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JJ's sitting in my window when I wake up. It takes me a second to remember last night. Well, this morning. I slowly sit down and run my hands through my hair. Fuck.

,,Morning." I look up to find him looking at me.
,,Morning." I nod and look around the room without a reason.
,,So... I... I'm sorry about what I said." I start.
,,It was a lot." I close my eyes for a second.
,,I get it. You are going through so much. I can't imagine." he sits opposite of me on the bed.
,,Why didn't you tell us... about your dad?" he asks carefully.
,,I didn't want to ruin your night with Mal." I answer without looking at him.
,,That's a lie." I say and shake my head.
,,I'm sorry." I look up.
,,The truth is that... I didn't want to say it out loud and... if no one else knew... it couldn't be real." I correct my lie.
,,I'm so sorry, Kie." he interwine our hands.
,,Can I do something?" he asks.
,,I could use a hug." I try to smile at him. He doesn't hesitate and hugs me for a minute.

,,You wanted to tell me something?" he asks still holding me. I nod.
,,But you can't tell the Pogues. I'll understand if you don't want to hear it with that condition..." he stops.
,,I won't tell them. I promise." he leans back so we could look at each other.
,,Like I said yesterday, Reed is Cameron, but... he's also mine and Kyle's brother." I say.
,,He's Ward and my mum's son." I add.
,,What?" he raises his eyebrows confused.
,,I just found out and the reason I hate the guy is... he's just creepy, J." I shrug.
,,Year and a half ago, he was sending me anonymous letters. Creepy one. He also sent me pictures of me sleeping in the night, he was like.. obssesed. I told Rafe, because we were friends at the time. He told me he found some anonymous letters adressed to Sarah too, but he took them before she would see them in the mail. We found out it was Reed after another week, he told Ward and the next day, Reed was gone. Rafe didn't tell me until yesterday that Ward told him that night he's his and my mum's son." I explain.
,,Now he's back at very convinient time." I add and sigh.
,,Which brings me to another part." I bite my lip.
,,We are not that sure it was Luke anymore who sent the bomb." I say. JJ freezes for a second and his mouth opens with shock.
,,What... what?" he shakes his head. I tell him everything Rafe told me yesterday about why it could have been Reed and not Luke. JJ nods almost at every part.
,,That's why you don't want the Pogues to know who he is and what he did in the past?" he asks.
,,Yes. He can't know we are on to him, that I know who he is." I nod.
,,Oh shit." he blinks couple of times.
,,I didn't expect that." he admits.
,,But... are you okey? What if he starts to stalk you again?" he realizes.
,,You sleep here like every night. I'm safe with you." I remind him.
,,I almost didn't yesterday if you wouldn't came back drunk and told me what's going on in your head." he stands up.
,,I'm sorry, I didn't think about that." I admit one of my many mistakes.
,,But, there is one think I thought about." I get up too.
,,You remember how I said my mum rescheduled Sarah's shift just two days before the bomb without a reason? And my mum never changes the schedule if it's not an emergency." I ask.
,,Yes. I remember." he nods but by his expression I can see that he doesn't follow where I'm going with it.
,,What if I wasn't the target of his this time with the letters? What if he sent something to my mum that forced her to change the shifts?" I asks again.
,,I mean.. I don't know. He might have, but... we can't really ask her." he says carefully.
,,We don't need to. We can look around my dad's office or their bedroom." I suggest.
,,I don't know." he shrugs.
,,We could find something and your dad would be innocent and we would have a proof that it was Reed." I smile at him.
,,Don't get me wrong, I don't like your dad and he should be in prison, but if he's not the killer, the real one is still in large. That wouldn't be justice for my parents." I step closer to him.
,,This is my house now apperently, we can go anywhere we want and no one can stop us." I remind him.
,,And I won't call the cops on you for traspassing. I promise." I chuckle, but he rolls his eyes.
,,Tha wasn't funny." he shakes his head.
,,Come on." I nudge him to the door and we go downstairs, where we unfortunatelly run into Kyle, Sarah and John B.
,,Look who's up!" Kyle stands up.
,,Oh, hey." I smile nervously.
,,Didn't think anyone's still here." I state.
,,That's unfortunate for you, right?" Sarah asks.
,,What the hell were you thinking!?" she asks loudly.
,,You fucking weren't! Neither one of you!" she looks from me to Kyle who looks suprised by her outburst.
,,I see you got it." he nods at her.
,,I was talking to the both of you!" she crosses her arms on her chest.
,,Oh, right." he nods again.
,,You are lucky you didn't hurt yourselves or that the cops didn't stop you on the way back!" she adds and looks back at me.
,,I told you I am a good driver." I remind her.
,,Also, don't need to yell, JJ already covered that." I say and go to make myself a coffee.
,,Well, now it's mine turn to yell!" she doesn't agree with my suggestion.
,,Key." I nod and turn around to look at her, but she doesn't say anything.
,,Well?" I asks and look at John B behind her.
,,You can't ever do that again." she says finally.
,,I know. I'm sorry." I admit my bad.
,,Is that everything why are you sorry?" she raises her eyebrows.
,,Yup." I nod.
,,I won't apologize for wanting for you to be safe. If I'm wrong about Reed, I'll apologize then, but untill then... you are too trustworthy to everyone, I can doubt everyone for you if that's what's necessary." I go stand in front of her.
,,And the reason I don't like the guy isn't because he's Cameron. I love you and you are Cameron, so don't say that again." I add. She takes a breath before she says anything.
,,Alright, I'm sorry about that." she admits.
,,Great!" John B throws his hands into the air.
,,Glad we are on the same page again." he adds and winks at JJ.

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