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,,You can't run from me!" I hear him closer. Then he shoots from a gun. He hits the tree close to me so I duck instinctively but I don't stop running.
,,You chose this! If you won't stay with me, you won't stay with them!" I make a mistake to turn around and I stumble and fall down.

When I manage to get up, he grabs my hair and pulls. I kick him to his leg and he drops the gun so he would catch onto the tree and wouldn't fall.

I kick him again and his legs fail him. He let go of my hair and I try to to get away but he grabs my hair again from the ground. I fall head first into the snow. I turn on my back and look around me, the gun isn't far. He notices where I'm looking and he extends his arm over me trying to get it. I punch him into his face and grab the gun, but when I try to point at him he snaches it from my hands and throws it away.

Then he punches me, so I turn my head right and I cought out the blood. When I look up, he's grabing an army knife from his pocket. I punch him again and he fall to the side. I kick him while I'm at it and turn to my own side so I could get up.

When I do, my legs won't hold me up and I fall onto me knees. He pulls my leg and drags me back. He tries to find the knife he dropped. When he does I try to hold his hands away from me, but he's strog.

,,Kiara!" we hear in the distance that distracts him long enough for me to to hit his head with my elbow. He leans back and I push him off of me. I close my eyes and get up fighting every paintfull part of me. I look around and grab the gun near me.
,,You bitch!" he shouts, I turn and pull the trigger when he runs to me with the knife.
,,Kiara!" I can hear the terrified voice again. I don't recognize who it is, but someone is here looking for me.

Reed stops for a second and looks down at his stomach. His shirt starts to color with blood. He looks up and makes another step forward. I don't think. I shoot again. And again. And again. Untill he falls down. He's dead before he hits the white snow.

I let go of the breath I was holding in me at the same time I let go of the gun. I lean against the tree and pull up my hand to my bleeding head.
,,You were wrong." I look at him.
,,I'm getting back home." I say.
,,And I won't ever look back. This is over." I narrow my body in pain but I clench my teeth and turn away. I start to move away.

,,Kyle." I whisper and quicken my pace to almost running.
,,Kyle!" I shout as laudly as I can.
,,Kyle!" I finally see him on the hill between the trees.
,,Kyle!" I shout again and make a run for it with the last strengh that's left in me.
,,Kie!" he runs to me faster.

He holds up his hands and hugs me when we almost crush into each other. My arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.
,,We found her." someone says behind him. I look up, it's a police officer. There are two more behind him.
,,Oh my God." Kyle says and leans his head back.
,,Your face." he looks up at my forehead.
,,And your head." he frowns worried.
,,Is JJ okey? Tell me he's okey." I ask.
,,Yes. He's okey." he smiles lightly and hugs me again.


We get into the car and we drive back. They wanted to go to the nearest hospital, but I said no. I have to see JJ first. I have to see it for myself.

Kyle forgot his phone at the police station so we can't call to check up on him or text them I'm okey.

I almost jump out of the car when we get to the hospital. I run inside.
,,JJ Maybank, can I see him?" I ask at the reception.
,,Oh my God, what happened to you?" a nurse asks when she looks at my face.
,,Wait here, I'll call some." she grabs the phone but I take it from her.
,,I need to see my boyfriend. He was shot. He's 18, blond? Annoying? Ring any bells?" I frown at her. She looks behind me.
,,I'm sorry, it was a day." Kyle stops next to me.
,,I'm her brother. I was here before, he just got from the surgery. Will you let us through, please? You see she needs to be checked out but she won't untill she sees him." Kyle explains.
,,I need to see some ID's." the nurse says.
,,I don't have it at me for fuck sakes. I was kidnapped, shot at and I almost died! Could you... let us... through!?" I hit the desk with my hand.
,,Please calm down and tell me your names." she turns to her computer screen.
,,Carrera. Kiara." I say harsly.
,,Carrera, Michael." my brother says.
,,I'm sorry, did you say Kiara Carrera?" some doctor gently pulls my wrist. I look at her.
,,Oh, sweetie. Your face." she raises her eyebrows.
,,Do you know anything about JJ Maybank?" I ask her.
,,Carefull, this one bites." the nurse says.
,,Follow me, I operated on him. He's in recovery." the doctor nods at us so we would follow her. I shoot a quick look at Kyle and we go after her into the third floor.

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