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I deny Rafe's call multiple times, when I finally pick up, so I could sent him to hell.
,,Guess who's back?" he says.
,,I don't care. Stop calling me, we aren't friends. I hate you, remember?" I say.
,,Reed's back." he states and I frown.
,,What?" I ask.
,,Why?" I turn around in my room and remember the video mum gave us in her will. It's very convinient for him to be back.
,,Can we talk in person? I can't say through the phone." he says.
,,Fine." I sigh.
,,Great, I'm at the door." he hangs up. I raise my eyebrows and go downstairs quickly.

I open my door slightly.
,,Yes?" I ask.
,,Can I come in?" he smile ironically. I roll my eyes.
,,If you try anything..." I start.
,,Changed man here." he points at himself.
,,And we have bigger problems to worry about." he goes around me to the kitchen. He stops his sight at the fridge before he looks away. When he turns aroun I can almost see regret in his eyes, but I don't buy it for a second.
,,Well?" I cross my arms on my chest.
,,He just showed up at Tanny Hill. He wasn't home since last year and to be honest, he didn't look like he'll come back." Rafe starts.
,,Okey, I admit, it's weird and all, you know I don't like the guy, but what does it have to.." he interupts me.
,,There's something you don't know about him." he says.
,,I know." I sigh.
,,No, no... you can't..." this time I interupt him.
,,He's my half-brother." I state. He opens his mouth slightly.
,,How do you..." he doesn't finish the sentence.
,,Mum gave us a video in her will. She said, she had him when she was 16 with Ward. She didn't have the money to keep him and other selfish reasons, your grandparents took him." I explain what I know.
,,How long do you know?" I ask curiosly.
,,Since the night he left." Rafe says.
,,I told dad what happened, I wanted him to do something, he told me who he is and the next day, he was gone." he says.
,,Now he's back. I thought dad took care of him, but it's convinient time to come back don't you think?" he asks.
,,You think Ward sent him?" I ask.
,,You said he's not taking Sarah now." I add when I realize.
,,I can think of a reason why he might be back and it might be to take Sarah, but... shit, he would told me to do that, I am already here." he states. I raise my eyebrows.
,,I am keeping it real, okey?" he shrugs.
,,Alright, what's the reason you couldn't do for him?" I shake my head. I don't know why am I still talking to him.
,,I am starting to question if it was really Luke who sent the bomb." he says dead serious.
,,What!?" I shout suprised.
,,Think about it, Ward told me Luke told him, which hint us to consider him as a suspect. Ward knows you are with JJ, he knows you hate him, he knows you were in fight with him. He knows he could have a motive for your parents for helping Hannah out. Shit doesn't add up. Why would Anna changed shifts so Sarah wouldn't be working that day? Two days before that? He's back after few days your mum died? He gave us Luke as a suspect and also gave himself an alibi. He wouldn't hurt Sarah right? And to be honest, Luke making a bomb? Luke? The drunk? The addict? I mean if there was a shooting, alright, but a bomb? How could he know how to built one? Where would he get the money? The only thing they have on him is the tape from the post and that I said he called my dad. But dad told me he called him, how can we know it's true? On the other hand, Reed? Your mum gave him up but then she had two more children. He's my dad son. He's back after a year and half? Why? He has the money. He got perfect alibi, because no one knows who he is. You get me?" he asks.
,,What if this is more complicated than we think? I mean, in my eyes, he could be just as guilty as Luke." he adds.
,,Luke is on the camera that he sent the box." I remind him.
,,He's on tape, he's sending a box and some fold, you think he sent a bomb and then some personal file? I bet he was thinking, when I am on my way to the post, I can kill two birds at once. Sure, make sense." Rafe give me a thumbs up.
,,Why would Ward tell you the truth then? Why would he say Luke called him? Aren't you his favourite hit man?" I ask ironically.
,,Think of me whatever you want, but I do love you. Maybe you can't believe that after what I done, but he knows I wouldn't hurt you voluntery." he states and I can see he actually believes that.
,,You are right. I don't believe that, but... maybe you do, so might your dad." I nod eventually.
,,But... I don't know. Shoup thinks..." I start.
,,What do you think?" he asks.
,,Your first thought was that it was me. You thought Ward told me to kill your parents." he takes a step closer but he's still far.
,,Maybe you weren't totally off. Maybe he just used another son, who was more than willing." he adds. I nod slightly.
,,Maybe you are right, but if you aren't. He's definetally here for a reason, if this not it, I should find Sarah to check he's not here to take her." I grab go the main door and grab my keys.
,,Or he could be here for both." he says behind me.
,,That would be even better." I say ironically.

He follows me outside and get on his bike. I start my car and head to school. Suprisingly he follows me.
,,Great." I say to myself and speed up.

I park my car outside of the school. I get out of my car and lean against the hood. I take out my phone to text her.

Kiara: I'm outside of the school. Come out, we need to talk...

I wait for a responce, but nothing comes. I sigh. They have a class for another 10 minutes, so that's might be why she doesn't text me back.

,,So... are we..." Rafe leans against the hood of my car too.
,,Why are you still here?" I look at him.
,,I am trying to help you, Kie." he crosses his arms.
,,I don't need your help. You told me your theory and now you can go." I state.
,,But I can't, because I know you. You will try to find if I am right and if I am, Ward will notice you are poking around and you really think he won't find out, it was me who questioned Luke? I... can't go back to him now. I chose my side." he says. I open my mouth to say something, but he frowns at the school so I look in the same direction.

,,Fuck my life." I shake my head. The Pogues just came out of the school, but Reed was also waiting for Sarah apperently, because he's huging her just a meter from the entrence.

The Pogues are looking at them and between each other. I exchange a look with Rafe.
,,Let's go." he nods in their direction.

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