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When I park my car I don't even have time to get out before the Pogues show up in front of my car. I roll my eyes and grab my bag.
,,You okey!" Pope says and hugs me for a second.
,,I didn't murder her, don't worry." Riley shows up next to us.
,,Hey." I smile at her.
,,So these are your new friends?" she looks at them.
,,We aren't new." JJ states.
,,The boyfriend, right? I heard about you." she nods and shoot me a look. Just as JJ does.
,,Great." he smiles like I told her a national secret.
,,Good things, don't worry." Riley adds.
,,I can imagine." he shoots her a fake smile.
,,We should go." I state and on the way Riley and I expain what is really going on.

,,I would say I am suprised but.." Sarah shakes her head.
,,You aren't." Riley finish the sentence.
,,Yup." she nods and they turn to the left and go to our class. JJ stops me so we stay back.
,,I'm sorry. Can we just... talk about yesterday later? Without the yelling?" he asks me.
,,I heard you loud and clear last night, but I still feel like we aren't good." he adds.
,,Because we aren't. Not untill you promise me you won't ever go back there!" I say.
,,It's my home. My things are there." he looks down.
,,You have home at John B's, even at my house. Your home isn't where you live and your things are but where are the people who loves you the most and I don't trying to be mean or anything, but your dad doesn't. Not enough. Not how you deserve, J." I squeeze his hand.
,,I promise." he looks up at me. I nod slightly.
,,Try to keep that promise or you'll see hell break loose." I smile at him.
,,I will, Kie." he nods.
,,Are you alright? How bad is it?" I ask.
,,Just peachy." I frown. He cups my face and kisses me.
,,I'll be okey. It will heal." he says when he steps back. I nod.
,,How about you?" he asks and runs his thumb over mine punch.
,,I don't even feel it. Chill." I say and nudge him so he would go inside.


After school, JJ and I head to my house to talk some more. The others head back to John B.

No one's at home because my parents are at the Wreck. Working. I should ask about my shifts when they come back home.

,,Do you like my hair?" I look at JJ when he sits down on my bed and I close the door behind me.
,,I did it because you liked it so much last time." I explain and smile.
,,Like!? I love it!" he lies. I chuckle and go to him. I sit on him astride and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around me.
,,So, you are not mad at me anymore?" he asks with puppy eyes.
,,I was worried about you, J." I kiss his cheek.
,,You protect me all the time. I want to protect just as much if I can." I kiss his other cheek and run my fingers through his hair.
,,I'll keep my promise. Just so you know." he smiles at me and that makes me smile too.
,,Told you, you can make me smile like no one else." I crash my lips into his and make him lie down. His hands move under my sweater and jacket.

He doesn't hesitate and helps me take off the jacket and my sweater afterwards. He turns us around and slowly moves his lips down my neck and colarbone. I moan when he kisses my sensitive spot on my neck. I pull on his hoodie and try to take it off. JJ leans back and swiftly takes it off with his shirt under it. My eyes explore his upperbody with my hands and eyes. His bruses look painfull. He leans back down to kiss me passionatelly. When I try to unbuckle his belt, he stops kissing me so he could look into my eyes.
,,You sure? We can wait." he says seriously.
,,You know what they say. Make up sex is the best." I smile at him and turn us around again.
,,I love you." he moves his hand to cup my face gently like he couldn't believe I am actually here.
,,I love you more." I kiss him again and unbuckle his belt.


,,Are you two talking aga..." Sarah opens the door before neither one of us have a chance to stop her. She freezes when she spots JJ on top of me. We are covered under a blanket and were only kissing. At least she didn't came earlier when we were actually doing something. JJ pulls the blanket higher to cover me and that wakes Sarah up.

She slams the door behind her.
,,I knew this would happen! Jesus! I have to pierce my eyes now! Ew!" she slams another door so I think she's in her room now.

I exchange look with JJ and start to laugh. He lies down besides me.
,,Now she doesn't announce herself." he comments. I chuckle and lean closer to give him one last kiss before I go to do damage control.
,,I assume you won't go to check up on her, right?" I ask him even though I know the answer.
,,Sure." he gets up completaly naked and goes to the door.
,,Stop. Jesus, don't need to give her another trauma." I shake my head and grab oversized shirt from my closet and panties.
,,That's mine by the way." he says so I turn around.
,,What is?" I ask him.
,,That shirt." he points at it.
,,And the girl in it." he smiles. I roll my eyes and decide to give him a quick kiss. This is the last one.
,,Put some clothes on before I come back." I order him and go to Sarah's room.

,,You good?" I enter her room.
,,I'm looking for scissors so I could unsee that!" he nods at the door.
,,You haven't seen anything, so chill out." I chuckle and sit down on her bed.
,,I saw you had sex! Eh." she shakes her head and continue to look for the scissors.
,,We had sex before you came, when you did, we were just kissing. And we were covered in blanket so no need to pierce you eyes." I say. She sighs and turns around.
,,It doesn't matter. I can't unsee you two." she crosses her arms.
,,Well, you should knock and announce yourself." I smile at her. She rolls her eyes.
,,One time I don't and look what happens. Now I am scarred for life!" she looks down.
,,You'll remember next time." I get up.
,,I don't think I will ever forget this happening. Trust me. And! I won't ever come into your room just as precaution!" she decides.
,,Why did you came anyway? You were supposed to be at your own boyfriend house." I asks her.
,,We decided to go surfing. I came home to change, grab my surf and you guys." she explains.
,,Alright. We get ready." I smile and head back to our room.
,,You sure you don't want to stay in?" she shouts behind me.
,,Wouldn't missed this!" I shout back and enter my room.
,,She's gonna talk, right?" JJ ask.
,,You can answer that one yourself." I say and go back to my closet.
,,Figured." he comments.
,,We are going surfing." I announce him.
,,Oh, really!? I was just planning to get my shirt back. I now understand what Caleb meant about you stealing clothes." he wraps his hands around me from behind as I continue to look for my bikini.
,,I can wear his clothes if you prefer." I comment.
,,Don't you dare." he kisses my cheek and helps me to find my swimsuit. He texts John B to bring him his swimsuit on the way here.

We are ready 30 minutes later. John B came 5 minutes ago. JJ went to change and JB and Pope loaded our boards onto Twinkie in the meantime.

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