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Caleb goes to Kie to look at the torn stitches
,,Shit." he says and picks her up.
,,I can walk, dipshit." Kie says, but he doesn't listen and take her upstairs. Sarah goes immediately after them. John B looks at us but then follow them too. Pope shrugs and with Cleo goes too, so do I. 

Caleb lies Kie down on a bed. We move from his way when he heads into the hallway. Sarah hold her hand and we all stand around the bed waiting. 

Caleb comes back after a minute with the first-aid kit. 
,,Alright, so good news, there is sewing but bad new, there isn't anything for the pain. And it's going to hurt, Kie. Brace yourself, because we need to stitch it up." they exchange looks and Kie nods. She looks up at me and I smile slightly, because there isn't a thing I could do for her right now. I feel powerless.
,,3 stitches, Kie." Caleb says ready to start. 
,,Maybe you should wait outside." he looks at us. I shake my head instantly, there might not be anything I can do for her, but I can at least be here for her. 

Caleb starts and Kie closes her eyes, she screams in pain. Fuck this. Fuck Rafe. When the second stitch comes, she bits her lips hard so she wouldn't scream again. Fuck. She screams again when Caleb starts to do the last one. I close my eyes for a second. I hate this. She's in so much pain and all we can do is watch. Caleb disinfects her wound and he puts a band-aid on. 
,,I am done." he squeezes her hand, she has her eyes still closed.
,,Do you have something on the pain?" she asks him. It must be serious when she asks him, because since we left the hospital she pretended to be okey even though we have seen it in her eyes. 
,,You know I don't." they exchange knowing look which none of get, maybe except for Sarah.
,,I call my dad to bring something from the hospital." he adds. 

Caleb goes outside to call hi dad in private.
,,Kie, are you okey?" Pope asks.
,,I am alive, right?" she says sarcastically. Pope takes her hand in his. I frown at that. But when I realize what I am doing, I look away to shake my discomfort. 

Caleb comes back and tell us his dad would be here in 15 minutes tops.
And he really is. He hands Kie some meds in a bottle and tell her to take two twice a day. They exchange a look which I don't understand again. I raise my eyebrows, they have some mind talk, which only them understand. 

Kde takes the meds and goes upstairs with Sarah to rest. I am glad I don't need to push her for it this time.
We go to the living room and sit down. Caleb sits opposite to us and leans forward. 
,,So.. what happened?" he asks.
,,Rafe and Barry happened. We had to run from them. They knew we were in the motel and has been waiting for us to come out." I explain shortly. 
,,They are getting on my nerves." he shakes his head and leans back into the sofa.
,,Yeah, welcome to the club." Pope nods in agreement.
,,You know, guy would say he learns his lesson, but not Rafe." he's still shaking his head.
,,He's way worse than you remember." Sarah joins us.
,,How's Kie?" I have to ask.
,,I would say better after she took the pills." she says.
,,I suppose you're gonna spent the night here." Caleb say of the topic and stands up.
,,Came with me." he waves at us. He has big so it's doesn't surprise me they have 3 spares bedrooms. We divide into three groups. Sarah and Cleo take one room and Pope and John B take the other one. Kie sleeps in the last one. Caleb lets me borrow his own and he's going to sleep with his dad in the master bedroom. He told his dad's girlfriend is out of town with her daughter, so it's not a problem. 

Everyone disappears into their rooms, so do I, and I lay down. I stare at the ceiling for a while without a need of sleeping. I think about what happened between Kiara and me before the Pogues found us. It was unexpected to say the least. I froze when I saw her this close to me and kind of shocked when she didn't move a flinch. I didn't because I was enjoying it and wanted it to last as long as possible. I thought it didn't have the same effect to her as to me, but after a while when she still didn't move, I started to think she felt the same. When she looked at my lip, I wanted to kiss her instantly, but I wanted to be more sure before I cross the line I can't get back from. It felt right when our lips met for a second, but now I can't stop thinking about it could have only spur of the moment. What if she feels awkward about it now and we won't ever have the same friendship we had? I am starting to realize why we have the rule "no Pogue on Pogue macking". I just hope that's not it and she might actually feel something for me. 

I think about it some more, I go back and forth before I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand and realizes it's already after three o'clock in the morning. I shake my head about my next thought and get up. I open the door silently and go to as silently to Kie's room. I just need to know if she's alright. 

I see her face in the dark. She's frowning in her sleep. I close the door behind me and sit down on the carpet. I lean back and look at her for a while. 


I sharply open my eyes. I am sweaty from the nightmare I had just now. 
,,Hey, are you alright?" I look around scared, but then I recognize JJ's voice.
,,Fuck, J. I almost got a heart attack." I shake my head, he tries to hold my hand but I flinch. 
,,Sorry." he backs away and turns around to leave. I sigh. 
,,No, I just.. I had a nightmare.. about Rafe.. and.. what happened." I try to explain so he doesn't think I flinched because of him. It was a reflex.
,,So, you are not alright." he turns around to look at me and answers his own question. I look down at my feat.
,,I was better." I admit. I don't even bother to correct him and lie to him I am fine. He wouldn't believe that anyway, he knows me too well.
,,What are you even doing here? It's the middle of the night." I ask and from the clock on the nightstand find out it's after four.
,,I.. couldn't really sleep, so I came her to check up on you." he looks down on my stomach.
,,Does it still hurt as much?" he asks.
,,The meds helped a little." I say truthfully. 
,,Okey, I should.. go and let you..." he starts but I don't let him finish his sentence.
,,You can stay." I blurt out. 
,,If you want." I add so it wouldn't look weird, because we haven't had the chance to talk about what happened between us.
,,And get some sleep, J." I say when he goes around the bed and lies down next to me. He doesn't answer, so I close my eyes because I think our conversation is over.
,,You are not the only one with nightmares." he say after a minute of silence. I slowly turn around to face him.
,,Luke?" I guess. He doesn't answer or nod. He stares at the celling. After some time he turns to face me. There is only few centimeters between us and I immediately remember the last time we were this close. We should really talk about it, but I don't have an answer for him just yet about what happened. I know I wanted it, but I have all of these emotions I don't yet know what mean.
,,You." he says and I forget what we have talked about.
,,What?" I ask.
,,My nightmares are about you." he explains what he meant. I close my eyes for a moment.
,,J," I start but he starts to talk again.
,,Correct me if I am wrong but I kind of figure out what Rafe meant he wasn't aiming for you.." I cut him short this time.
,,Don't. Neither of us can't change that and it doesn't matter who he was aiming.." he doesn't let me finish second time.
,,It was me right? We were the last ones. You were closes to me. The bullet was meant for me and you took it." he says and I don't interrupt him, because he knows even though I never planed to tell him.
,,Say I am wrong, Kie." our eyes lock. 
,,I can't, J." I shake my head.
,,I am sorry." I add.
,,Why the fuck are you sorry for? I should be the one who says sorry. You're in so much pain because of me. I thought multiple times about how I would take all of your pain if I could and you took it first from me, I didn't even know about it." he shakes his head like he should have know from the begging.
,,I am sorry because I didn't want you to find out. I didn't want you to feel guilty or anything, because the bullet was for you." I admit.
,,If it was the other way around, if the bullet was meant for me and you would turned around and see that, you wouldn't think twice about it and took it for me. I know you would." I continue.
,,Also, I don't think I could have carried you to the hospital, no offense." I try to lighten the situation.
,,You didn't know there was even a hospital, for all we knew, we were on deserted island and if we were, you would be dead and it would be my fault." he closes his eyes.
,,There is a lot would, J. It's over now. Don't go back, you can't change anything." I am trying to convince him not to think about it.
,,I saw the fear in your eyes when you thought you are going to die. How can't I go back, when I still see it?" he asks heartbroken.
,,You haven't see the fear in my eyes when we were out in the see and you were out. I didn't know if you are going to survive." I lay at back and look at the celling too.
,,That was all I could think about in that moment and I couldn't go through that fear again, J. I rather di.." he squeezes my hand. I look at him.
,,Don't you dare finish that sentence. Or even think about that again, okey?" he's serious and then I remember what I said to them earlier.
,,I am not suicidal, J, but I can't lose you." I clarify. 
,,I can't lose you either, Kie, maybe think about that." he gets up kind of mad about what I said. He storms out, I close my eyes and start crying. This is exactly I wanted to prevent.

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