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,,John B, you good? I want to film this!" I look at him.
,,They are falling down." Caleb laughs.
,,Why do you think I want to film it?" I ask.
,,Sure, I'm good." John B nods and I take out my phone and follow after the two. Mal and Mik already went to see.

John B

We look after them for a while before I turn to Sarah.
,,What do you think?" I ask her.
,,They are totaly back together." she states.
,,We knew it!" Pope and Cleo nods.
,,It was obvious since this morning." Sarah adds.
,,It was obvious since I heard them arguing in the 3 fucking morning." I state.

,,But why they didn't say anything?" I ask.
,,Wait, they are dating?" Jamie asks.
,,Why didn't you tell me, man!" she looks at Caleb and Sam.
,,They broke up." Cabe says.
,,Temporary." Sam adds.
,,I knew they love each other!" Jamie shakes her head.
,,Since when?" Sarah looks up.
,,Since the party at our house back in Kingstone. They were so obvious." Jamie nods.
,,No! You noticed before me!? I thought I was the first one." Sarah shakes her head.
,,Assholes." she adds.
,,I still don't get why they didn't tell us now!" I remind my question.
,,It's not like we don't know how they feel about each other this time around." I add.
,,You want to hear my guess?" Riley asks. I look up at her and nod.
,,I think she didn't want you to forgive her only because JJ did." Riley shrugs.
,,Make sense, but we have our own heads." I look back in front of me.
,,Anyway, we should head down or you'll freeze your butts here." Calab claps his hands and makes us get up.


,,Fuck, people! People!" JJ shouts and leans back. I pull him forward.
,,I see them, chill out. We go around. Make more pressure on your right leg and pull her back a little." I say.
,,What do I do with the other leg?" he asks.
,,Nothing." I say. He looks up at me.
,,I can't do all that at the same time!" he shouts scared.
,,You can. Chill! Out!" I repeat. He nods and tries to do what I told him, but he moves with both legs and crosses our snowboards. He start to fall back and because I'm still holding his forearms and he's holding mine, I fall with him. He screams. We start to roll down in the snow until we stop. JJ on top of me. I open my eyes, my goggles fell so I find his eyes.
,,Shit, sorry." he says and tries to get up, but he starts move down backwards still squating.

I sit up and look after him. I sigh.
,,How do I stop!?" he shouts and tries to get up. I stand up and go after him. I extand my hand and pull him up still moving.

We make it down without another fall and sit down on the edge of the slope.
,,Oh my God! Again! Again!" Kyle stops in front of us. I look up at him angrily.
,,I'm sorry." JJ says.
,,It was you first try and your tutor left you hanging." I shake my head at Kyle.
,,Because I wanted to see you fall!" he laughs.
,,Funny. Let's see who'll fall when we compete." I smile at him ironically.

We wait for the rest to come down. They give us a look.
,,You did it!" John B smiles.
,,They totally fell!" Kyle states.
,,It was to many things at once, okey?" JJ leans back.
,,Okey, let's go you three!" Cabe helps me up and we ride on the top again.

We secure our legs and put on our goggles. Then we stand next to each other and count it down.

It's a lot faster this time. All of try to make the others fall, I leave Kyle for last so they would all see. The twins bump into each other so we lose them behind us at the beggininh. Cabe falls thanks to Kyle so it's only between us.

I look at him for a second with a smile. I don't hold my speed back and almost on the bottom I ride so close to him, he leans back and falls. However I waited to long so I start to slow down too late.
,,Oh fuck." I have to lean back and fall so I wouldn't run into the Pogues. I tumble but stop right in front of them. I am lying on my back with snow everywhere. I sigh.
,,I don't think you are suppose to that!" Kylie comments my tumble.
,,I overestimated my speed and I think I broke my back." I say and look at the sky.
,,Ouch." Mal chuckles.
,,Karma." Kyle finally arrives with the rest four.
,,I won." I sit up paintfully.
,,Don't try this at home kids." Kyle laughs and shoots a look at the Pogues.
,,Where is the rest?" Cabe asks.
,,They went for lunch and drinks." Kylie says.
,,We were waiting for you five." she explains.
,,Alright, let's go." Kyle decides and we unzip our legs so we could go into the restaurant.

We have to sit by three tables because we wouldn't fit.

Kyle, Riley, Kylie, Hannah and Rick are sitting by one table.

Jamie, Sam, Caleb, me and the twins by second.

The Pogues and Mal by third. I would sit with them but Mal took the last sest next to JJ, because there are only six seat tables.

But it doesn't matter. It's just lunch. Well, that's what I thought at least, but our table feels more like an intorigation.
,,So you and JJ." Jamie smiles.
,,We broke up." I state and eat faster.
,,We heard differently." Jamie points out and the rest nods.
,,From who?" I look up.
,,The Pogues." Cabe says.
,,And they know how?" I play dumb.
,,They don't, because it's not true." I answer it before they can say anything.
,,You are such a bad liar, Carrera." Finnley shakes his head.
,,And you are all annoying." I finish my meal and get up. I go to the Pogues table and look at Malia.
,,I'll give you 20 dollars if you change a seat with me. I can't take them anymore." I say. She smiles.
,,Fifty." she says.
,,Done." I nod and she gets up. I sit down.
,,I would do it for the twenty." Mal states and leaves.
,,Finally." I lean into my chair and smile because of the peace.
,,What did they say that pissed you off?" Sarah asks. I sigh and look at her.
,,How could I though I won't be getting questions here?" I say instead.
,,Don't really know either." she chuchles.
,,So they had questions?" John B asks.
,,Many." I smile ironically.
,,How about, we play beaver of silence?" I suggest. I wave at my friend who works here because he know what drink I want.
,,That's boring." JJ states and eat the rest of his meal.
,,There you go, love." Chris places the sex on beach in front of me.
,,Thank you very much." I smile.
,,Are you going for karaoke night tonight?" he asks.
,,We are." I nod.
,,You are new." he looks at the Pogues.
,,Family friends." I say and take a sip of my drink. I smile when I taste the alcohol.
,,From OBX?" Christ asks.
,,Yeah, who are you?" JJ look him up and down.
,,Family friend." Christ smiles at him ironicaly. I exchange a look between them.
,,Okey, thanks for the drink. We see you tonight." I politely suggest that he should go.
,,Sure, love. See ya." he smiles at me and leaves to another table.
,,Okey, who was that again?" JJ asks while I drink my drink.
,,Family friend? You deaf?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
,,I heard him loud and clear. Love." he smiles.
,,Then don't ask." I ignore the point he was making. Sarah chuckles.
,,He has a crush on you, doesn't he?" she asks me.
,,He doesn't. He's really a family friend for several years. He and Kyle used to be inseparable." I explain.
,,So he's older!" Sarah looks behind me.
,,I'm sitting right here, babe!" John B shakes his head in disbelieve.
,,Chill out, he has his eyes set on Kie. I'm just checking if he has a potencial or not." she explains.
,,So how old?" she asks.
,,23." I say.
,,That was fast! Oooh." she smiles at me.
,,Because I knew the answer? What are you doing?" I ask confused.
,,Well, you are single again. No reason why you shouldn't take a chance when he's offering." she looks at me. JJ's hand moves on my thigh under the table and squeezes little. I roll my eyes.
,,I know what are you doing." I take another sip of my drink.
,,It's not working." I lean back.
,,You guys want something? I forgot to ask." Chris comes back.
,,I have a question." Sarah looks up.
,,Do you sing at the karaoke?" she asks right away.
,,Yeah?" he looks at me for a second.
,,Great! Kie was just thinking with who will she sing a duet. No one wants to in here! But you could save her out of her misery, right?" she looks back at me. Then JJ, who's still squeezing my leg. I place my hand over his and look up.
,,Sure. You could have ask yourself, love. You know I can't say no to you." he smiles.
,,I was just thinking about it. I would have asked, but I have yet to ask Caleb who might not want to leave me sing with anyone else but him. Let's just see." I smile.
,,Alright. Just text me when you ask him." he smiles and then look back at the Pogues.
,,Anything else?" he asks.
,,Beer thanks." JJ say.
,,Make it two." John B add.
,,Make it five. That's it." I say and he leaves.
,,You are deaf too?" I ask Sarah.
,,You just need a little push." she smiles.
,,I might push you off a cliff." I state.
,,Call Mall back. She was nicer." she rolls her eyes.
,,I doubt that." I shake my head.
,,I was!" Mal shouts from the other table.
,,Oh shut up!" I look at her.
,,Bad word! Bad word!" Kylie jump up.
,,Oh my God!" I lean my head back.
,,You shouldn't say that either!" Kylie shouts.
,,Kylie." I look up.
,,Zip it." I smile.
,,Or you'll end up in the pile of snow." I add.
,,Daddy! Your sister is mean to me! Do something!" she says.
,,Stop shouting, Mik." he says to her.
,,And you cut it or you'll end up in the snow too." he smiles. I shake my head.
,,Unbelivable." I say and finish my drink in silante while the Pogues get their beers. JJ already moved his hand from my leg so when I get up he can't stop me.
,,I'll pay and we go back snowboarding." I say to Kyle who nods.
,,Say hi to your lover from us." Sarah says before I can leave.
,,And I thought having a brother is annoying enough." I state.
,,You thought wrong." Sarah smiles.

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