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It's before 6 o'clock in the afternoon when I get outside from the police station. I paid the restitution, but I also reported Rafe. I gave Shoup my old phone with the recording and he said it's good evidence and for now he filled restraining order against him for me. He will inform me about the rest later.

I get into my car and call Sarah on my way home.
,,Hey, are you on your way?" she asks, because she's already at John B's house.
,,Yes, I went to pick up the gift and I am heading home to change, but it only take a minute. Then I'll head into your way." I explain.
,,Okey, hurry up before their faces kills me." she whispers and hangs up the phone call.



,,It's more than an hour, she was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago. I don't like this, something must have happened." I shake my head and place my face into my face.
,,Or she just ditch us. Wouldn't surprise me." John B says.
,,I agree with Sarah, she wouldn't. She was going to tell us why she lied and she only went to change, it's weird she's still not here, man." JJ agree with me, I give him a look. 
,,I try to call her again." I pick up my phone and it ring for a minute before it directs me into the voicemail again.

I shake my head at them and look at my phone, we wait a little longer before her names popes up on my phone.

,,Fuck, are you okey, Carrera?" I get up and start to pace around.
,,Yeah, ehm, I am so sorry, something came up.. with my parents, I couldn't call you sooner but I am coming now. I'll be there in 15 minutes, promise." her voice cracks couple times, but I don't say anything about that.
,,Okey, hurry up." I say and hang up the phone.
,,She's going to be here in 15 minutes." I repeat to them.
,,Something with her parents but I don't buy that." I look at them briefly before I call Anna.

She picked up immediately. 
,,Sarah, hi." he answers the phone.
,,What happened?" I ask. She sighs.
,,Rafe.." she says, but my phone slips from my hand and I almost fall if John B didn't catch me.
,,What the fuck Sarah?" he asks and picks my phone from the floor, I grab it from him.
,,Sarah, I am so sorry. She's fine, but.. he attacked her because he wanted to know where you are and she wouldn't tell him." I can say she's crying.
,,So it's my fault." I realize.
,,No, no, hunny, it's not. He's in holding cell now and Kie's coming to you because she didn't want to be alone and we don't know how to help her. Maybe you can." she corrects me.
,,Thanks for telling me, I'll text you when she gets here." I say and we say our goodbyes.
,,What?" JJ is on his feat waiting for my answer. I look directly in front of me still shocked.

She didn't say what he did, so I can only imagine. I remember her voice, she almost couldn't talk. What if he chocked her? Why didn't she tell me? What else did he do? Was she in the hospital?

,,Sarah!" John B yells my name and I get out of my mind, I look up at him realizing I am crying.
,,Rafe attacked her." I whisper.

,,He didn't." I hear behind me and all of us turn around to look at Kie. She has a turtle neck and sweat pants. Casual close, I look her up and down to evaluate the situation.
,,You talked to my mum?" she takes a few steps closer. I nod.
,,She's just overdramatizing things, Rafe came for you, didn't find you, I wouldn't tell him, he punched me, Shoup shot him and arrested him." she smiles and I can tell she's lying.
,,That's about it." she looks at us.
,,Anyway, don't let this interrupt this night. We have the gift for you J." she takes an envelope from her bag and give it to JJ, who takes it but tosses it onto the table.
,,I don't care about some gift, I care about what really happened to you." he says. They are looking at each other for a second, before Kie looks down.
,,Weren't you mad at me by any chance? Is that why are we here, so we could clear the air?" she grabs the envelope again and gives it to JJ.
,,Open it." she says. He shakes his head.
,,Please, open it, J." she repeats. 
,,Oh my god, I told you nothing really happened, so could we talk about it tomorrow?" she throws her hands in the air.
,,No." JJ shakes his head again.
,,God, fine, I'll tell you what it is then." she says but her voice cracks again and I am not the only one to notice that.
,,Why do you have a turtleneck? It's kind of hot outside." JJ points out. Shit, not this. He didn't do this again. 

,,Well, I am cold." she lies. Fucking Rafe.
,,Oh my god, he didn't." I stand up and goes to her but she backs away.
,,What are you doing?" I can see the fear in her eyes.
,,I want to see if I am wrong." I say. 
,,You are." she says.
,,Am I?" I shake my head.
,,It happened again, right?" I sigh.
,,No, it didn't. Stop, Sarah." she begs me because she knows I know.
,,Show me your neck then." I nod at her neck.
,,You know what, fuck you all. I didn't come here so I would be interrogated again." she says and throws the envelope on the table again.
,,Happy birthday, I guess." she says and turns around. She leaves the porch and heads to her car.

,,I got it." JJ says and goes after her. I look at him and I know he does, I just don't know why I feel like that. 

We exchange a look.
,,We paid his restitution, Kiara worked two jobs so we would had the money for it, that's why she didn't have time to spent with you, but couldn't tell you, because if JJ knew, he wouldn't let her to pay for it." I get it out on one breath. They raise their's eyebrows. 

,,Shit." Pope says and looks at Cleo. JB goes to me and hugs me, I put my arms around him and start to cry.
,,I am so sorry." he whispers and I nod.
,,I am too." I say back.

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