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The next morning I am awake before my alarm rings. I turn it off and get out of my bed. 

I get into the bathroom where I brush my teeth, when I turn around I meet Sarah's eyes. 
,,Today should be fun." she smiles ironically. 
,,I am sorry, John B is mad at you because of me." I say. She shakes her head and brush her teeth too.
,,We are doing this for JJ, he's my friend too, and I don't care how they feel about it now. When they find out, they are gonna be the one's to apologize to us." she says with a smile. 
,,Pogues don't lie to Pogues and I feel like it's the only thing I am doing these days." I sigh. 
,,They'll understand eventually." she smiles at me before we head back to our rooms to change.

Sarah choses white-brown sweater with jeans and I pick grey sweater, which hangs down from my shoulder and black jeans. She has her hair down and I have my classic bun on top of my head. 

We grab our bags when we are done and head downstairs. Anna made us breakfast before she left with dad to work, so we eat it in silence. Today both if us have a shift at the Wreck because she has to arrange something. She didn't say what.

After we eat our breakfast, we go to my car and I drive us to school. We don't talk, I guess we are both nervous what's about to come at us. I park my car few cars away from Twinkie. All of them are leaning agains the hood of the car and waiting for us to show up. That's obvious. 

We get out of my car and head to them. 
,,Look who it is." John B says angrily.
,,Do you have an explanation for us?" he asks and looks me in the eyes.
,,Not yet." I answer him truthfully. 
,,Hm." he steps closer.
,,Then I guess we haven't nothing to talk about." he adds.
,,I guess not." I nod at him. I am not about to change his mind, I can't say the truth and I won't make another lie just so they would forgive me. 

He sighs disappointed and leave. Pope and Cleo follow right after him. JJ remain still for second longer, he gives me a look and smile slightly.
,,Sorry." he mutters before he follows them too. 

I exchange a look with Sarah.
,,That went well." she nods sarcastically. 
,,Did you thought it would go differently?" I ask.
,,Not really." she smile, because what else we can do that take it.

The rest of the day, they avoid us. Even at lunch we don't sit where we normally sit, which hurts a little but yeah. It is what it is. 


After the shift at the Wreck is over, we head back home with Sarah and my dad. Mum is still away. I don't ask. Dad apparently knows, so I don't ask question which I might not like the answer to. 

I come into my room tiredly and close my door after me. 
,,Hej." JJ says casually but I scream because I haven't noticed him.
,,Shit, J, could you stop coming like this?" I close my eyes for a second to calm myself down.
,,Sorry." he smiles innocently.

,,You okey?" Sarah barges into my room. Both of us look at her.
,,Oh, you again." Sarah shakes her head and sit down next to him.
,,Sure, sit down, anyone else coming?" I put my bag down next to my table and sit into the window frame.
,,I take a hard guess and say they don't know you are here still talking to us." Sarah looks at JJ.
,,Who says I am talking to you? I am here to talk to Kie." he smiles at her.
,,Tsss." Sarah shakes her head.
,,It's kind of ironic you are the only one to talk to us." she says.
,,Sarah!" I warn her because she's saying too much.
,,Why?" he asks.
,,Ignore her." I wave my hand.
,,Oh, I am looking forward to we tell you. You are gonna be so mad." she chuckles.
,,Out." I point to my door.
,,Why?" he asks the question and looks at me.
,,What the fuck are you up to?" he asks again.
,,I told you to ignore her." I repeat myself.
,,Sorry, I just, I do forward to that." she stands up.
,,And they are gonna be the ones who will apologize, not the other way around." she stops at the door.
,,Just the facts." she leaves and closes the door behind her.
,,Why am I getting mad?" JJ is still on it. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.
,,I already told you, J, I can't tell you yet." I say and look up at him.
,,Because I would stop you?" he guesses.
,,Yeah probably." I nod.
,,Scratch that, one hundred precent you would stop me." I correct myself.
,,I don't like this." he admits.
,,I hate lying to you for sure, but I need to do this, okey? Could you just trust me little longer?" I ask him.
,,How much longer exactly?" he asks.
,,14 days? More or less." I guess.
,,Okey, that's perfect." he stands up.
,,I have birthday in 16 days, so you two could come and tell us then." he says and I nod.
,,Okey." I approve of his plan.
,,I thought you hate your birthday." I say.
,,I do. But I want us talking again, I don't like this." he admits.
,,Oh you sacrifice your hate for your birthday just so we could make up?" I smile.
,,We should definitely make out now." he comes to me and leans down to kiss me when my dad yells dinner is ready.
,,That sucks." I get up slowly, he narrow himself, our lips are so close but still not touching.
,,Yeah it does." he smiles.
,,However, you are still in my way." he adds.
,,I was about to say the same thing." I place my arms around his neck and press him closer to me.

He closes the gap between us and kisses me passionately but only for a minute.
,,I wanted to do that since I saw you this morning." he leans his forehead against mine.
,,Me too." I admit.

He backs away a step and take something from his pocket.
,,I forgot to give you this back. I promised you to give it back, so you can do with it what you want." he places my old phone on my desk, I look at it for a second.
,,I didn't play it, like I promised too." he gives me a smile.
,,If you still want to throw it in the ocean, you can. If not, you can take it to the police, either way it's your choice." he gives me a quick kiss before he climbs out of the window, but he doesn't leave right away.
,,Promised me too." he says, I raise my eyebrows.
,,Don't play it again, okey?" he asks me.
,,Promise." I smile at him. I like how he cares about me. 
,,Thanks." he smiles and leaves, so I could attend the dinner.


The rest of the 14 days looks the same. The Pogues still don't talk to us. I think they get angrier by the day, but it won't take much longer, because the next day I get my paycheck from the cinema and from my parents. JJ came back to my room only twice, so they wouldn't notice him sneaking around. 

We sit down this evening on my dead with all of our money. We count it and when we are done, we exchange a look. 

,,We did it." I say. We have a little more than we need, but that's even better.
,,You did it, I gave you hardly enough." Sarah smiles at me.
,,It helped." I hug her for a minute.

I grab all of the money and give them into an envelope, so I could pay the restitution off tomorrow and give JJ his birthday present.

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