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Everyone is waiting outside when I park my car. I get out very quickly. John B and Pope are by JJ's door in seconds helping him out. They take a look at him, still covered in blood, and then they look at me. I shake my head still angry at him because he went with Luke willingly. They don't ask anything, they help him inside. Sarah and Cleo follows them to help with his injuries. I stay outside, glued to my spot.

Don't get me wrong, I am still worried about him and hope he won't need to go to hospital, but man... am I mad out of my mind? Yes I am! At him! At fucking Luke! At the fucking world!

I shake my head and get back in the car. I drive away so I wouldn't yell at him, because he's hurt and doesn't need that right now.

I drive through Outer Banks just to clear my mind. I stop when I recognize Riley at the shop. I turn the car and go to her. This shit needs to end now also. I park my car and go talk to her.

,,Hey." I say behind her back. She turns around.
,,Kie." she smiles.
,,Can we talk?" I ask her. She nods and we head to the beach near by.
,,Topper told me what they did, yesterday. I had no idea." I start. She gives me a look.
,,Look I thought we were friends and I don't even know if they are telling the truth, but I want to make things clear between us." I add.
,,Which truth? I heard a lots of rumours since I came back." she crosses her arms.
,,That you threten me and that's why they planted the drugs." I say what they told me. She shakes her heas and looks away.
,,That's not what happened at all. I mean they might have got it wrong but certainly not Rafe." she says.
,,I am not crazy Kie. I think you have an idea how Rafe really is since you two are not together anymore." she continues and looks at me again.
,,He hurted me, that's why we broke up. When I heard he has a new girlfriend, I was worried something might happen to you too. I hang out with you to see, to observe for myself. When he started using and then shit started to happen I was threatening him. I told him to break up with you or I tell you what he did to me. Then I was arrested. I think he lied to Topper and Kelce too, because they think I am onto you now." she explains.
,,I had no idea that he was this way till the night he almost raped if my best friend didn't stop him." I say. She looks up at me.
,,My best friends never showed up. You were lucky." she sighs.
,,Oh my God... I am so sorry." I take a step closer.
,,I want to get him, not you, Kie. I don't know if you trust me or..." she starts.
,,Rafe shot me, I almost died. Then he held a gun at my head. I mean if I have to choose who to trust, my answer would never be Rafe." I say truthfully. She might be lying, but I stand by what I just said.
,,Jesus." she shakes her head.
,,I had him arrested but I had to take my charges back so he would safe my friend's life. I almost got him but I couldn't let her die. I'm sorry." I state.
,,I get it. You are a good person. You always were." she nods.
,,We get him." she adds.
,,And his father. Rafe also shot Sarah and they still think they can be happy family again. She's living with us now, but... he'll be back for her." I explain her the whole situation.
,,They are psychopats." she states and I nod at that.
,,Rafe's trying to convince everyone he has changed but I don't buy it." I say.
,,He's full of shit, if you ask me." she smiles lightly.
,,That's an understatment." I nod.
,,So, are we good?" she asks.
,,Of course. You know I have always liked you. That didn't change." I smile.
,,Do you have any plans?" I ask her. She shakes her head.
,,Convicted fellon, no one really wants to be seen with me." she reminds me.
,,Oh don't worry, my reputation is to hang out with the bad crowd anyway." I smile and lead her to my car.

I park outside of my house and lent her a swimsuit. I grab mine and Sarah's surf.

We decided in the car to go night surfing. Her mum was a Pogue before she married a Kook so Riley knows how to surf. I text mum I am going to the beach with Riley, but once again, I don't ask for permission.

We head on foot to the beach. We surf for a while, before we just lie down on the surfs and look at the sky.
,,I remember when Sarah tought us the constalation." she says.
,,I do too. I was just explaining them to my asshole boyfriend few nights ago." I say.
,,You can pick a man, Kie. I can tell you that." she chuckles.
,,I mean, he's not like Rafe at all, but did he made me furious tonight so I could punch him if he wasn't hurt? Yes he did." I sigh.
,,So, does he have a name?" she asks.
,,JJ." I answer her. She shifts on her board so I look to find out she's already looking at me.
,,JJ Maybank?" she asks with a smile.
,,That would be him." I nod and look back at the stars.
,,Girl, you are luckyyyy." she says with enthusiasm.
,,Got enough for your evil plan to take me down?" I joke and chuckle.
,,Oh, you just gave me pure gold!" she laughs back.
,,I'm so sorry what they did. I can't imagine what you went through." I say.
,,It's fine. At least I was safe from him. You've got it worse." she says with sadness in her voice. I know she's telling the truth.
,,So, are you coming back to school?" I ask her.
,,Yeah. Tomorrow, but not back at Kook academy, they wouldn't take me back. Bad reputation for the school you know. But I am not mad about that, I wouldn't want to go back there anyway." she says.
,,So, you are going to my school!" I sit up.
,,You are not going to Kook academy anymore?" she asks.
,,No. After what happened with Rafe, my parents let me go back to Pogues." I explain.
,,Great. I'll see you there then." she smiles.
,,For sure, but be prepared. They can gossip just as Kooks. I know!" I shake my heads.
,,Well, don't worry, they might forget you since I will be the new hot news." she reminds me.
,,You won't go through that alone. I promise." I smile and lie back down.

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