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We go inside The Wreck.
,,Sit down, I get us some food." I tell them and go to my parents.
,,Hey." I greet them.
,,Hun, you okey?" mum asks and goes to hug me instantly.
,,Yeah, yeah, I just couldn't breathe at school when everyone was staring and whispering about what happened yesterday." I explain.
,,I am just glad you texted like we talked about." she smiles at me. I look at my dad and he already knows what I am about to ask, because he rolls his eyes.
,,Sure, we have leftovers for you and your friends." he nods and goes back to bring me some food.
,,Thanks." I smile when he hands me some and I go to sit with my friends who are waiting.
,,Thank you, Gracious." JJ says and dive in like the rest.
,,You are very much welcome." I smile.

We stay here for about an hour before John B takes me and Sarah back to our house and then they drive back to the château.

,,So," Sarah starts and I immediately roll my eyes.
,,What now, Miss Know-it-all?" I ask when I unlock the door.
,,Why won't you admit that you and JJ have a thing going?" she follows me to my room.
,,Because we don't." I deny some more.
,,I'm starting to take it personally." she sits down on my bed.
,,What?" I don't understand.
,,That you keep lying to me, I thought we are back to being besties." she crosses her arms on her chest.
,,Well then..." I don't know what to say next.
,,Don't ask any more questions, so I don't have to answer them." I say and partly admit my lying.
,,I knew it!" she squeaks loudly.
,,Tell me, tell me, tell meeee!" she begs and I roll my eyes.
,,There's really nothing to say, Sarah." I sit down next to her.
,,Yet." I add, which makes her squeak again.

We change the subject and instead we grab Scrabble and start to play. We have 8 random letters each and we have to make a word or words from them.

The first round takes us around one hour and it's still pretty early so we start to play new round.


,,Hey." I hear from my window and both of us turn around to see JJ climbing in. He stops when he spots Sarah.
,,Oh, you are here." he shoots me a look.
,,I totally called it." Sarah chuckles and concentrate back on her letters. JJ keeps staring at me and I shrug.
,,Come sit, JJ, we don't bite." Sarah speaks up again without looking up.
,,I have shitty letters anyway, we can start a new game." she offers.
,,I am not really good with this game." he says while he sits down.
,,Too bad, you are already here. I mean that is why you hear, right? Kie texted you to come and join us, right?" she smiles at him.
,,Right." he nods and I roll my eyes. He takes the opportunity when she prepare a new game to look at me. He raise and eyebrows at me and I shrug again.
,,Okey, I go get some drinks and brb." Sarah gets up and leaves for now.

,,What..." JJ starts.
,,She knows something is up, but I didn't say anything, I swear." I explain.
,,She just thinks she knows." I add.
,,I mean... she's not wrong, right?" he asks unsure what we have.
,,She's not, but she doesn't need to know that, right? I mean... it's still early and I don't know how the Pogues would react." I say.
,,Right, right." he nods.
,,We should find out where this goes before we tell them." he agrees.
,,And there's also our rule No Pogue on Pogue macking." I remind him.
,,I mean, you already broke it." he says and frowns.
,,Okey, to be clear, John B broke it also and with Pope, I don't even know what to say about that. We went through a trauma and it just happened." I shrug.
,,Don't remind me, I was there." he looks away.
,,Hey," I grab his hand.
,,I'm sorry, but at the end of the day, I am with you. It let us here, so..." I smile at him.
,,You are right, I am sorry. You shouldn't be." he nods.

,,I am coming in!" Sarah shouts and takes another two seconds before she comes in.
,,That was unnecessary." I comment.
,,I like to be announce before coming to the room." she explains.
,,Since when?" JJ asks.
,,Since you two have a thing going." she points a finger between us.
,,We don't have anything going." he lies.
,,Oh, I forgot I am talking to Mr. Deny-deny-deny now." she shakes her head.
,,At least that you two have in common." she sits back down.
,,Learn from the second best." I say.
,,Pff." JJ rolls his eyes and we start the game.


JJ leaves before midnight and we go to sleep soon after that. The next morning is going exactly like every other day. On the driveway to the school I warn Sarah.
,,Remember, yesterday didn't happen. JJ didn't came over." I shoot her a quick look.
,,Sure, sure, I don't know what are you talking about." she smiles for herself.
,,Well, you sure smile a lot these days." I comment.
,,I am genuinely happy person, that's it." she says when I park my car on the parking lot.

We get out of the car and wait for the Pogues to come.
,,I feel weird." I say.
,,Something is going to go down today. I feel it in my bones." I add and look around.
,,Everything is going to be fine, chill out for a second." she nods at Twinkie who just parked. We head there and then we go inside.

Sarah wasn't wrong yet, nothing happened, but the day is still young when we get out of the school around 4 o'clock.

We head to The Wreck for food, but when we head there I'm surprised to see Caleb's car parked outside.
,,That's weird." I say.
,,What is?" John B asks when they stop next to us.
,,That's Caleb's car." I comment.

I give them a look and head inside first.
,,Cabe!" I find him immediately.
,,Kie, hey." he hugs me and I see his entire family behind him.
,,Hey guys." he greets everyone else when he steps back.
,,What's going on, why are you all here?" I ask and look at Rick and Hannah.
,,Where's Mal?" I notice she's not here. However, no one doesn't answer. Hannah's looking behind me and Rick is looking at my parents.
,,Cabe?" I look at my friend.
,,I didn't know, Kie. They just told me." he says instead of answering my questions.
,,Told you what?" I don't understand.
,,Mal's need a kidney surgery. Her is failing, but Hannah isn't a match." he continues.
,,Fuck, I'm sorry." I bite my lip.
,,Mal's your daughter?" I recognize JJ's voice, so I turn around.
,,Yes." Hannah answers him.
,,And you hope I'll be a match, right?" he asks and I lose my mind, because I don't get anything that is going on.
,,JJ, I..." she starts, but he turns around and leaves in a flash. I raise my eyebrows and look at the Pogues, who are confused just as I am.
,,We'll go check on him." John B decides and they all leave except for Sarah.
,,Someone cares to explain?" I look at Hannah.
,,JJ," she looks down.
,,He's my son." she says and my mind blows up.
,,Your son." I repeat.
,,That's not... possible." I look at my parents.
,,I have known you my entire life." I continue.
,,I'm sorry, we didn't know how to tell you." dad says.
,,What?!" I raise my voice.
,,You can't be serious right now." I shake my head.
,,I am sorry, sweetie." mum steps forward but I step back.
,," I shake my head.
,,I can't believe you." I turn around and leave.

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