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,,You should run." Kylie walks into the room and looks at me.
,,Too late." mewma walks in right after her.
,,Mewma!" John B gets up from the chair and go hugs her.
,,Johny, I missed you." she hugs him back.
,,How have you been?" she asks.
,,You know, dealing with her." he nods at me.
,,Oh yeah, I understand." she smiles and frowns at me.
,,This is my friends I told you about." John B waves at the Pogues.
,,This is Sarah, my girlfriend." he starts to introduce them.
,,Oh my, she's pretty!" mewma nods.
,,But I herad you are a bitch." mewma says which makes Sarah freeze, but then mewma chuckles.
,,Who told you that?" John B asks confused.
,,The true lying bitch I am here to yell at." they turn to me.
,,Thanks." I smile ironically.
,,You know it. You worked really hard for it." she winks at me.
,,Oh I like your mewma." Sarah smiles.
,,Okey, that is JJ, my best friend." John B nods at him, which makes JJ smiles at mewma.
,,Oh I heard so much about you too!" she goes to him and hugs him. Great.
,,And this is Pope. And his girlfriend Cleo. We met her few months ago." John B finishes his introductions.
,,You already know Kie." he sits back down and the looks are back on me.
,,Oh yeah." she shakes her head and I go hug her too.
,,I didn't know you are coming." I state.
,,So you could run? Again? Oh no, no, no." she shakes her head and sits down on my bed.
,,I'll get back to you later, I'm in a good mood now." she states.
,,Now I want to hear about all of you!" she claps her hands and I lean back against the windows.

They start to talk for a while. I just listen and try to disapear.
,,So, I'm little confused here." Pope says.
,,Welcome to the club." I nod.
,,You shut up." mewma shoots me a look.
,,How come your mewma knows Kie and not us too?" Pope looks at John B. Both of them starts to laugh.
,,Oh I'm sorry, you got it wrong." John B pats his shoulders.
,,I'm Amelia Carrera, Kiara and Mike's mewma." she explains.
,,Oh wow." they give me a look.
,,Lovely isn't she?" I ask, which makes her roll her eyes.
,,Okey, so how come you only know John B?" Pope asks.
,,Kie was my friend way before you two started talking to her too since she was a Kook and you didn't like that." John B explains.
,,We hanged out at mewma's, because Kie's parents didn't like Pogues on the other hand." he adds.
,,I don't care about this bullshit." mewma adds.
,,Then they forgot about me." she shoots me a look.
,,What are you talking about? I still visit!" I shake my head.
,,No, you visited. Now you are hiding from me since the funeral." she raises her eyebrows at me.
,,I'm sorry, we couldn't stay in Outer Banks. I called you." I remind her.
,,You mean the 60 second phone call?" she asks.
,,I did my best, okey?" I look down.
,,Didn't we all?" she asks.
,,I didn't say you didn't. I know all of you did, but I am just a human too. I have feelings." I look up.
,,My mum died. My dad died. My house blew up. I had to take care of Kylie. I had to talk to Reed and pretend to be okey so I could get a confession from him. I was shot. Again. I lost my family I got left. I was attacked by reporters. I was yelled at from everyone. I had to celebrated Christmas without my parents. I had to survive my birthday without my parents. I had to pretend I was okey because all of you were hurt. I had to smile at my niece when she told me it would be better if I died. Should I keep going? I have a lot more to go." I say. No one says anything.
,,Well, enjoy talking more shit about me, I'm gonna leave you to it." I walk away from my room.

The dinner is almost ready downstairs but I nod at Finnley and he follows me into his cabin. I tell him what happened because I have to talk to someone and who's better than my childhood friend. Frankie comes soon after so I fill him in too.


,,I'll go find Mike." mewma gets up and leaves us.
,,I didn't realize... all that." Sarah states.
,,Yeah." I nod kind of angry at myself now.
,,Dinner!" someone shouts from downstairs so we go.

We stay quiet and think about everything with the new informations from Kie.



I come back the following morning. They are all up already.
,,You still live here or what?" Kyle asks me when I bypass them in the living room.
,,I couldn't gossip about you here, could I?" I smile at him and go into my room.
,,Oh my God." I close my eyes when I find JJ in my room.
,,That was rude." he states.
,,I'm rude now as it seems." I say ironically.
,,You should go down, they are all there and it's more fun." I add and lock myself in the bathroom. I wash my hair and my body.

I wrap myself in a towel when I'm done and go back into my room to change into clean clothes.

I raise my eyebrows at JJ who's sitting on my bed.
,,I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." he looks up but stops talking when he realizes how little I have on. Then he frowns when he notices my scar on the shoulder.
,,What's that?" he gets up and steps closer his eyes glued to the scar.
,,I told you, I got shot." I say silantly and go to my closet to get away from him.
,,What?" he follows me and turns me around so I would have to look at him.
,,Reed shot me. It's nothing." I step back.
,,It's not nothing, Kiara." he shakes his head.
,,What do you want me to say, Jayj? I got shot, it hurts. It's not nothing. I was scared when Ward and Reed pointed their guns at me. I wish I didn't have to be in that position, but..." I sigh.
,,It's better if it's me and none of you." I say.
,,Don't fucking say shit like that." he steps closer, we are centimeters apart.
,,It's the truth." I say.
,,It's bullshit." he shake his head. I have to step back but he steps forward again. We repeat that untill I hit the wall and don't have anywhere else to go.
,,You can't run anymore." he comments.
,,I'm not running." I lie.
,,Right." he shakes his head.
,,We broke up, JJ. I hurt you. I left you. You said you are done. I'm not running, I'm giving you what you wanted. Remember that?" I say it all on purpouse.
,,I don't want this." he states.
,,It's all too complicated." he looks down and steps back.
,,I know you are still angry. You can't just swich it off even if you want to." I say.
,,You said you were trying." I remind him what Sarah said for all of them.
,,Why you didn't open the present I gave you for your birthday?" he looks up again.
,,I don't want it." I say.
,,Not like that." I add and he nods.
,,And you didn't bought it to me." I state.
,,You bought it for your girlfriend. I'm not her anymore." I say the truth out loud.
,,Yeah." he nods and leaves out of my room.

I sigh and sit down on the floor fully crying.

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