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Kie fell asleep almost immediately. I throw my hands behind my head and watch the TV. I am not that tired to go to sleep and when I remember the nightmare I had in the hospital, I don't really want to sleep. 

The girls are silently talking during the film but I don't pay attention. I pay attention to the plot in the TV so I didn't have time to think about this fucked up situation we are in. 

Kie moves closer to me in her sleep, so now she resting her head on my body and her hand over my stomach. The other hand she has around herself holding her wound. I smile unconsciously. I lower one arm and hug around her shoulders. If I could I would take all her pain so she wouldn't have to suffer. I would do that for every Pogue, but unfortunately I can't do that for anyone. 

I shake my head and look back up to the TV and start to concentrate again. After half an hour my eyes starts to close by themselves, I try to fight it like I did in the hospital but even now I lose soon after and fell asleep even though I don't want to. 


We sneak from the motel to the nearest shop we could find. We take a trolley and start to fill it in with lots of food. Mostly eggs, sandwiches, ham, cheese and all the basic groceries we need. We also take some toothbrushes and toothpaste. John B grabs also some water bottles and we head to the cash desk. On our way I grab Kie's favorite candy bar, but then I remember we are just friends so I grab another one for JJ too, so it wouldn't be obvious. 

I pay for all of this with the cash Sarah gave us. I grab two full bags of food and John B carry the water bottles. 

,,We yet need to buy the clothes." John B remembers.
,,I think we should take something for everyone." he adds, because before I only mention Kie.
,,Sure, I forgot." I nod and we head to the shop with clothes. First we choose the men's clothes because it's easier when we are boys and then we head for the women's department. We look around completely lost.
,,You have a girlfriend." I point out he should do the picking. He sighs and take 3 different T-shirts and 3 black shorts. We stop before the underwear section.
,,This is pain." John B shakes his head.
,,Yup, didn't think I would be here choosing girls underwear." I admit. John B grabs some underwear and we pay for it and finally head back to the motel. 

I unlock the door and we come in with full of bags and water bottles. Sarah and Cleo gets up from the bed and go to us. I hand them the bag with clothes and look at Kiara. She's sleeping on JJ. My heart leave a beat when I see them so close to each other. I try not to see much into it, they are best friends, it't totally normal sleeping like this. Right? But the question is still there.. What if they are not just friends?

,,You can lay it in the kitchen, Cleo and I will make a toasts. In the meantime, you can take a shower and we switch after we are done." Sarah gives John B a kiss on a cheek before they head to the kitchen. I follow short after them. 

When they start preparing our food I pick some clean clothes and head to the bathroom. In the shower I try not to think about the two sleepyheads next door, but when I try not to think about them the more I actually do. I start to remember or their harmless flirting. I always though it was just fun to JJ. Nothing more, because lets be real, JJ doesn't really do girlfriends, but maybe I was just telling myself that to think I have a chance with her. I had my chance, but that really worked out. Maybe because she was already in love with someone else. I mean if they do fell for each other, I can't blame them. At least JJ, Kie is Kie. Who wouldn't want to be her boyfriend. I just never though she and JJ could be a thing. Maybe that's not even happening and I read into things that are even there. I always knew that Kie will eventually find someone who is not me, but I think I would be just as much jealous. Am I even jealous? I don't really know to be honest. I think I am at the point I think all of the guys want to date her even if they just look in her direction. I think I am just overreacting. Nothing is happening between them. They are best friends who went through some trauma, so that's why they are much closer now. That is it. Period. 

I turn off the shower before I start another round thinking about it and change into the clothes we bought. I brush my teeth before I come outside. I sit down at the table not looking in their direction and wait for the food. 

,,We also did some eggs if you were more hungry and the toasts weren't enough." Cleo says when she place a plate before me. I look up at her and smile.
,,Thanks." she nods and goes back into the kitchen. I am glad we met her. She helped us so much and she doesn't really knows us that well. 

After few minutes the rest of the awake people join me at the table and we eat in silence. John B goes into the shower second. After we are done eating, we still don't talk, I guess so we wouldn't wake Kie and JJ, but personally I would appreciate if they would wake up, so I could forgot about them together in more way than friends. But I would never wake them in purpose because they need the rest. They should be in hospital ideally but that is not an option because of Rafe and Barry, so I keep quite like the rest of the Pogues, whenever my feeling. 

Sarah gets up and goes to pick some clean clothes herself. She picks one but then she starts to laugh. We all turn around to look at her so she would shut it.
,,I am sorry, I just imagine you two picking girls underwear." she shakes her head with a smile.
,,I am sad I missed that, it would made my day just looking at yours faces." she locks herself in the bathroom still laughing. 

We take a look at Kie and JJ but it doesn't look like her laugh wake them up. Cleo eats rest of her food in the meantime and when she does I help her clean up after the four of us. 

However when we get to the kitchen and I see the eggs, I take a second round eating. John B does the same. 
,,Hope you like it." Cleo says when I turn around so I could sit at the table.
,,I don't doubt it." I smile and eat it.

Sarah takes her sweet time showering, I am glad she let us to be the first ones. After her, Cleo shower more quickly, so now we are sitting around the table.
,,Should we wake them up?" I ask because I think we are all thinking about that.
,,We should let them sleep. Rafe and Barry don't know we are here, so we are safe for now." John B answers so I nod. 

We sit like this about half an hour longer, when someone starts to bang at the door. We exchange looks full of fear it's Rafe, but then how could they found out? If they saw us earlier, they wouldn't have waited this long to show up.
,,Sarah!" it's sounds familiar, but definitely not Rafe or Barry. John B and Sarah gets up and get the door.
,,Au!" I turn around and see Kie and JJ sitting. She holds her stomach and I feel bad already that I wanted so bad for them to wake up. At least she wasn't in pain.
,,Are you alright?" JJ asks her before I have the chance.
,,Peachy." they exchange knowing look, but I don't get it.
,,Who is that?" Kie asks and turns to the door.

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