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,,The fuck he's doing?" Sarah asks and nods in JJ's direction. I look there already knowing what I'll find, because he's at it since he stormed away. He's talking to another girl standing too close. I'm not mad only for one reason only. He wants me to get angry at him. To yell at him, so he can do that too.

,,Trying to piss me off." I roll my eyes and take another sip of my beer.
,,Is it working?" Cleo asks.
,,Of course, but I won't let him the satisfaction." I nod at her.
,,I know JJ since third grade. He won't cheat on me, he's just pretending he will, so I would storm there and yell at him. He doesn't do emotions." I explain the best I can.
,,I couldn't pretend that I don't see it like you do." Sarah points out and shoots look in JB's direction. He's talking to someone from school. Pope's there too, but he has eyes on Cleo next to us.
,,Let's see. I can give him a taste of his own medicine." I drink the rest of my beer and find someone in the crowd.
,,Kelce! Perfect." I say and smile at the girls. They chuckle and I leave them.

,,Hey." I stop next to Kelce.
,,Hey, Kie." he turns around.
,,I'm sorry abo..." he starts.
,,Don't." I shake my head.
,,I'm here to get a break from it all." I state.
,,Okey. Want a beer?" he asks and I nod.
,,Thanks." I take it from him.


I peak to look at Kie, but she's not with the girls anymore. I sigh and step back from the girl. I wanted her to get jealous and storm here to yell at me, because... can't explain why. I just needed her to. But she's must know what I am doing.

Sarah notices my step back and waves at me. She aslo smiles at me ironically and tells something to Cleo, who nods after a second.

,,Fuck this." I say to myself and look around to find Kiara. She's talking to Kelce and they are laughing. Oh, she wants to play I see. I won't give her the satisfaction to going there and stop her. I take another beer and go find John B and Pope.
,,Did you finaly gave up?" John B ask me.
,,Gave up?" I play dumb.
,,Oh, please, all of us know what were you doing there with the girl. At least we OG's do." Pope comments.
,,I'll give it to Kiara that she didn't do anything." he adds and chuckles.
,,Doubt any other girl would stay by while her boyfriend flirted with someone else in front of her." John B nods.
,,I don't understand how she's still with you to be honest. I would have killed you after a week." Pope shakes his head.
,,She's too stuborn. It's annoying." I shake my head mad.
,,You are lucky to have a girl with that much of a patience." John B pats my back.
,,So you finally gave up?" Sarah and Cleo join us. I give them a look.
,,Even they know." JB nods at them.
,,Oh no, we didn't. I would have beat your ass and broke up with you like 2 hours ago. Kie just finished her drink and went to talk to someone else who's interested." Sarah comments.
,,What do you mean interested?" I frown.
,,I mean.. c'mon.. have you seen Kie? Who wouldn't be interested? Even these two have tried at one point." Sarah and Cleo chuckles. The boys too.
,,Thanks for the reminder." I smile ironicaly.
,,But.. let's be real for a moment." Sarah steps closer and I raise my eyebrows.
,,Cut the shit or you'll lose her." she smiles and pats my shoulder.
,,She's right." Cleo nods.
,,I wouldn't have the patience for you." she adds.
,,Me neither." Sarah steps back and takes a sip of her beer. I look behind me to find Kie talking to Riley now. No Kelce in sigh.
,,I'll keep that in mind." I turn back at them.
,,You should tattoo it on your forehead. Better chance of you remembering it." Cleo winks at me.
,,Ha, funny." I shake my head.
,,So, are you going to go to her and appologize?" Sarah asks.
,,Can't do." I shake my head.
,,Why not?" Pope asks.
,,Because she's waiting for it and both of us know it. Why do you think I am still here and listening to you all?" I shake my head.
,,Oh my God." JB shakes his head.
,,I can't." Sarah shakes her head and the girls leave.
,,We should find some shovels." Pope looks at John B.
,,Why?" I asks confused.
,,For when Kie's going to kill you tonight." he explains.
,,To hide your body." John B nods.
,,Funny again." I shake my head and leave them.


,,He's a dumbass." Sarah states.
,,He won't apologize because that would mean you win this 'game' or whatever." Cleo adds.
,,Figured." I nod.
,,Just go yell at him. Please!" Sarah gives me a look.
,,I can't do that, S." I shake my head.
,,You don't get it. He wants that.. because he's used to it. He's used to being yell at from his dad after he fucks up or he thinks he fucked up. Why do you think he was coming home again and again? He knew what's going to happen. He wanted to get punished, so he could forget that he fucked up or stop feeling guilty, because he was in physical pain. I won't do that and that's pissing him off." I try to explain better this time.
,,We all know it." I add.
,,We know him." I state.
,,I am not even mad about what happened. I am sure Rafe provoked him, but then I got punched which he didn't count and he's mad at himself. Blames himself. He wants me to yell at him that he's asshole and he should have keep it together. And I didn't." I give them a look.
,,So what are you going to do?" Cleo asks.
,,Nothing now." I say.
,,After he calms down a bit, I'll talk to him." I add.
,,It's kind of funny. I am the opposite, I keep it all in and I need the yelling to get it out." I chuckles even though it's not funny.
,,You two are something." Sarah shakes her head with a smile.
,,Hey guys." I freeze when I recognize Reed's voice behind me. The letter comes to my mind while I turn around and stand next to Sarah, who's now standing between me and Cleo. Should be safe enough.
,,Hey, Reed." Sarah says but I can hear in her sweat voice she took something what I said to her heart.
,,Didn't know you would be here." he looks between all of us.
,,Kie." he nods at me.
,,I still don't like you." I remind him.
,,I remember." he nods still smiling.
,,I don't know why, we used to be friends before you started to date Rafe." he adds.
,,Anything he might have said, it's probably a lie. Dude can't be taken seriously." he looks at Sarah.
,,Sorry not sorry." he says.
,,You are probably right." she nods.
,,Yeah, probably." I state.
,,Just keep your mind open before you judge me." he looks back at me and then looks up.
,,Don't tell her what to do." JJ stops beside me and places his hand on my back.
,,JJ, right?" Reed asks.
,,Yes." he nods. Reed looks between us.
,,So you have another boyfriend?" he asks and JJ's grip tightens slightly around me.
,,I don't think it's your business." I state.
,,But I do." I add even though I'm sure he knew that if he really took those pictures we found in my dad's office.
,,Hey Reed." John B and Pope comes to us.
,,Hey." he looks at them.
,,John B and..." he looks at Pope.
,,Pope." he says.
,,Right. Sorry, it was a quick introduction yesterday and I am not good with names." Reed chuckles nervously. Such an actor.
,,So, what are you doing here?" Sarah asks.
,,Heard there's a party tonight. Wanted to see if I run into some of my old friends before I had to move." he explains.
,,Don't let us stop you in your quest." I state with fake smile.
,,Always pleasure to see you, Kie." he fake smiles at me too.
,,It's Kiara for you." I say.
,,Of course it is." he nods.
,,Are you such a sunshine all the time or am I special?" he asks.
,,You know what, you don't have to answer that, I can guess the reason why you changed so much since I last saw you." he smiles like Rafe does when he's in psychopatic zone. I cross my arms on my chest.
,,She's sunshine to her friends alright." JJ says. I am suprised Reed didn't get punched yet.
,,Right." Reed laughs.
,,That's why you weren't talking to each other till I came? I bet you are tired of her already too." that does the trick. But it's not JJ who punched him. I mean he steped forward to do it, but John B was quicker.
,,Something else to say?" JB asks him when Reed narrows back. His face is different, like the punch woke him up. I can see the realization he fucked up from his perfect presentation.
,,I'm sorry." he looks back at me.
,,I didn't mean to say that." he adds but JJ steps in front of me so he couldn't look at me anymore.
,,Get lost." JJ says. Reed waits for a second before he leaves.
,,You might have a point." Sarah looks at me.
,,You think?" I shake my head.
,,He's worse than Rafe." I add.
,,Trust me on this." I give them all a look.
,,You good?" JJ turns around and finds my eyes.
,,Just great." I nod.
,,Can we go now?" I ask and we head back to the parking lot.

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