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Kyle knocks on my window when I don't get out of the car when we arrive at home. I see the cars so I know the people Kyle mentioned earlier are still here. Probably worried sick and mad I left without saying anything. My phone is full of missed texts and calls.

,,I don't want to go in there." I say when I finally get out.
,,Too bad. You shouldn't have left and then got yourself arrested. Your walk of shame awaits." he waves to the house, so I slowly start to go in.
,,I don't..." I start but he interupts me.
,,I don't care what you don't want. We are in this together and you totally bailed on me. I know you're in pain, I am too. They are too. We need to stick together more than ever now, not go on war paths with everyone who you think did this to our parents." he gives me whole speach before he showes me forward into the house. I hear voices in the kitchen and I don't have a chance to bypass them to my room without being seen.
,,We are back!" Kyle shouts and goes ahead.
,,Mia! Finally!" Kylie shows up, so I squat down to hug her.
,,Hi, sweatheart." I say and smile at her when I let go of her.
,,She won't save you, Kiara! Come here!" Kyle shouts from the kitchen which is behind a corner.

,,Could you hide me somewhere?" I ask Kylie.
,,I am not getting into trouble for you." she kisses my cheek and runs back to the living room.

I step forward with a sigh when my phone starts to ring.
,,Do not pick up the phone! Come. Here." Kyle shouts, so I pick up the phone. It's Shoup anyway.
,,Hello." I say and go to the kitchen. I don't look up.
,,We found something. But it wasn't Luke on the tapes." he says.
,,Then who?" I ask confused.
,,It was sent through delivery. It was under a false name, but we will look into the delivery company and look through their security tapes if maybe we see who sent it. This is not the end, it's just a set back. Luke's still our main suspect." he explains.
,,Thanks, Shoup. Call me if you find anything else." I say and my phone disappears from my hand. Kyle hangs up the phone and give me a death stare.
,,It was Shoup with an update! You can't be mad that I picked up!" I say.
,,What about these 112 missed calls? Why didn't you pick them up? I'm sure they were just as important." he says.
,,Shoup took my phone." I cross my arms.
,,Right. That's not excuse, that might be even worse answer that a lie. However, I don't think they are all from the time you were locked up." he says.
,,I'm sorry. I said that already!" I say.
,,Did you? I haven't heard!" he shakes his head.
,,You are not my dad, I don't have to listen..." he interupts me.
,,Wow, have it your way. You went there first." he frowns.
,,I have a responsibility for you now. You're not 18 yet and since our parents are not here you will indeed have to listen to me." he reminds me.
,,I'll be 18 soon enough. Don't worry, you can go back to your family and forget I exist!" I geab my phone from him and head upstairs without looking at anyone else.
,,Don't get any other fucking great ideas up there! I let you in jail this time for longer than just an hour!" he shouts from downstairs. I slam my door behind me and lock the door. I play some music and turn the volume to the maximum.

I throw my phone on my bed and start to pace around the room. I won't cry! I won't! I repeat that the whole time.

Someone tries to open the door.
,,Go away!" I shout and sit down on the floor and lean against my bed.


,,Was that necessary, Mike? Your mum just died and your dad is in come." Riley gives me a look.
,,You don't see me going after people with loaded gun! It's mine parents too!" he says.
,,Could you not argue, this won't help anyone." Hannah says and looks at Kyle.
,,She behaves like a child! I don't have the luxury to do that! And what was that shit she said about us!?" he looks at his wife.
,,She's not wrong, you know." she doesn't back him up, so he raises his eyebrows at her.
,,What? How many times did you called since we moved from OBX or visit for that matter?" she asks.
,,She has a phone too." he points out.
,,You are the one who left. You are older. Mike, both of you behave like children right now." she crosses her arms.
,,The hell I do!" he shake his head and go to their dad's office. He slams the door behind him like Kie did minutes ago.
,,That went well." Cabe comments and go upstairs. He comes back down minutes later.
,,Yeah, I don't think she's ready to talk." he sits down. I exchange look with John B. I don't really know what to do. I am worried and mad at the same time. I didn't went after her because what would I say to her? What could I say to her? I don't know what she needs right now which terrifies me because I should know. I'm her boyfriend, her bestfriend and I am useless, so I just sigh.

Hannah makes a dinner for everyone in the meantime the both of them are calming down.
,,Cutie, go grab Mia. Dinner is ready." Riley says and I look up. We are sitting with the Pogues at the kitchen table. Still waiting.
,,Okey!" she shouts and runs upstairs.


,,Mia! It's dinner!" I hear Kylie's voice through the door. That was a low blow, they know I can't say no to her. Or ignore her. Or shout at her to get lost.

I sigh and turn of the music. I unlock the door and nod at her to go in.
,,Alright. I need to change first. Do you want to help me choose what to wear and do my hair?" I ask her. She nods with a big smile and runs to my closet.
,,Do you have our matching jumpsuits?" she asks when she can't find it. I nod and grab them from the top shelf.
,,Great!" we change into that and then I sit on the floor while she sits on my bed. She start to brush my hair.
,,You have straight hair! I love it!" she says.
,,Right!?" I turn around to look at her.
,,Tell that to JJ." I turn back forward. She makes me ponytail and then we braid it together. I do the same to her, so we would be twins like she says.
,,We are soo pretty!" she jumps and grabs my hand. We go downstairs.
,,Look at that! Two unicorns back together!" Riley smiles at us and goes to hug me.
,,We look so pretty! I made Mia's ponytail! Look!" Kylie points at it.
,,Did you now? You are natural!" Riley says and picks Kylie up.
,,I saw what you did there by the way." I say and look between them. They high five and go to the kitchen. I sit down and look up to see all the Pogues are looking at me back. I can see they don't know what to say, so I start.
,,I'm sorry I went crazy." I say.
,,Should have think it through more." I add.
,,We get it." Sarah says.
,,Just don't do that again." she adds.
,,I am the one for the bad plans." JJ points out and smiles at me slightly. I do the same.
,,I promise. I won't do that again." I nod and give all of them a look.

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