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I go into Sarah's old room and take some black leggins and black t-shirt with long sleeves. Then I put on the bullet proof vest and put on Rafe's hoodie over it because Sarah's were too small, so I don't have any other choice but take his. I sigh because it only reminds me of all JJ's clothes I stole from him and put that on. I like it better not gonna lie.

I make a bun from my hair and head downstairs where I meet already ready Rafe. He gives me my gun and I put it into my pants under the hoodie.
,,Ready?" he asks.
,,Yes." I state and we go. We get into his car and we head to an old building site that was never finished because of a low budget.

He told them he found me hiding after they told him this moring I'm still alive and he's playing me and he'll take me there tonight without me knowing they'll come too.

But we purpously went earlier so we would be there a little sooner than them.

I look out of the window all the way allowing myself to think about my friends, my JJ. Not about what it will be like when they found out I'm alive, but just playing some best memories of them I have. I can't think about the future now, I need to concentrate and not be somewhere else than in present when we finally stop.

,,We are here." Rafe stops the car after 15 minutes more or less.
,,Okey." I unbuckle my seat belt and get out. I look around.
,,What are we doing here exactly?" I ask him because they could be erly too. We have a play that we need to sold.
,,It's safe in here and we need to talk about what to do next." Rafe says and nudges me inside.

I love you. I say in my head to my friends even though they can't hear that.

We go deeper into the bulding and we exchange a look.
,,C'mon." he says and we go two stores up and walk around for a bit. He text them something and I realize if he is actually playing me, I am fucked.

We make small talk to sold our play even more when we hear no one come in.
,,Oh, look at that!" I turn around to see Ward. I step back and look around to see where is Reed.
,,What are you doing here?" I ask and wonder when the police comes in.
,,I think you already figured that much." he says and I look at Rafe.
,,What the fuck did you do?" I ask him. He only smiles and leans against one of the support pillar. I can see his hand moved to his gun. I look back at Ward who's holding a gun too. I step back again but I hit a wall.

At least I thought that before I feel a gun to my head and my breath stops for a second.
,,It wasn't a bad plan, Carrera, I'll give you that, but... you can't play a Cameron." Reed goes around me and stops next to Ward still poiting a gun at me.
,,I thought you learned your lesson from dating Rafe, but no." he shakes hi head.
,,You keep coming back for more." he chuckles.
,,What? You actually thought he's going to help you? That he had a change of heart only because of your nice look? I thought you are smarter than that." he rolls his eyes.

Then we hear loud steps.
,,This is a police department, don't move!" someone shouts. Reed fires and I duck. Rafe and Ward start to shoot too and I move away so I would get hit. I check myself and place my hand on my left shoulder which is bleeding a little.
,,Fuck." I say and grab my own gun. I turn around a corner to see.. no one. Well, I spot Reed on the ground holding his stomach.

I look around and go to him with my gun pointing at him. When I realize he's bleeding, I sqaut down and place my hand on his would to slow down the bleeding. I can still hear voices and movement in the bulding but I ignore it even thought it's not smart.
,,What are... you... doing?" he asks confused and finds my eyes.
,,You are not dying." I lean down.
,,You are going to rot in jail for the rest of your life! You are not taking the easy way out if I can help it." I state and make more presure on the wound. He closes his eyes.
,,Help!" I shout and after a few more minutes, a policeman comes to us and calls for a backup.

When they arrive, they make me move away and they start to help Reed. I lean against one of the walls and wait for them to do their job.

All of us are sent to the hospital except for Ward who was sent to jail right away and Reed was in handcuffs.


,,Alright, this isn't that bad. The bullet went through and didn't hit anything major. The bleeding already slowed down so I make you some stitches and you have to stay here for a little longer just so we would be sure it's okey to sent you home." the young doctor says.
,,Please fill this before I come back." she hands me some paper and I fill it.

When she comes back, I give it back to her and she looks at it for a second before she looks back at me.
,,Kiara Carrera?" she raises her eyebrows.
,,Yes, I'm alive." I state.
,,It's a long story as you can see." I point at my bullet wound with my healthy hand.
,,Okey, I understand that you want to go home today to reunite with your family, but you need to come back tomorrow for check up since we pronounce you dead and gave your family a death certificate." she states and I nod.
,,Of course." I smile lightly.
,,Thanks for that. I really need to go home as soon as possible." I add and she nods.


They let me go after another hour and half. Rafe is at police station explaining everything for now. I am set to go tomorrow too.

I call Kyle and he picks me up in the hospital.
,,I swear to God, Kiara, you are going to be the death of me!" he comes to me and hugs me for a second.
,,You are lucky you are alive!" he steps back and looks me up and down.
,,It's really nothing considering." I state. He just shakes his head.
,,Alright, c'mon, I'll drive you to John B's." he says without me asking so I only nod.
,,Thanks." I say and follow him into his car.

You might want to kill me when I'll post the next chapter, but I felt like it's acurate reaction from them, but bare with me, it will be worth it. I hope. <3

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