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I get up and look around if I don't see a doctor coming in our direction. Everyone just passing around us. I look down and run my hand through my hair when I start to get desperate that we are waiting here for hours but we still don't know shit.

,,Sarah Cameron?" someone says my name, I look up in hopes it's a doctor with some news about Kie.
,,Caleb?" my hopes are down again, because he's no doctor. He goes to me and hugs me for a moment.
,,I though you are dead." he steps back.
,,I can't believe you, why haven't you called me?" he frowns at me a little.
,,Well, I didn't know you knew, I am sorry." I say truthfully.
,,Kie called me the day after the storm that you disappeared in." he explains.
,,Yeah well, we survived." I state.
,,We?" he asks and then he looks behind me.
,,Oh, the famous Pogues." he smiles ironically.
,,Where's Kie? She's usually everywhere we are these three." he look back at me.
,,She.." I look down for a moment.
,,She got shot. She is in OR now." I get it out of me. I can sense the tears that want out of me, but I try so hard to keep them in.
,,I am sorry, what?" he can't believe what I am saying.
,,You heard me." I can't say it again.
,,I told her a million times not to be friends with you three, but she wouldn't listen.. I knew something bad is going to happen to her because of you." he steps forward to them, but I block his way.
,,It's not their fault, Cabe." I catch his angry face.
,,It was Rafe. Rafe shot her." I tell him who did it. His expression hardens when he hears my brother's name.
,,Rafe!?" he whisper his name.
,,He has it coming. When I see him, he's a dead man." he shakes his head and turns around so he would calm down.
,,I should have killed him last year after what he did to her, but noooo, she talked me out of it. Should have known better!" he takes a deep breath.
,,Cabe." he turns around to look at me.
,,I'll go ask dad, maybe he can find out something about her." he turns around again and leaves.

When I turn around I can see the questions on their faces.
,,Who the hell is that?" JJ asks the first question.
,,He used to live in Outer Banks, before his mum dies 6 years ago. She was best friend with Kie's mum, so Kie and Caleb were best friends since Kie was born. He's 4 years older us and when she died, he moved with his dad to Kingstone. Here, apparently." I explain.
,,So, he's a Kook, that explain why he hates us so much." Pope figure that out.
,,What he meant that he should have killed Rafe last year after what he did to Kie?" JJ asks again. I look down, because everything starts to flash before my eyes.
,,Sarah?" John B says my name, he wants to know the answer, which I can not give them.
,,I promised not to tell anyone what happened last year." I look up.
,,To Kie?" Pope asks.
,,Yes." I nod.
,,Really!?" JJ throws up his hands and steps forward, but he stumbles a little. Pope and JB goes to him instantly.
,,You good, man?" John B asks him.
,,Yeah, just my head was spinned for a moment there." he assure them. I frown at him.
,,JJ.." Pope starts, but JJ closes his eyes and fall down before Pope can finish the sentence. I run to them. I check his pulse, but it's there. Thank God.
,,Hey! We need help!" Cleo shouts at someone.
,,This isn't happening!" he runs his hand through his hair. Finally some doctors come to us with another stretcher and take JJ with them. We stare after them in disbelieve.
,,What the fuck is happening?" Pope shakes his head. 
,,Do you think it's because of the machete that hit him in his head?" John B asks.
,,Probably." Cleo agrees with him. We go back to our seats and wait for Caleb to get back with the news about Kie and the news about JJ.

Caleb comes back after few minutes, but he could't find out anything.
,,Where's Maybank?" he realizes after some time when he sits with us.
,,He collapsed few minutes before you came back." I tell him.
,,Collapsed why?" he asks confused.
,,It's a long story." I say.
,,What the hell have you gotten yourselves into?" he asks, but no one answer that. That's even longer story. He doesn't ask again, but I know when everything calms down, he's going to want that answer. 


Some doctor stops before us, we all stand.
,,I don't know his name, but he had a concussion. It could have been nothing if he stayed at home and rested, but considering he carried the girl her almost from the beach? It was inevitable to collapse. He's on a drip and need rest, but he's going to be just fine." the doctor explains us and we all relax that he's fine.
,,And the girl? The one he carried here?" John B asks.
,,I don't know, I am not at her case but they let you know as soon as they are done." he smiles at us and leaves.
,,Wait! Can we see him?" Pope asks before after him. He turns around.
,,Room 174, but he's unconscious." he nods and this time he leaves.
,,Go to him, I wait here with Cabe for news about Kie. I let you know as soon as we know anything." I turn to JB.
,,Sarah.." he starts to protest, but a grab his hands.
,,He shouldn't be alone when he wakes up. You can't help him here or Kiara." I state the facts. He looks behind me.
,,Just we are clear, Kie is also our best friend. She's our family, so don't you think for a second that don't care about her because we are leaving to JJ." he turns around and leaves.
,,What he said." Pope agrees and leaves with Cleo too. I turn around to face Caleb, he raises his eyebrows at me.
,,I haven't said anything!" he raises his hands in the air.
,,But you thought about it, I know you" I point at him with my finger. He shrugs.
,,You don't know them, Cabe, don't judge them because of the economic class they come from. Give them a chance and try to get to know them before you make an opinion on them." I sit down.
,,For Kie." I add. Caleb sits down next to me.
,,Fine, I'll keep an open mind." he nods.


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