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After I stop crying and get myself together, I go downstairs and pick up the landline. I look down my parents landline and call them. When it rings for a while I thought about I should have called in daylight not when they are sleeping.

I go outside and sit down in one of the patio chairs.
,,Rick? What the fuck, it's early, did something happened?" my mum answers the phone. 
,,It's me mum." I say.
,,Kiara? Oh, you are okey." she sighs in relief.
,,Yes, I am Caleb's. I am sorry I didn't call sooner." I say with guilt in my voice.
,,Something happened that day I disappeared with the Pogues. Ward Cameron turned out to be alive and he kidnap Sarah on some boat, we went to rescue her and when we did, we took a boat and ended here, we thought it was deserted island at first, that's why I didn't call sooner." I lie only at the end, so she wouldn't worry.
,,That's not totally true." I admit because I am tired of lying to them.
,,When we got here, Rafe followed us and he shot me, I am fine, but I was in surgery, that's the reason I haven't called sooner. I am sorry I lied just now, but I didn't want you to worry, but you deserve to know after what you went through and didn't know if I am alive or not." I explain myself.
,,Oh my God, Kie." I can hear her sobbing.
,,Please, just.. come home and we figure it out." she says.
,,I don't want to go in to a boarding school, mum. Can we please talk about that too when I come back home?" I have to know.
,,Of course, but.. things need to change, Kie. We were so worried about you and after what happened last year and this year.. we just want what's best for you." she says.
,,Maybe we should talk more and not argue all the time. I am sorry, I haven't been the greatest daughter of the year. I am going to change that, I promise." I close my eyes.
,,Alright, be careful, hun and say Sarah she can stay with us as long as she needs, if she wants." she ends the conversation.
,,I will. I love you. Say hi to dad for me." I smile.
,,We love you too, come back as soon as possible." she hangs up.

,,What are you doing here?" Caleb opens the door to the patio.
,,I call my mum." I explain. He nods and smiles.
,,Do you want to talk about it?" he sits down next to me. I shake my head.
,,Okey." he squeezes my hand for a second. Then we go back inside and sit down in the living room. Caleb turns on the PlayStation and gives me a controller. 

We used to play this game since we were little. However we haven't played since Cabe moved, I didn't even realize how I have missed it.


We play several hours, his dad already went to job. He only told us what we should cook for ourselves but he was very happy seeing us play and laugh again.

I burst out laughing when I win again.
,,Who's the best?" I ask when Cabe angrily stands up.
,,Who's the beeeest?" I ask again when he runs his fingers through his hair but doesn't answer my question.
,,You are the best." he admits finally.
,,That's right!" I smile. He sits down again and she start to play new game.

My laugher must have woke up the Pogues because they start to slowly show up downstairs except for John B and JJ.
We stop the game and go into the kitchen where is everybody. We start to prepare our lunch. Chicken with rice. Pope and Cleo goes into the living room and resume our game. Cleo doesn't know how to play so Pope's learning her.

I turn on the speaker and play some music on Cabe's phone. Me and Sarah starts to sing. Cabe joins us in some parts of the song too.

,,There is some good mood." John B points out when they show up downstairs half an hour later. JJ goes directly into the living room completely ignoring us. 

,,I talk to my mum this morning." I say out of the blue. Sarah and JB turn around to look at me. 
,,Have I heard right?" Pope turns around too from the sofa. Everyone is looking at me now.
,,Yup." I nod.
,,How did it go?" Sarah asks.
,,It was fine, I guess. She was glad I am not dead." I admit.
,,And she wants me to go home soon as possible as I can." I add.
,,I told her the truth about what happened and she told me you can stay with us if you want." I look at Sarah directly.
,,What about the boarding school?" she ask again.
,,She half-way promised I don't have to go, but it's working progress. Things need to change for me to stay in Outer Banks which is reasonable from them to want." I answer her.
,,Great, I'll be happy to stay with you then." she smiles at me kind of relieved. 
,,When are you coming back?" Caleb ask the question now.
,,When the next ferry leaves?" I ask him instead.
,,Tomorrow afternoon." he looks at me.
,,I guess tomorrow afternoon then." I repeat after him.
,,If everyone agree?" I look around. They all nod in agreement.
,,Then it's settled." I smile lightly.

The rest of the day we spent around the pool. They also swim but I just watch them. I think Caleb might have changed his opinion on Pogues but that can be only my point of view.  

Around 8 o'clock we sit down around the table. We only talk first but then we start to play 'Never have I ever...'. The first one to lose all 5 fingers have to do a task the rest will tell him.

,,Alright, I go first." Cleo starts.
,,Never have I ever kissed anyone from this group." she smiles because she knows what's up. Everyone put their finger down, except for Cleo and JJ. I am kind of glad he didn't put his finger down, because then everyone would ask, but on the other hand I am kind of hurt. Does he not count our kiss as a kiss because it was barely a kiss or he didn't because he doesn't know to everyone know? I need to know which one is correct, but I can't ask him and even if I could ask him, he doesn't talk to me now.
,,Wait, who did you kiss? Sarah or Kie?" Cleo John B asks Caleb.
,,Kie, but we were kids. How old were we?" he turns to look at me.
,,Like 14?" I guess.
,,That was like 3 or 4 years ago!" John B laughs. I just shrug with a smile.
,,Pope it's your turn now." Sarah points out.
,,Okey, ehm.. Never have I even been a Kook." he smiles and I roll my eyes. Sarah, Caleb and me put another finger down. Caleb goes next.
,,Never have I never had a girlfriend." he gives me a look and I laugh knowingly.
,,You sure haven't." I nod. The others don't know what's up, but John B and Pope puts their finger down. The next turn is mine.
,,Never have I ever.. been married." I say and look at Sarah and John B and they put their finger down.
,,Wait, what?" Caleb asks first, but the others has more questions. I look at JJ, he doesn't look at me. I can see he's still angry at me. Maybe hurt. After Sarah and John B answers all the question, it's JJ turn.
,,Never have I ever... been shot." now he's looking at me. I smile ironically.
,,Man..." John B shakes his head at him, but he doesn't look away from me. 
,,Fine, you want to play that card?" I say angrily.
,,Never have I ever almost drown." I say.
,,But you almost have." he reminds me.
,,Okeey." everyone John B stands up, Sarah too.
,,I don't know what's going on between you two but you all need some fresh air." John B decides.
,,We are outside." I remind him still looking at JJ.
,,Then some time out." he grabs JJ hands and they do inside, Sarah grabs mine and we go to the beach.

,,What was that about?" she asks when we stop.
,,Nothing." I lie.
,,C'mon." she crosses her arms on her stomach.
,,JJ blames him for me being shot almost dying." I admit. 
,,Why would he thought that?" she asks another question.
,,Because put the pieces together when Rafe said he wasn't aiming at me. I only got in the way, because I saw he was aiming at JJ, but it was my decision and I would do it again." I look her in the eyes.
,,For all of you guys." I add.
,,And JJ won't accept that it isn't his fault." I run my fingers through my hair.
,,I kind of get both of you. I would feel the same if I was in his shoes. However the only person responsible is Rafe." she says.
,,I get it. I felt the same when I ducked on the boat and the machete hit his head and he fell overboard. But, both of us are okey, we survived and we can't change what happened. If we are going to blame ourselves for mistakes that others made, we are going to go insane..." I close the case.

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