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I confusingly looking after Kie. What the FUCK was that? Jamie starts to talk again and I listen to her only half way because I am still thinking about what Kie said. I hear he voice again when she starts to sing with Caleb. 

I try to listen to Jamie harder, because it's obvious Kie won't talk to me tonight. But I still look away to look at now and then. When I look back at Jamie, I think to myself. She's beautiful, funny and easy going. Why am I not hitting on her? I thought good old JJ will come back tonight, but I am not doing anything, I still only thinking about Kiara. 

I realize it must be because I really feel for her more than friends should. I don't even notice when the song stops, because my mind is somewhere else. Jamie freezes for a moment when I look back at her. Then she leans in and kisses me. I freeze for a second. I don't move away, I am that surprised. When I do back away, I look at her with apologetic smile.

,,I'm sorry, Jamie... I don't..." I shake my head, but she knows what I am about to say.
,,No, I'm sorry... I just... I asked Kie and she said you don't have a girlfriend." she looks down embarrassed.
,,When?" I ask.
,,When we were upstairs." she says confused why am I asking that.
,,I don't have a girlfriend." I shake my head.
,,I just..." I stop when I don't know how to finish that sentence.
,,You like someone else." she realizes, I nod.
,,Lucky girl." she smiles at me.
,,Well, she doesn't feel the same, so... she's my best friend." I correct her.
,,Hm, Kie said the same thing." she smiles wilder. I look away.
,,You like her, don't you?" she asks. I sigh and look back at her.
,,You can't say anything... to anyone." I beg her, she nods instantly. 
,,Don't worry, your secret is save with me." she smiles.
,,But if I were you, I would tell her before it's too late." she recommends me.
,,It would just ruin our friendship." I explain.
,,She doesn't feel the same as I do." I add. She raises her eyebrows.
,,Are you sure about that?" she asks, but a don't say anything.

We don't talk about it the rest of the night, but I stay with her. Like I said, she's cool to hang out with. Besides, John B is with Sarah and Pope might be flirting with Cleo from where I stand I see. And I haven't seen Kie since she sang with Caleb, she might be with Dean. 

I try not to think about that and I drink my sixth drink, then we go dancing. 


I woke up in the morning pretty hangover. I look around and there is a quit mess all around the house from last night. I get up and go to kitchen to poor myself a glass of water. I lean against the kitchen counter and drink the water.

It doesn't take long and the rest come slowly downstairs. The last one to show up is Caleb and Sam.
,,Relax, I know there is a simple explanation, Cabe." I recognize Sam's voice.
,,Have you seen Kie this morning?" Caleb asks when the enter the kitchen.
,,Not yet, she must be still sleeping." Sarah says. 
,,I told you, Sam! Fuck!" Caleb trows his hands into the air and sighs.
,,What?" I ask confused.
,,She's not in the house." Jamie shows up too and looks at me for a moment. 
,,What!?" I repeat.
,,Maybe she left with Dean." Sarah tries to give us an explanation.
,,She didn't, he left with Ray and his girlfriend Sofie around midnight." Sam shakes his head. I exchange look with the Pogues.
,,What if Rafe showed up last night?" Pope guesses.
,,I don't think he would be that stupid and I think we would notice." Caleb shakes his head.
,,Well, the police thought he wouldn't be that stupid to show up in the hospital, and he did anyway." I correct him.
,,I will go home to look if she might have gone there. You stay here and look at the security cameras you have all around the house." Caleb decides and run away to his house.

We all look at Sam and he goes to the TV. He disconnects the karaoke and switches to the security cameras tapes. We are looking at 6 different points of view from his house at once around the last time we saw her, which was after she sang with Caleb.

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