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It was a fucking long night. When I arrived at Finnley's in the early morning, they were up because of the police that was at our cabin around 3, so I had to explain everything that happened before they let me go lie down and we fell asleep.

When I wake up the same day, it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I look out of the window and see the Twinkie isn't where she was. They left. Figured. I close my eyes for a second before we go down for lunch Jackie, Finnley and Frankie's mum, made.

We spent the rest of the day in the living room lying around and watching Christmas films.


When I wake up aroun 1 o'clock in the afternoon I go to Kie's room where Sarah and John B slept.

They are already up too and Sarah is looking into Kie's walk in closet.
,,I can't believe this! How can she has so many clothes and wear like 10 things." she comes back into the room in something of Kie.
,,Oh, morning, J." she notices me.
,,If you find that straightening thing she uses for her hair, throw it out of the window." I comment and look around the room. I stop at her night stand where is the gift I sent her for her birthday. Still unwraped.
,,You okey?" John B asks so I look away from it but he noticed that and grabs it.
,,You know what it is?" he asks.
,,I was trying to figure it out all night." he smiles.
,,Maybe it's from the guy she dated!" he looks up.
,,You know, the same one she's staying with right now." I roll my eyes annoyed.
,,It's from me. It's not from him." I take it from him and place it back where it was.
,,Oh?" they both give me a look.
,,I bought it weeks ago, okey? It was for her birthday, it would be a waste to throw it away." I lie.
,,Oh my God!" Sarah shouts and exchanges a look with John B.
,,You already forgave her!" Sarah looks back at me.
,,If you did, what was that yesterday in the woods?" John B asks me. I shake my head.
,,I don't... know." I sit down on the chair by her table and look out of the window.
,,I'm trying to I guess, but... I can't help it when I remember what she did." I tell them truthfully. It's pointless to lie to them. Kyle asked us to decide and I think I already did.
,,I think all of us are, in our own way." Sarah says so I look at her.
,,She took me into her family after what happened with my dad. I didn't even ask her to do it, she just did. I don't think I could just leave her when I know she didn't mean to hurt anyone." she explains.
,,She's my family now." she adds.
,,I mean she almost killed someone to save us yesterday." John B says and Sarah raises her eyebrows at him.
,,Oh shit, I forgot Kate's your mum." he bites his lip.
,,She's sick. I know... I don't know." she sighs.
,,I'm just glad you are okey." she adds.
,,What are you doing here, guys?" Pope opens the door and we turn around.
,,It's lunch." he adds and we follow him downstairs. Kyle looks up at us.
,,The police found Luke. He's alive, he got shot to the leg, but he'll survive." he smiles at us.
,,He's in the hospital not far from here if you want to go visit him." he looks at me especially.
,,Yeah, thanks." I nod and we eat the lunch Riley and Hannah made for us.

We go out with Kyle after lunch because he needs to give a statement at the police station. He gives us a look before we get into our separate cars.
,,So.." he starts.
,,We are trying." Sarah says for all of us which makes him smile a bit.
,,I'm glad." he nods and we go.


I ask a nurse where I'll find my dad and she gives me a room number. We take the elevator to the third floor and then find the right room.

I knock before entering. Luke looks away from the TV and slightly smiles.
,,JJ." he says. I make a suprised face. I didn't expect that. I expext yelling. I expected blame, but not a soft voice and my name.
,,Hey." I get into the room.
,,You kids okey?" he asks and looks at the Pogues next to me.
,,We are alright." I say. He smiles and nods.
,,That's great." he shifts on the bed and makes a face of pain.
,,You good?" I ask.
,,I'll survive." he finds my eyes again.
,,Where's Carrera? She good too?" he notices suprisingly.
,,Still sleeping. It was a night." I answer.
,,Okey." he nods.
,,Why did you do that?" I have to ask.
,,I would expect you to run in the other direction." I add. He nods and thinks for a second.
,,I am trying to.. change. To be better." he starts. I raise my eyebrows.
,,Why?" I don't understand the change of heart.
,,I didn't want to move from Outer Banks." he laughs but I don't get it.
,,Oh, so you are still not talking I see." he nods and I raise my eyebrows.
,,When I got out of prison, your girlfriend was waiting for me outside. She gave me a lot of money and a nice threat." he says and I exchange a look with my friends who look as lost as I am.
,,She told me to get out of the Outer Banks and leave you alone. Or, go to rehab and get better if I want to see you again." he looks up at me.
,,She's scary, I'll give her that, but... she made  me realize things. I wanted to get better, but I couldn't do it by myself, so I went to the rehab and she also gave me a legal job." he smiles.
,,I am sober for 31 days today." he looks down because my shock is all over the room.
,,I know it means nothing to you after... everything I've done. That's why I didn't say anything. I..." he stops.
,,It's something." I state and he looks up.
,,For the first time ever, you are actually trying." I add and look at my friends who look shocked just as I am.
,,You know," he gives me a look.
,,In the woods, I was curious, so I asked her why she run away here and didn't stay to fight for you." he starts.
,,She said she doesn't have the strenght to fight for you, because she can barely fight for her to stay alive." he smiles which suprises me.
,,The second she found out you three are in the woods after we heard the gunshot, she run after you without question and I realized that she will always fight for you to stay alive even if you won't know it." he states.
,,Yeah, she's annoying like that." I smile.

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