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,,Remember, you won't see us, but we will be there, okey? The minute they show up, we arrest them." Shoup reminds us.
,,But just in case they are quicker. Here." he places two guns on the counter.
,,I believe both of you know how they work." he gives us a look and we nod.
,,Also.." he goes into his car and comes back with two bullet proof west.
,,Take this. I won't take any chances. I got yelled at for not saving you once, I'm not doing that again." he shoots me a look and I nod again.
,,Kyle be here to pick up Kylie before we go. However it ends tonight, it will end tonight." I inform him and he nods as well with frown.
,,Okey, that should be it. I'll go get the warrent for them with the confession you got and it will be a hell of judge convincing since we already have someone in jail for the bomb." he says and walks off.
,,I go tell Kylie." I say and go find in the living room.

,,Hey, cutie." I sit down next to her and pause the TV.
,,Guess what?" I ask her. She looks up.
,,What?" she smiles.
,,You are going home tonight." I smile but she frowns.
,,How come?" she asks concerned.
,,You don't want to? I thought you would be happier about the news." I ask confused.
,,You said I am going home, what about you, Mia?" he bites her lip.
,,I'm coming home too, sweetie, I just have to help the police first, but your dad will came pick you up before that, that's why I said only you." I explain. I hope it will be the case.
,,You promise?" she asks.
,,I promise." I kiss her forehead.
,,While you'll be waiting for me, pick a book and I'll read it to you for a goodnight sleep." I look into her eyes.
,,Okey." she nods.
,,I'll hold you to that." she hugs me and we watch the rest of the fairytail.

I'll go text Kyle about the pick up and then cook us some late lunch while Rafe's figuring out all the details like them actually coming.


,,Yes?" Sarah picks up the phone which was ringing like five times because she was ignoring it thinking it's another reporter.
,,Yes, I'm with my friends." she frowns.
,,Excuse me!?" she gets up and starts to pace around.
,,You have to be kidding me, right!? She better didn't!" she says angrily to the person on other side.
,,Oh, she's lucky she's dead because I would kill her now." she shakes her head and I frown. The fuck, Sarah?
,,Sure, just tell them yourself." she places the phone on the table and puts it on speaker.
,,Hello, this is John Ambrouse from Charlestone lawyer office, am I speaking to JJ Maybank, John Booker Routledge, Pope Heyward and Cleo Grand?" a mam says over the phone. We all lean forward and exchange a look.
,,Yes?" Pope says for all of us.
,,I'm sorry for your lost but your friend Kiara Carrera put you into her will. Would you be able to stop by the next week so we could go over it?" he asks and my eyebrows are in space.
,,What!?" I ask angry.
,,She had a fucking will?!" John B asks another question.
,,Yes. She made it few days prior to her... death." the man says. I shake my head.
,,Un-fucking-believable." I lean back into the seat.
,,I'm sorry, I know this is a lot to process so please take your time and give me a call when you are ready to hear what was left for each of you. We can set a date then." the man decides it's pointless to say anymore that he already did.
,,Yeah, sure." Sarah says and hangs up. Then she looks at each of us.
,,Tell me this was just another joke." she sits back down.
,,Unfortunatelly, I don't think so." I get up and leave for a freah air so I wouldn't hurt someone.


Kyle comes by foot so no one would notice his car coming here. It's around 8:40 and we have to go in 20 minutes.

,,Oh my God!" he runs the rest of the way when he notices me in the dark. He hugs me instantly and doesn't let me go for good 5 minutes.
,,Okey." I step back.
,,I love you, bro, and I will tell you everything but we don't have time for it now." I rush him inside and don't let him ask any question why are we in rush because I made Kylie wait by the door kind of as a distraction.

Of course it only gives me 5 more minutes, when he turns back on me with Kylie in his arms with raised eyebrows.
,,What's happening? Why are you in such hurry and why am I only taking Kylie with me?" he ask and looks around just to find Rafe leaning against one of the walls.
,,We manage to get a confession from Reed and we have to help Shoup with convincing a judge for a warrent." I say our pre-made lie.
,,Still doesn't explain the hurry." he states.
,,I want to go home, Kyle. I am in hurry. Sooner we do that, sooner I can do that and stop pretending I'm dead." I explain.
,,Also, till I'll text you, no one can know that you have Kylie. Rylie can, but that's it, okey?" I step closer to him.
,,Okey." he steps closer too.
,,I know you are probably lying and I already learned that I can't stop you, but... you have to come back home. I don't care how, you just have to! Promise me, you'll be safe." he holds my eyes for a second.
,,I'll keep her safe." Rafe says out of nowhere. Both of us look at him.
,,I promise." he adds.
,,I don't like you, man, but.. I have to trust you on this." Kyle says to him.
,,I chose my side." Rafe looks at me for a second.
,,I did so much wrong when we were together and after that. I owe you a lot and I'm trying to do right by you this time." he says.
,,You know I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't have saved you that night." he adds and looks back at Kyle.
,,She'll be home tonight." he says again.
,,She better be." Kyle say and hugs me for a second.
,,Be safe, Kie." he kisses my forehead and leaves with Kylie. I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath.
,,You need to hold it together for a little longer." Rafe steps closer so I open my eyes.
,,Tonight is our only chance to get them. You can't think of any of your friends or your family. You need to stay on task and concentrate because we are doing this also for them. Can you do it?" he asks.
,,Yes." I nod.
,,Whatever happens, Kie, it ends today. With us." he states and I nod again.
,,It ends tonight." I agree.

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