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I take a step back, I need to cool down before we head back. I wish to be back in her room so I wouldn't need to stop kissing her right about now, but it's my birthday and we are here to drink to that, even thought I don't think it's something we should even celebrate. 

I look back at her, she's still smiling from ear to ear.
,,Don't look at me like that." I say to her. Her smiles gets even larger.
,,Like what?" she asks.
,,Like I want to kiss you again." I say truthfully.

She looks down, because both of us know I am right. We haven't talk about it yet, but I guess we know we need to keep this a secret, at least for now, I don't think I won't be able to stay away from her in front of them much longer, but now I have to. We have to.

,,We should go back." I say and she nods. I take her hand in my for a second and intervene our fingers. Both of us look at our hands, but after that second comes to an end, I let go of her hand and head back without another word, because if I look up at her, I wouldn't certainty say anything, we'd be back kissing agains JB's house facade again.

,,Good talk?" John B asks when we step back on the porch.
,,Well, there wasn't a yelling." Kie says looking at Sarah.
,,But the hugging part came." she adds and sits down. 
,,Aw, you could have done that here." Sarah states. I exchange a look with Kie. Matter of fact, Sarah, we couldn't.
,,JJ hates showing his emotions to us." John B says and for once I am grateful for his comment.
,,I just didn't want to amuse Sarah, anymore. She's pain in my ass for an hour now." I say and get another beer. I give Kie one too.

The rest of the night, we talk about nothing and everything just enjoying our time together, which we haven't had in a long time.

Sarah and John B goes to sleep first. Then Pope with Cleo, which I totally think there is something going on there, but anyway.. we stay up last. 

I look at Kie and my eyes goes to her turtleneck, I don't ask her about seeing it or anything, I promised her, she can tell us and then we get drunk, and that's what I am doing.

We talk for a little while longer, before she fall asleep on my shoulder. I don't move, I am just drinking my beer and smiling for some reason.

Eventually I carefully lay her down on the couch and lay myself in the other one. 



My alarm goes off at 7 o'clock, so I turn it off and slowly get up. I place a small kiss on John B's cheek but he just turn on the other side of his bed and keeps sleeping.

I chuckle at that and go to the kitchen. Everyone's still asleep so I make 6 coffees and I sign when yesterday events hit me again. I kind of feel like this is all my fault, even though everyone says it isn't.

I hate Rafe with all my guts. My father too. I just hope that Wheezie is okey. I promised her I won't leave her again but here I am. Away from her without an explanation, I haven't even thought about her when we run away from that boat. What kind of sister that makes me? Maybe I am not that different from the rest of the Cameron's.

I take a deep breath and go to wake everybody up. I can't think about it or I'll go insane. I go to wake Kiara and JJ last. I stop in the doorway and look at them. When my eyes lay on Kie, I sigh. One tear leave from my eye, so I immediately wipe it off.

,,It's not your fault, Sarah." John B stops besides me.
,,Whose else is it then? Rafe were there looking for me. I'm his sister, of course it's my fucking fault." I look away so he can't see my face. 
,,It's not your fault just as it isn't JJ fault that Rafe shot her." he cups my face and forces me to look at him.
,,Okey?" he smiles at me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. 
,,She would be so much better without us in her life." I point out.
,,She wouldn't, you know that. You're just sad and mad now." he corrects my thoughts. I sigh again and wrap my arms around him. 

Kiara's alarm goes off suddenly on the table, JJ shoot up and falls down from the couch. Kiara sits down slowly and grabs her head in her hands. I shut off the alarm clock on her phone, because neither of them seem to be capable to do that.

,,Morning, sunshines." Pope and Cleo shows up with two extra coffees for them. JJ gets up and takes the cup from Pope's hand, then they sit on the couch again. Cleo place Kiara's cup on the table in front of her.
,,You okey?" I ask her. She gives me a thumb up.
,,Never better." she says ironically. 
,,Whose ideas was to drink in a week day again?" she asks even though we all know the answer.
,,Who would you say?" Pope chuckle.
,,I didn't force you to drink, okey? That was your own choice. Freedom and all." JJ defends himself. I chuckle at that, because he's right.

Kiara gets up.
,,I need to change my clothes, do you think we have time to stop at home?" she looks at me and I look at the time.
,,Noup." I shake my head.
,,Great." she sighs.
,,I borrow something here then." she sighs again.
,,It's on your own risk, can't guarantee it's mine or it's clean." John B says.
,,Yeah, that's why I sighed just now." she gives him a look and go inside. I follow after her.
,,I didn't have time to wash up!" John B shouts after us.
,,Maybe you should!" I call after him.
,,Don't even bother, it's the same story every time a word comes to it." Kie rolls her eyes at me. I chuckle.

We step inside JB's room and Kie goes directly to his wardrobe as I sit down on the bed.


I look through his shirts when I find some familiar one. I smell it for a second but it's clean, fortunately for me. I take off my turtleneck and in that moment I remember I fucked up right now. I freeze. I didn't want them see my bruises. 

,,Don't worry about it." Sarah says and helps me out from the turtleneck. I look down and put on the shirt I find in John B's wardrobe. 

I head to the bathroom to asses how it looks like. My mouth falls open when my neck is practically purple-green from his hand print. 
,,They are all gonna notice." I say.
,,The kids in school." I add.
,,I think they might already know if Rafe was arrested last night. It might have been in the evening news." Sarah says remorsefully.
,,I'm sorry, Kie." she adds. I turn around to look at her.
,,Don't. It's not your fault, Sarah." I go closer to her and grab her hands in mine.
,,I am glad you weren't there, might have ended up much worse than some bruise that will heal." I smile at her. She nods slowly.

I brush my teeth after that. I notice everyone has toothbrush here now except for Sarah. So far.

On our way out I pick some sweatshirt, which I leave open. When we step outside, everyone eye my neck for a second.
,,If anyone says anything, be prepared to walk to school." I say and grab my cup of coffee. I look down and see that JJ is asleep again. I finish my coffee fast and then punch him to his shoulder, he opens his eyes annoyed. 
,,Let's go, school's waiting." I say and head to my car. 

,,I'm going in the Kook's car!" JJ shouts at all of them and hop into my car quickly. I give him a questioning look. 
,,Since when.." I don't even have a chance to finish my question.
,,I am not letting you out of my sight." he buckle ups and wait for me to drive. I don't.
,,J." I sigh.
,,Shut it, Kie. I am not letting you out of my sight, get in peace with it." he smiles at me innocently. I sigh again and drive us to school.

When I park in the parking lot, none of us move. I stare ahead of myself and wondering what they know. 

I am pulled from my thoughts when JJ takes my hand in his and squeezes my hand for support. 
,,We are all here for you, ignore the rest of them like we do every day." he smiles at me.
,,Okey." I nod in agreement even though I don't know if I can do that, because today isn't like every other day. 

Today is the day after. After what happened and like Sarah pointed out, they all probably heard about it, which I hate. 

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