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,,Must have been a ride when you two talk again!" Sarah comments.
,,Did you make out again like on the boat?" she asks as a joke.
,,Shit, we forgot that!" JJ turns around.
,,C'mon, let's go back and fix that!" he winks at me.
,,Don't push your luck, Maybank." we sit down on the couch.
,,It's a joke, right? Or are you two for real?" Pope asks. Both of us look at him.
,,Just asking." he shrugs.
,,You know us." I say instead so I wouldn't lie completaly, because this is going to come up eventually and I know already he's going to be mad. Don't have to add to the fire when he realize that we lied.
,,And what about you and Cleo?" JJ asks.
,,What's with the and?" he asks.
,,Going for an another question?" JJ says like a question.
,,Hm." Pope nods for a seconds.
,,We talk." he adds.
,,Mkey." JJ nods also.
,,Why are you so weird?" John B asks confused and exchanges a look between them.
,,I think both of us know why, don't we, JJ?" Pope says kind of angry.
,,Ehm, not really." he lies. Shit.
,,I think you do." Pope repeats and looks at me for a second.
,,Why would you say the and if nothing is going with you two? You know something is going on between me and Cleo clearly, so when I ask about you two, you didn't really deny it, which you are excelet at, and then ask and what about me and Cleo?" he explains.
,,It was me who answered your question actually." I remind him. Pope looks at me.
,,The fact stays the same, you haven't denied it." he says.
,,Why?" he asks.
,,Is it because it would be a lie and need I remind you, we don't lie to each other?" he says and I try not to look away.
,,It was a yes or no question anyway, so which is it?" he asks again.
,,You are being paranoid, Pope. There's nothing going on between them, right?" John B says, so I look at him. Then I look at Sarah next to him, who looks more nervous than us.
,,Answer him, it's also yes or no question." Pope reminds himself.
,,And try not to lie or say anything else again." he suggest. I exhange a look with JJ.
,,So?" John B asks.
,,Deny it, so we can finally change this stupid subject." I look back at him.
,,They can't, John B, don't you see that?" Pope gets up.
,,What...?" John B says confused and looks between me and JJ back and forth.
,,We can't." JJ finally says out loud. Pope freezes for a moment before he looks back at us.
,,It's not a big deal..." I start, but Pope interupts me.
,,God, you're such a slut. You had to try all of us, didn't you? When you get tired of JJ, will you get after Sarah also? And what then, hm?" he steps closer.
,,Okey, you should take a breath." JJ stands up.
,,It's fine, J." I say and look down.
,,Yeah, it's fine, J! Don't get too much comfortable with her, she'll dump you in week, you see!" Pope comments.
,,Jesus, man, get over yourself. It didn't work out between you two and you are not really blameless!" JJ doesn't stop like I asked.
,,I am! I was good to her and she just used me and then threw me away like a trash!" Pope says.
,,She told you it's never gonna happen and then shit happened with Ward! Don't you think that's conviniet change of heart?! You used her as well!" JJ shouts back at him.
,,Okey, maybe we should all..." John B stands up too.
,,Shut up, it doesn't concern you!" Pope goes after him too.
,,She used you first!" he adds.
,,She didn't, I kissed her." John B reminds him.
,,You what?" Sarah asks.
,,Before we even started talking, it was when this all started." John B explains.
,,Oh, okey. Good to know." she roll her eyes but I can say she doesn't really care.
,,When did this started anyway!? It's hard to say, was it when we were still together?!" Pope asks.
,,First of all, we weren't officialy together. We..." he cuts me off.
,,We what!? Was it a game for you?! I was in love with since I met you, Kiara!" he looks at me.
,,So, when did it started? Were we together? Did you play it on both sides and then decided?!" he asks again.
,,No. How could you even suggest that?!" I ask him.
,,I mean, wouldn't suprise me after finding out how much big of a slut you shown out to be!" Pope says.
,,Okey." JJ says before he punches Pope into the face.
,,That was twice you called her that." JJ coments.
,,That was twice more that I like." he adds. Pope looks at him.
,,Did you just punch me!?" Pope asks, I stand up between them right when Pope throws punch back so I take it instead of JJ. I almost fall but I just stumble.
,,Shit, I'm sorry!" Pope takes a step back.
,,You okey?" JJ takes a look at my face for a second before he turns around and punches Pope again and then it goes down. They go into each other and break some thing in the way.

John B tries to get them away from each other while Sarah looks at me face.
,,Your eye looks... great!" she lies. I frown.

,,That's enough!" John B finally seperates them.
,,Jesus, guys!" he gives both of them a look.
,,You are like bunch of kids! Get it together! Now! We are practicaly adults!" he shakes his head and shoots me a look.
,,You good, Kie?" he reminds my presence.
,,Peachy." I say, JJ realizes what that means, which I regret saying the moment he takes step closer to Pope. John B pushes him backwards.
,,No, not doing that again, JJ!" he warns him. 
,,It's fine, J. John B's right." I say. JJ looks at  me.
,,I know what Peachy means!" he reminds me.
,,That you're not fine!" he adds and gives Pope a death stare, but he's looking at me now.
,,I should go." Pope annouce and practically flies away.
,,That went real smooth, guys." Sarah goes inside for an ice I can put on my eye.
,,You don't look suprise." John B realize when she gets back.
,,I'm not." she shakes her head.
,,Figured that out a week ago." she adds.
,,Oh, okey? Why didn't you tell me?" John B asks.
,,You tell me every boring crap but you forgot to mention this?" he asks her.
,,Wasn't up to me to say anything." she explains.
,,And they didn't actually confirm it when I asked." she adds while we sit back down.
,,Mkey. This was interesting day." John B looks back at us.
,,Can't really say I am suprised either." he says.
,,Was actually suprised that didn't happen sooner with your flirt comments all the time." he adds.
,,Yeah, well." I shrug.
,,What do we do about Pope?" I ask.
,,He's really mad." I continue.
,,I noticed." JJ says and looks at his knuckles which are from blood.
,,You shouldn't have punched him, you know. He's hurt, he didn't mean what he said." I say.
,,I don't care if he's hurt, he shouldn't have talk to you like that." JJ gives me a look.
,,You're not wrong there, brother." John B agrees.
,,Well, at least someone agrees!" JJ says.
,,Even if Kie wouldn't be your... girlfriend, I guess, he should never say those things about you. I would have punched him too if you wouldn't do it, but just once." John B adds. I wait for JJ to say I am not official his girlfriend, but he doesn't. He just nods.
,,Okey then, this was fun and all, but I have to go home and think of an excuse how I got this." I point at my eye.
,,I'll drive." Sarah gets up as I do.
,,Alright, we see you later than." John B gives Sarah a kiss and me and JJ goes ahead.

,,Didn't expext that to happen today." we stop next to the passanger door.
,,Me either." I look at him. He runs his thumb over my injury.
,,You took another injury meant for me, Carrera." he states unhappy.
,,Wasn't trying to this time. Didn't expext Pope to punch back to be honest." I say.
,,I'm sorry." he says.
,,It's not your fault." I shake my head.
,,It kind of is. Fucking and." he reminds and I chuckle at that.
,,Well at least it's out. This was coming anyway, right?" I ask.
,,Sure it was, don't think I regret that." he interfierce our fingers.
,,We should talk about the girlfriend thing." I say and he smiles.
,,Sure, girlfriend." he jokes and I chuckle again.
,,You're an asshole, do you know that?" I ask him.
,,I do." he smiles and kisses me slowly for a second.
,,Oh wow, didn't dream that one happening." we step away from each other and look at John B and Sarah. I shoot him the finger.
,,Alright, bye bye." I say and kiss JJ quickly this time before I get inside of the car. Sarah gets in also and drives home.

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