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After surfing, we regroup back at John B's house. Me and Sarah borrow some clothes to change while the boys change into their own clothes. Cleo goes to work around 6 o'clock and we sit on the porch.
,,That was nice, right?" John B asks carefull.
,,Yeah it was!" Sarah says cheerfully.
,,I don't understand why you didn't took me sooner when we started talking!" she looks at me.
,,I tried Sarah, but you were stricly against it!" I remind her.
,,Oh, that." she nods in agreement.
,,Well, you should have push me harder. I love it!" she smiles from one ear to another.
,,So what do we do? Do you have some games in here?" she asks.
,,I am not playing another game with you Cameron!" JJ shakes his head.
,,Why!? We had so much fun last time!" she winks at him.
,,You had fun! I haven't! Fucking scrabble." he points out.
,,When did you two played scrabble?" John B asks confused.
,,You know... when we played." Sarah lies. Pope rolls his eyes.
,,We weren't invited bro." he says but I was waiting for some harsher comment.
,,I mean, no one invited JJ either. You know where we live." Sarah plays it into the safe zone.
,,I am sure JJ went there for scrabble." Pope nods and drinks his beer.
,,Anyway, do you have something here?" she asks.
,,They do not." I answer instead of them.
,,We are not kids you know." JJ comments.
,,Are you saying we are kids?" she leans closer ready to argue.
,,Kind of." he nods and chuckles.
,,Asshole, you had fun. You know what!? We don't need a board game physically here. I know a game!" she takes out her phone.
,,Don't say GUESS WHO??" I roll my eyes.
,,It's Guess who?!" she smiles and turns around her phone so we could see and she couldn't.
,,You three know it?" she asks.
,,I bet you a milion dollars they do not." I asnwers instead of them again.
,,Doesn't matter. It's very simple, so even you will get it JJ." she chuckles and JJ shoots her a finger.
,,So there's a word on the screen and you have to describe it to me so I would guess it, but you can't say the word. If I get it right we move to the next one and I have a point, if I don't and give up, we move to the next one also but I lose a point. Got it?" she asks.
,,But why would we help you to get the point? I mean who has the most points wins, right?" JJ asks.
,,He has a point." John B backs him up.
,,Because we are friends and it doesn't really matter who has the most points. It's funny when you try to discibe it without saying it. That's the purpouse of this game." she explains.
,,Alright, I have a better idea!" John B stands up and disapeares into the house for a second. He comes back with paper, pen and tape.
,,We write a word on this paper to the person on the right next to us and then tape it on their forehead so they wouldn't see it. We take turns, who has their turn, they can ask only yes or no question and if they get a yes, they can ask another question, if we say no, it's another person turn." he explains his idea.
,,You sure you can manage that, Kiara? Yes or no question I mean." Pope asks.
,,I try my best." I give him an ironic smile.

I am typing something for JJ and John B's typing something for me.

I write Second-best-surfer and tape it on his forehead.

JJ's typing something for Pope. Pope to Sarah, Sarah to John B and like I said, JB to me.

JJ chuckle and tape the paper on Pope's forehead. It says Pope. Sarah starts to laugh and Pope gives her a look.
,,That's a good one." she comments.
,,Don't worry, it is a normal word." she adds to calm him down.

Sarah writes Bird to John B and Pope writes Surfboard for Sarah.

We actually manage to have fun with this game. John B won the game, Pope was second, then JJ, Sarah and I was the last one. I was the color Blue, which is my favorite color but I couldn't figure it out.

,,Alright, school tomorrow kids. We should go." Sarah gets up.
,,I'll drive you." John B says.
,,Can you drive me too?" Pope stands up also.
,,I am not staying here alone." JJ gets up too.
,,Guess we are all going." I sum up the conversation and we go to the Twinkie.

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