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I wake up when someone bang on the front door. I forget about my wound and sit up faster than I probably should have, so I automatically holds my stomach.
,,Are you alright?" JJ asks me.
,,Peachy." I repeat what he said earlier, so he knows I am not. In that moment I realize how close we are and that I slept on him. Great. 
,,Who is that?" I ask and turn to the door. 
,,Cabe?" I ask confused when he walks in second later. 
,,Kiara Carrera!" he almost yells at me. I raise my eyebrows. What is he doing here? 
,,Hi." I say still confused because I don't know how he find me and what he knows. 
,,Hi? Really? Why aren't you in the hospital? Did you definitely lost it!?" he says angrily. I still don't get how he's here and how the hell he knows I should be in the hospital.
,,You are in Kingstone. I went to visit my dad yesterday when I run into Sarah and your friends. You were fucking shot, had a surgery and miraculously survived and here you are, like yesterday was my nightmare and in real world nothing happened and I just imagine that. But I haven't. It happened. Still here you are. In a fucking motel!" he yells some more. I sigh because I don't have enough energy for this. For him. 
,,Miraculously survived?" I ask, it's the only part I got curious. 
,,What do you mean by that?" I explain why am I asking.
,,The doctor said you should be dead. They don't understand how you survived this long." he explains not so angry anymore. But still pretty angry. 
,,They said it was miracle." he adds and looks at Sarah. I raise my eyebrows.
,,What?" I ask when they just look at each other without a world.
,,They don't really think it was miracle." Cabe looks back at me.
,,What?" I feel like 4 year old when I repeat this question again. Sarah explains me her theory. 
,,I was dead for three minutes, they stop resuscitate me after two. But then I start breathing again. Just like you should have bled out before we got to the hospital. It took us too long, but here you are." she looks me up and down.
,,I mean it wouldn't even surprise me." I admit after a minute.
,,Really? I hoped at least you have some sense, but I guess not." Cabe shakes his head in disbelief.
,,And I really think you should call your parents." he adds.
,,Yeah, maybe later." I say without even thinking about it. I don't want them to worry. The best case scenario, they won't even find out about this.
,,Now I need a shower." I decide. I need a break from this shit. Sarah helps me get up and grabs some clean clothes. She helps me undress in the bathroom and then she finally leaves me alone. I get into shower and I start to realize what happened in the last 24 hours. I don't even notice when I start to quietly cry.


When Sarah and Kie are in the bathroom, the room is silent. Awkwardly silent. I get up and take some food definitely girls did and take a seat around the table. Sarah gets out of the bathroom and moments after that a hear water running.
,,What happened anyway? Why aren't you in the hospital?" Caleb asks again. I answer him the same as I answered my friends when we came here.
,,Rafe." he repeat his name and his jaw hardens.
,,I don't understand why the police haven't arrested him already." he shakes his head.
,,Because he's Cameron, liar and psychopath." Sarah answer him.  
,,It's our word against his. We don't really have a proof it was him who shot Kie. And that he murdered sheriff Peterkin? Ward got that on himself and he's dead as long as everyone know. For my taste he's too much alive." I add.
,,No offense." I look at Sarah.
,,None taken. I agree with you." she nods.
,,He also killed my dad, so." John B adds.
,,Yeah, there's also that." Pope nods.
,,He should have listened to Kie and not get into that boat." Caleb shakes his head, we all look at him confused.
,,What?" he raises his eyebrows.
,,Kie talked to my dad before he left with Ward?" John B asks kind of hurt.
,,She wasn't talking to us then yet." Pope realize. Caleb slightly opens his mouth and looks at Sarah.
,,Kie didn't tell you? It was after what happened with.. Rafe." Cabe says more confused than we are right now.
,,I can see why she haven't told you now." he looks down at his feat.

Kie gets out of the bathroom. She looks at all of us and I can see in her face she knows something happened.
,,What?" she asked, John B garbs her arm and push her back into the bathroom. He locks the door behind them.


John B pushes me back into the bathroom and locks the door behind him. I raise my eyebrows confused at him.
,,Come on in." I say ironically. 
,,You saw my dad before he disappeared? Before he got into that boat with Ward?" he asks me mad.
,,Yes." I say truthfully. I knew he will find out someday, I was just hoping he won't find at all.
,,Why haven't you told me that!?" he raises his voice. Sarah unlocks the door. I don't even know how but he kicks him out before I can answer that.
,,How did he find out?" I ask immediately when she closes the door behind her.
,,Caleb accidentally said it." she answer me.
,,I don't want to tell them, Sarah. I don't want them to know what happened that night to led to the meeting with Big John." I admit.
,,I know." she hugs me.
,,But he deserves to know, you know that. It's his dad." she back away.
,,I know, but.. last 10 months I tried to forget about that night. I can't handle it to go back and relive it." I look down.
,,You don't need to tell them everything." she says sincerely because she know what happened.
,,I have to, because otherwise they wouldn't understand why I warn him not to get in." I admit what both of us know. I sigh heavily.

After a moment I finally open the door and go into the main room where is everyone. There is silent.
,,I am sorry, Kie." Cabe says when I get in.
,,Go away." I look at him with hurt in my eyes and he knows why. He goes to the door and opens them.
,,I'm sor.." Sarah shuts the door before he can finish that sentence. I look back at my friends and they have a lot emotion on their faces. Mad, hurt, impassion to know the truth. Except for J, his eyes looks at me differently. I don't know how, but they do.

I sit on the bed, Sarah sits next to me and holds my hand for support.
,,Did you know Ward murdered him?" John B asks when I take my time.
,,No, because everyone though he didn't make it. Everyone believed he had some work emergency and your dad went alone. He had witness who apparently lied, but no one questioned it. Not even me. I tried to forget about that night before he left so I believed him too." I say truthfully. 
,,Did you really think I wouldn't tell you if I knew he killed him?" I look at him directly in the eyes.
,,I don't know, Kie. When Caleb said it.. you were Kook in that time.." he doesn't finish the sentence and looks down instead.
,,I never stoped being your friend, even when we didn't talk." I clarify and looks everyone up. I remember the fight we had this summer with Pope. He said I wasn't there for John B, when Big John disappeared. When I stop at JJ, we stare at each other for a moment. He don't know what to think, I can see that. I can't see it in everyone's eyes except for Cleo, she don't know me. Maybe they are looking at me that way, like they don't know me at all.


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