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,,So you have a new boyfriend, I see." Reed says when we come closer, then he looks behind Sarah's shoulder and freezes for a second when he recognizes us.
,,Yo, Kie, been a while." he says and then looks at Rafe.
,,Rafe." he nods at him.
,,What the fuck are you doing with him?" JJ asks. I don't look away from Reed though.
,,What are you doing back, Reed?" I ask him with natural face expresion.
,,Miss me?" he smiles.
,,Not really." I cross my arms just as Rafe did.
,,Oukey, I can see you two are still on the same page." he makes a joke, but no one laughs.
,,When it comes to you, we are and she hates me." Rafe states. Reed looks between us.
,,Alright, I should go..." he starts.
,,Don't come back." I smile ironically.
,,What's wrong with you?" Sarah asks me comfused.
,,It's fine, S. I'll hit you up later." Reed smiles at her and head back to his car. I watch him as he goes untill he drives away.

,,Are you going to answer me?" JJ reminds his question.
,,What did he say to you?" I turn to Sarah instead.
,,What?" she raises his eyebrows.
,,Are you on something? He's our friends, he didn't do anything, if I remember corectly." she looks at Rafe.
,,Did he say Reed did something?" she asks.
,,What?" Rafe snorts. I exchange a look with him.
,,He's an asshole, Sarah." I state and look back at her.
,,Oh really? Why is that?" she crosses her arms.
,,Can we talk in private?" I ask her.
,,What's going on here?" John B steps forward.
,,It doesn't concern you, Pogue." Rafe comments.
,,Why are you still here?" I turn to look at him.
,,I already told you why." he rolls his eyes.
,,And I told you, I don't need you help, so get lost." I say.
,,You have my number when you change your mind." then he decides to finally leave.
,,What's going on, Kie?" John B repeats his question.
,,Reed is Cameron. Your brother? Rafe thinks Ward sent him to take you to back to him." I lie.
,,What? That's not possible. He's not Cameron." she states.
,,Unfortunatelly he is." I say.
,,Your grandparents took him because Ward was only 17." I explain.
,,He changed his name, so no one knew when he came to live here." I add.
,,What... how do you know this? Because Rafe told you?" she chuckles.
,,No. I knew already." I state.
,,How?" she doesn't believe me.
,,Can't tell you." I say.
,,Why?" she asks.
,,And even so, I am a Cameron. Only because he is, that doesn't mean, he's like my dad or Rafe. Also, need I remind you, that you just said Rafe told you, he thinks Reed is here because my dad sent him? Rafe. C'mon!" she shakes her head.
,,I have my reasons why I hate the guy." I say.
,,And you are right, I don't know why he's really back, but it would make sense." I add.
,,Right." she shakes her head.
,,You can't even think a reason to tell me. You just believed Rafe. He's a liar and psychopat! You fucking know that! Why do you still believe him!?" she asks.
,,Can't think of a reason?! I am not lying, Sarah! And if me believing Rafe says something it should be that even thought what he did to mr, it's still..." she interupts me.
,,You don't decide that, Kiara! You don't decide for me, for any of us! He didn't hurt just you! He hurted all of us! And I don't see why do you believe him over me or Reed! I said to you we are friends! And if you are telling the truth and he's Cameron, he is just like me! He's a good one! I know him, he wouldn't hurt me!" she shouts at me and I shut up.
,,Fine. I guess I am just lying." I say. I turn around and leave them.

I mean, I don't even know what to think. I understand why she doesn't want to believe me. He sees him as someone who could finally be good from her family, except for her and Wheezie. I also couldn't tell her the whole truth. I also didn't want them to know, what he did and why he left year and a half ago. But still... she didn't have to say those things about me. I know I am not the judge. I know I am not the only one who Rafe hurted. Fuck. I just want a break from this shit.


We all look behind Kie till she drives away.
,,What just happened?" I ask because we all think it.
,,Let's go." Sarah says and goes to Twinkie. We follow after her.

We head to the chateu and sit down on the porch. I look at the ocean and think again about what happened. Why she was with Rafe? Why didn't she answer my question? Is Sarah right? What just happened!?

,,Who the hell she thinks she is!?" Sarah sits down angrily and opens a beer she just took in the kitchen.
,,Sorry not sorry, your girlfriend lost it since... you know." she adds and looks down.
,,I don't get it." I say.
,,After everything he did to us, to her, she still talks to him." I say.
,,Why do I feel like, she was lying?" Pope asks.
,,She was very vague about her reason why she hates the Reed guy." he adds.
,,You said she doesn't have a reason." I look at Sarah.
,,But I don't think that's it." I shake my head.
,,She might get one, whatever it is, but what pisses me off is that she wouldn't tell us so we would understand or at least you you would understand since we don't know the guy, but of course Rafe knew it." I state the facts.
,,I miss the old days." John B states and opens a beer for himself.
,,Same." I nod.
,,I'm tired of this shit. If we lie or don't tell her everything, she's pissed, but she doesn't tell us shit." Pope states another fact.
,,Right." I nod.

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