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,,Just start a tab." I give the hostess my credit card after we ordered beers.
,,Okey, Kie." she takes it and leaves.
,,So, everyone knows you or what?" John B asks and looks at me. He sits opposite of me. I sit next to Cleo who sits next to Pope. Sarah sits between John B and JJ who sits next to Jamie. On my other hand sits Finnley and Frankie. And next to John B on the other side sits Caleb and Sam.
,,So what did you do on your actual birthday?" Jamie asks me.
,,You know. We had a cake, we went to dinner, then we hang out in the woods till 4:30 in the morning." I say kind of a truth.
,,Oh, so like New Year's Eve last year!?" Jamie asks.
,,Oh my God! I forgot about that!" Frankie slaps the table and leans forward.
,,Something like that." I nod and look up when our beers comes.
,,What happened last year?" Cleo asks.
,,We got piss drunk and then someone decided it's a good idea to go play hide and seak in the woods, but we got so lost and then the parents found out and was hella pissed the next day." Frankie explains.
,,Who's great idea was that!?" John B laughs.
,,Well it was either Kiara or..." Frankie start but Finnley kicks him under the table.
,,You should stop talking now." he turns to him. I'm looking at my beer silantly remembering what really happened.
,,What?" Frankie asks.
,,Yeah, what?" Pope asks.
,,Nothing, it was my idea. That's it." I say and drink my beer.
,,Why I don't believe that?" Sarah states.
,,Just let it go please." I look into her eyes long enough for it to hits her.
,,You didn't play hide and seak, right? You were hiding." she frowns.
,,Let it go, Jesus." I shake my head and look away.
,,What did he do?" she doesn't let go.
,,Who did what?" John B asks conused.
,,Guys, don't talk about it when Kie doesn't want to." Cabe intervien.
,,You didn't tell me." Sarah says.
,,Fine." I get up.
,,Come on." I nod at her to follow me in the bathroom. I turn around when the door closes behind her.
,,He got mad while drunk. It was the begining of the end of our relatinship. He found out Finn and I dated but he didn't get we were three and it was just child thing. He got mad and I was afraid what he's going to do, so I said let's go out and play hide and seak. I went with Finnley to the motel in the next town and we stayed there till morning. We went home when I got back to our cabin." I explain.
,,Can we change the subject now?" I ask her.
,,I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Sarah looks down.
,,I wish I noticed." she adds.
,,You couldn't and we can't change the past." I state.
,,I know we can't." she looks up.
,,You know I forgave you already, right?" she looks at me.
,,How could I know, Sarah? You didn't say anything." I ask.
,,I didn't know what to say after everything." she admits.
,,I'm sorry." I say once again.
,,Just don't do anything like that again." she smiles and we hug for a second.
,,Now tell me, are you and JJ back together?" she steps back smiling.
,,No." I lie calmly.
,,I know you are. Just as I knew last time." she turns on her heals and we head back to the table.
,,All good?" JJ asks.
,,Almost." Sarah says while we sit down. I have another beer in front of me.
,,You are drinking very slowly." Finn comments and I finish the first beer in one movement.
,,That's better." he smiles.
,,If you want to get me drunk, order some shots." I say to him.
,,We are getting to it." he winks at me.
,,Great." I clap my hands and smile.
,,So what did you get for your birthday?" Sam asks me.
,,Trip to Ibiza in July for the whole month." I smile.
,,What!?" everyone screams.
,,I want to be rich." John B shakes his head.
,,Mewma will sponsor you since she likes you the best now." I point our.
,,I also got some clothes..." Sarah interupts me.
,,Why!? You don't even wear what you got now!" she shakes her head.
,,What's mine is yours so calm down." I remind her.
,,Yay!" she smiles.
,,And Kylie drew me a picture of her dream house she hopes I buy and we will live there." I smile.
,,In Outer Banks." John B adds. I grab my beer and drink half of it.
,,I guess." I say and shrug.
,,I wasn't suggesting, just reminding." he says and Sarah, JJ, Pope and Cleo nods.
,,Okey." I state.
,,Hey, guys." Chris comes to the table and takes the last remaing seat next to Cleo.
,,Oh hello there." Sarah turns her head at him.
,,What are you drinking?" he looks around.
,,Boring." he says when he notices we have a beer.
,,I don't understand why you don't drink beer." I lean forward to look at him.
,,It tastes horrible, love." he says and order himself vodka-tonic.
,,And that's disgusting." I comment.
,,You don't know what's good for you." he shakes his head.
,,You are right about that." Sarah says.

We chat for hours till they set up the karaoke at 11 o'clock and me and Caleb are the first one there.

We sing couple songs before Sam goes to switch with me so I go sit back down to our table.

,,You can sing." John B nods at me.
,,We already knew that." Sarah shakes her head at him.
,,I am a woman of mamy talents." I state.
,,Oh you are." JJ chuckles and finishes his beer.
,,How are you two doing?" Sarah leans forward to see at JJ and Jamie who plays the game very well. I almost believe it if I didn't know any better.
,,We just might go for fresh air." Jamie gets up and both of them leave outside. Sarah follows them with her eyes before sharply turning around at me.
,,Yes?" I ask.
,,Don't be stupid!" she shouts at me.
,,I am starting to think you are telling the truth!" she looks at the rest of the Pogues.
,,It's better this way." I look down sadly.
,,It's better my ass." she shakes her head.
,,You don't want him back?" she asks.
,,Sarah." I lean forward.
,,I broke his heart. We can't go back from that." I lie, because we are back.
,,No." she shakes her head.
,,Help me out here!" she looks at John B.
,,I can't tell if you are shitting us or you two are for real." he admits too.
,,I'm sorry." I say.
,,I'm done talking about this. It is what it is." I get up.
,,Shots?" Finnley shouts from afar. I nod and we go to the bar.

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