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They leave right after that and JJ and I go to my dad's office.
,,Where do we start?" JJ looks around the room.
,,The table, then the library." I decide on spot.

I unlock the safe again, but nothing interesting is there. I go through his computer while JJ looks through the papers on and in the desk.
,,Nothing." I say and look at JJ, he nods in agreement he didn't find anything too.

We go through the library next and we look into every book there is, which takes us like 4 hours, before I find a book which is carved in and some fold papers are inside.

,,Hey, J." I say.
,,Found something." I add and place the book at the desk so I could look at the papers.

Well, one paper, when I open in, five photos falls down. JJ grabs them, while I read the paper.
,,I would call off Sarah's shift for the week if you don't want anything to happen to her." I read it out loud.
,,Anonymous, but... if this was Reed, or anyone who planted the bomb... they didn't want Sarah's there, but was threatening her as well?" I frown.
,,I don't think he was threatening to Sarah, Kie." JJ says. I look at him, but he's looking at the photos in his hands.

I lean closer to see them too. He's right. It's not pictures of Sarah, but me in the street, outside of school, going to JB's house etc.

,,You got to be kidding me." I grab them from him and shake my head.
,,You believe me now that it was Reed?" I look at JJ, but his face is off.
,,You okey, Jayj?" I ask him concerned.
,,Are you?" he asks.
,,Someone was stalking you the whole time, Kie." he shakes his head and takes a deep breath.
,,That just proves it was Reed, he did this once." I remind him.
,,Why are you so calm? Someone was taking pictures without you knowing and then threaten you." he reminds me.
,,I am fine, J." I grab his hand.
,,I can't think about that now, we need to talk to Shoup." I turn around, but he spins me back holding me in place by his hands on my back.
,,And tell him what? It was anonymous like you said and you can't prove it's from Reed." he gives me look.
,,Alright, but we could explain everything else what I told you." I suggest.
,,Even if Shoup believed us, he won't be able to do anything. He needs prove to arrest him and he already has a suspect in custody, he can't help us and we need to keep this a secret so Reed wouldn't find out we are on to him, right? We need to think this through, Kie. I won't let you to put yourself in danger again." he says.
,,Right." I nod.
,,You are right. We need to think this through." I nod again.
,,Okey, so.. we have this, but it doesn't prove anything. We have a motive, but that we have to keep to ourselves for now." I state the facts.
,,Got it." JJ looks up.
,,You said they have only little on my dad. Motive and a video tape where he's sending the box, but we don't know what he sent, maybe we should check out who accept the shipment." he suggest.
,,How would we do that? The police has the tapes." I remind him.
,,But, you are not far off. We can't check out who accepted, but we can check who delivered it." I smile and go sit behind the desk again. I look through my dad's computer untill I find the file where every tape recording is being saved.
,,Here." I click on the day the bomb went off and look through it in speed motion.
,,There!" JJ points at the monitor and I stop skipping.

Both of us lean closer. It's a man for sure. He kind of looks like Reed but he has a hat on, so we can't really see the face clearly.
,,It kind of looks like him." JJ says and I nod.
,,But is it enough? Kind of?" I look up, when JJ shrugs.
,,I have no idea, but let's keep it real. We are Pogues. We are so close to the case. It was your parents. My dad is the main suspect. We are dating..." he finds my eyes.
,,We need more than just kind of or maybe." he adds.
,,Yeah." I look back at the screen.
,,I'm sorry." he takes my hand into his.
,,There must be something... something that proves the truth. The real one." I state.

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