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I check the clock again. It's 3 in the morning and they are still not back. Mal and Kylie are already asleep in Kylie's room. Riley told us they are fine and that we should go to sleep too. She went to sleep herself, but we are in Sarah's room watching Netflix waiting for them to come home. None of us said we are waiting for them to show up, because I kind of feel Sarah is still angry about what happened at the school. I am kind of too, but we are still waiting without admiting it out loud.

All of us sit when we hear the main door loudly shut. We exchange a look and get up.

I open the door and listen.
,,Be quiet." I recognize Kyle's voice.
,,I am, you are loud!" Kie whispers back and something falls down and break.

I raise my eyebrows at John B and Sarah. We go downstairs and switch the lights on. Both of them turn around suprised.
,,Shit." Kyle blows out a breath.
,,You scared me." he shakes his head.
,,Busted." Kie shoots him a look and starts to laugh.
,,Oh fuck, I forgot we were incognito." he closes his eyes for a second.
,,What's going on?" I ask them and look at John B.
,,Noothing. Why are you still up? It's like... late." Kie asks and leans against the counter but almost falls down.
,,Are you drunk?" Sarah asks.
,,What!? Absolutelly not!" Kyle shakes his head.
,,Yeah, I am only 17! Jesus guys. It's ilegal!" Kie crosses her arms and looks at Kyle, who nods at her.
,,Tell me you didn't drive here." I say and look between them. They exchange a look, then Kyle looks out of the window.
,,Oh shit, which one of us drive here?" he looks back at Kie completaly forgetting we are still here.
,,Ehm, I don't know. We drove here? We are drunk, Kyle!" she turns around and almost falls again. I take a step forward automaticaly.
,,Oh shit." Kyle looks around himself and then try the find the keys in his pocket.
,,So... I might have drive here." Kie places the keys on the counter from her pocket. I stop breathing for a second and clench my fists so I would keep my cool.
,,You crazy?!" he steps forward but almost falls too.
,,You had to give them to me! You were driving there!" she shouts back.
,,Okey, keep it down, everyone is sleeping." Sarah steps in.
,,Like you care." Kie shoots her a look.
,,I do care, so shut it." she steps closer and grabs the keys.
,,Why did you go drinking anyway?" she asks.
,,Why not? Our parents are dead, no one's stoping us." Kie points out.
,,Your dad is still alive, he'll wake up." Sarah shakes her head.
,,Well..." Kie looks at the clock at the owen.
,,He's not alive for more than 7 hours." she looks back at her.
,,Doubt he will wake up from the dead, but you can hope." she pats her shoulders and head to us. To the stairs I guess.

I don't hesitate this time. I go to her and help her walk.
,,I'm fine." she pushes me back. I step back but stay close behind if she needed me to catch her.
,,This was great idea, Kyle." Sarah says to him.
,,Help Kie, I help Kyle to bed." John B says so only I could hear him. I nod and follow her upstairs. It takes her some time to climb the stairs but she don't want help, so I silantly follow her.

,,Night." she closes the door in my face.
,,Fuck no." I open the door and get in before I close them again.
,,Stop being dificult and let me help you." I say.
,,I don't need help, J." she sits down on the bed and tries to undress but she stucks when she tries to take off her shirt.
,,I can see that clearly." I nod.
,,Just get out, I got it." she shakes her head and tries to take off her shirt again.

,,Oh my God." I step closer to her and help her get the t-shirt over her head.
,,Are you deaf, JJ!?" she stand up. I raise my eyebrows at her.
,,I am trying to be patient here, but you are making it difficult." I look into her eyes.
,,I am just trying to help, so why don't you let me?" I ask.
,,I already told you. I got it! I don't need your help or anyone's, okey!?" she shouts and shakes her head.
,,Too bad, I don't care." I cross my arms.
,,You should." she crosses her amrs also.
,,I care so say whatever you want." I shake my head.
,,Maybe I don't care." she states.
,,I can see that." I nod. She raises her eyebrows.
,,What does that mean!?" she asks like she wasn't the one who said that doesn't care.
,,I am agreeing with you." I remind her.
,,No, you are accusing me of something. It was in the subtext." she frowns.
,,You fucking drove here drunk as a scunk, Kiara! You clearly don't care! I agree!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes fot a second to calm down.
,,Okey. I did. It's none of your business." she tries to bypass me but I stop her by grabing her wrist. She looks up at me angrily.
,,It's none of my business?! You joking, right!?" I step closer. 
,,I am not. It's my life, I can do whatever I want with it." she frowns again and tries to wingle from my grasp.
,,Exactly, it's your life, so stop being so careless with it! For God sake..." I shake my head.
,,You almost died..." I look behind her.
,,Multiple times..." I try to continue to get to my point but I just remeber how she almost died in my arms.
,,Normal people rum away from danger, you rum towards it." I say.
,,Look who's talking." she shakes her head.
,,I saved your life." I look back into her eyes.
,,It wasn't careless. It would be worth it." I add.
,,It wouldn't." she shakes her head and looks down on my hand holding her's.
,,And for the record, I saved your life too." she reminds me.
,,Why you say it wouldn't? Of course it would." I frown now.
,,I am not worth your life, JJ." she looks up.
,,I am not. No one is." she takes a deep  breath.
,,You are my life, Kie." I place my free hand on her back and nudge her closer.
,,Don't say that." she shakes her head and closes her eyes.
,,I love you, Kiara." I say, she shakes her head again.
,,Don't... don't say that. You.. you can't... just can't." I can hear her start crying. I let go of her hand and back and cup her face so she would have to look at me.
,,I love you." I repeat it. She closes her eyes and more tears comes out.
,,No." she shakes her head again.
,,No, no, no." she tries to push me back but I won't let her.
,,Please don't." she says.
,,Why not? What's going on?" I finally ask.
,,I... you... people.. people who loves me... they die. You can't... you can't die on me... you have to... stop.. just stop." she pushes me back harder, so I take a step back so I wouldn't fall. She sits down on the bed and leans her head into her palms.
,,Kie..." I take a step forward but she shakes her head again.
,,You think I want to keep secrets from you? I don't JJ." she looks up.
,,I do it, so you would be safe. I made mistakes, my family made mistakes. You think I would lie to Sarah on purpose!? You think I would ignore you!? That I would chose fucking Rafe over you?! No! I wouldn't! Everything I did is to keep you safe from me! From my fucked up life, from
my past, so you would be fucking safe!" she shouts.
,,You think that Rafe knowing the reason why I hate Reed is because I love to tell him
everything and keep you in the dark!? That I enjoy hurting you by the fact he knows and you don't!? You think I plan everynight what I'll do the next day to make you angry!? No, I fucking don't! He knows shit about me I don't want you to know! Did you want us to know what your dad did to you!? You didn't!? You remeber why!? Because you didn't want us to look at you differently! Same goes for me!" she adds loudly.
,,But you don't look at me diferently." I state the facts. She shuts up and looks at me for a second before she looks away.
,,You would." she nods.
,,I wouldn't. I told you, you can tell me anything and it won't change a thing." I remind her.
,,You don't know that. You can't know that. You can't promise that! You can't love me! Fuck... what was I thinking." she runs her hands through her hair.
,,Hey." I step closer to her again.
,,I love you and deep down you know you can't change that, because you wouldn't be freaking out now." I state.
,,Maybe I am freaking out because I know I can change that." she looks at me.
,,You just said you want me to stop loving you." I remind her her own words.
,,Right." she nods.
,,I don't know what I want." she says and sits back down.
,,Maybe I am just broken." she whispers more to herself than to me.
,,You are not." I squat in front of her and take her hands into mine.
,,You are a lot of things, but certantly not broken, so stop saying that. Stop being so reckless with you life. Stop saying you don't want me to love you, because I won't. Ever. I'll always love you. You saved my life more than once, Kie, you love me, I know that. You wouldn't hurt me on purpose, I know that too. Stop shiting on yourself. We got into fight, and what, it just needs a little more comunication on both sides, okey?" I nudge her with me knee so she would look at me. She does, but she doesn't say or do anything.

,,You are right. I love you, J." she nods.
,,That's the problem. You..." she starts again.
,,Don't finish that. That's not a problem. It's the best thing that happened to me in my life. Anything happens, we'll handle it together." I narrow and kiss her forehead.
,,You shout go to sleep. We can talk more tomorrow if you need." I suggest. She nods and I help her lie down.
,,I'm sorry." she closes her eyes.
,,This time I let you be sorry, because I need you to be." I kiss her briefly.
,,Is there a chance you'll stay with me after what a bitch I was earlier and just now?" she asks and finds my eyes. I smile.
,,You don't even have to ask." I take off my shoes and lie down next to her. She scoots over and lies her head on my chest.
,,Will you be here when I wake up? I need you to tell something." she asks.
,,Alright, I skip school even though I love it to go there." I joke and she chuckles.
,,There she is." I kiss her head and hug her.
,,Goodnight." I say.
,,Goodnight." she snuggles even closer and falls asleep within seconds.

I keep away for a while longer thinking about what she said. Stop loving her? No chance!

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