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We stop before two boys next to the TV, who are trying to get it working. They look up at us. 
,,Do you need some help?" the curly blond haired one asks us. The other one has straight brown hairs.
,,Do you?" I ask instead and look at the wires. The curly one laughs.
,,Yeah, kind of." he admits. 
,,There isn't any instructions and it's really tangled up." he adds. 
,,We lost the instructions long time go." I nod and connect the wires to the TV where they belong.
,,Wow, thanks." they both look at me.
,,You must be Kiara." he realize.
,,The one we are compose the karaoke for." he explains how he knows my name.
,,That's me." I nod.
,,I am Dean." he introduce himself.
,,And my best friend Ray." he points and the straight haired boy.
,,You saved us a lot of time." he admits.
,,Yeah, I know my way." I smile.
,,This is Sarah and Cleo, by the way." I point at my friends.
,,Hey." both of them smile at my friends.
,,So, can I at least invite you for a shot for saving us?" Dean looks back at me.
,,Why not?" I shrug.
,,Are you joining?" he looks at the girls.
,,We are good, our drinks are on the way." Sarah refuses for both of them. I shake my head at her, I know exactly what she's up to.
,,Ray?" Dean turns at his friend.
,,No, thanks. I need to find Sofie." he pats his back.
,,Find some song while I am gone." I say to them before I go with Dean to the kitchen.


We find Cleo and Sarah at the karaoke, where they are choosing a song. I look around but  I don't see Kie anywhere. 
,,Where is Kie?" I eventually ask.
,,On a shot, with Dean." Sarah gives us a look. My heart skips a beat. Where? With who? Do we know Dean? 
,,Who's Dean?" Pope asks while he give one drink to Cleo and John B to Sarah. 
,,We just met him, he was in charge of connecting the karaoke with his best friend. Kie help them out so he invited her for a shot as a thanks. But personally I think he likes her." Sarah says. My mood goes down instantly, but I don't show it. Maybe our sort of kiss didn't mean for her anything after all. I mean how am I surprised? I saw it coming. But I hoped it did anyway, look where that got me. With my hopes us just to be crushed again.
,,More alcohol for me then." I say at loud even if I don't mean that and drink one. I need to pretend I don't care.

I don't care! I drink the second one.

Kie shows up after a minute or so.
,,Sooo?" Cleo asks her. She looks at me for a second but I look away.
,,We did a shot, don't look for anything that isn't there." Kie shakes her head.

That's it. They don't talk about it more, instead they play the song they chose and start to sing. I smile a bit when I hear her sing. She's really good.

When I realize what I am doing. Again! I shake my head.
,,I need a refill." I say to the boys and head to the kitchen. I wanted to forget about her tonight, maybe I just need more alcohol to actually do that. I hope. I really home at least alcohol can help me forget about her at least for a few hours. 

I accidentally push into someone while I am in my head thinking. I turn around.
,,I am so sorry." I say instantly.
,,It's fine. Happens." she waves her hand.
,,I was just going to refill." she says.
,,Same." I smile.
,,We can go together." she offers. I freeze for a second, but I nod eventually. I need to go back to my back self. Good old JJ. 
,,JJ, by the way." I say.
,,Jamie." she smiles.

We head to the kitchen. We refill and start to talk. She's cool. However, she's just not... Kie. Why am I still thinking about her!?

I get her out of my head and start to concentrate on Jamie again.


When the song is over, we go back to the boys. They clap their hands when we stop before them. But it's only John B and Pope, JJ is nowhere to see.
,,Where is J?" I ask them.
,,Look at that! Sooner this evening you were ready to kill each other now you are looking for each other. That's nice." John B says and high-fives with Sarah.
,,We are good." Sarah says. I roll my eyes at them. What did he meant we are looking for each other? Did JJ look for me too? 
,,He went to refill, but it's some time since he left. Maybe he bumped into someone." Pope says with a smile. He better not bumped into someone, I think to myself.
,,I think I need some drink too, I don't have anything." I say after a minute. They all nod.
,,Try to find him on your way!" John B shouts after me. 
,,That's my plan." I whisper. I need to know, I need to know if he meant the kiss or it was just... the adrenaline and his worry about me.

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