensive!" Kie sighs.
,,I am putting you out of my will." she adds and looks out of the window.
,,Oh that! Want to explain?" Sarah crosses her arms and wait for Kie to turn around.
,,What?" Kie gives us a look.
,,You have a will?" Sarah elaborates.
,,I do. I inherited a lot of things, Sarah." Kie crosses her arms too.
,,But unfortunately for you, the house blew up so you get nothing." she adds.
,,You are eighteen." Pope says.
,,And? I still have lot of things and since we already went to the lawyer because of my dad's will, Kyle and I made ours too." she explains.
,,He's 25 and have a will too, it's normal. I am not preparing to die." Kie gives us a look.
,,Looks like it." I say.
,,Okey. What are you doing here? For real." she asks.
,,I already told you." John B looks up.
,,Sightseeing." he smiles.
,,It wasn't funny at 1 o'clock in the morning! It's still not." she frowns at him.
,,We are trying, okey?" Sarah states which at Kie raises her eyebrows.
,,Oh." she nods and looks at all of us.
,,Okey." she nods once again.

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