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When I enter my room, I find Kylie there. She's lying under the blanket with JJ's new phone in her hand.
,,You okey, cutie?" I ask her and sit down on the edge of the bed.
,,I'm alright." she looks up at me. Then behind me.
,,There you are." JJ says behind me. He comes around the bed on the other side.
,,You know." Kylie sits up.
,,You two should think about better passwords. It's so obvious. It's like you want me to get in." she smiles. I raise my eyebrows and look at JJ.
,,What's your password?" we ask at the same time.
,,You don't even know!" Kylie starts to laugh.
,,It's each others birthday." she shakes her head. I exchange a look with JJ.
,,Like I said. Stupid." Kylie gives back JJ's phone and leaves my room.

I look behind her still confused.
,,I didn't know you have my birthday." JJ says.
,,Yeah, can say the same thing about you." I look back at him.
,,Well I hate my birthday, so I used yours." he explains.
,,I love your birthday, so I used it." I state.
,,Why?" he gets up.
,,It's your birthday, dude. You were born that day, of course I love it." I roll my eyes and he looks down.
,,I'm sorry." I get up too.
,,I should't have shout at you. And push you back." I say.
,,It's fine. I understand. You were worried." he nods.
,,I was." I go closer to him.
,,I had too." he looks up.
,,I needed you to be safe this time. Every time." he smiles at me a little.
,,I just wish he would disappear from our lives." I state.
,,Don't we all." he leans forward and kisses my forehead.
,,Let's just forget about him for now and go snowboarding like we wanted too." JJ says and I nod.


,,Okey, are you ready?" I ask them. We decided that Kyle, the twins and Cabe will take one person and learn them snowboarding. It should go faster.
,,Not really." Sarah shakes her head.

We devided into pair this way:

Kyle - JJ
Cabe - Pope
Frankie - Cleo
Finnley - Sarah
Kiara - John B

They already have secured one foot on the snowboard so now we told them ho to get into the chair lift and how to get out on the top.
,,It's going to be fine." Kyle claps his hands.
,,We are going first. Kiara you are going last just to be sure all of them get on the top in one piece." he adds and we go into the line.
,,Try your best, this is an unspoken competion." I look at John B.
,,I love a good competion." he smiles and we bumb our fists.

After every pair who got out at the top fell down because the crashed into each other and we were the only ones that didn't, I think we are going to nailed it.
,,And the oscar goes to us." I smile at all of them who are from the snow.
,,You just saw us what not to do! It's not fair!" JJ shakes his head.
,,Fine, we'll go first now." I clap my hands.
,,We are?" John B shoots me a look.
,,Don't worry, I'll catch you if you were going for the trees." I wink at him.
,,I have to film this!" Kyle says and takes out his phone. I shake my head and we secure our other leg on the snowboard.
,,Your helmet is secure too?" I ask John B and he nods.
,,Okey, remember what I told you on the way up here." I turn and move on the board away.
,,I'm gonna die." John B says and does what I just did.

However, he doesn't stop and keeps going down. Fast. He tries to yell on the way.
,,You want to do something?" Cabe asks me.
,,He got it!" I state.
,,Does he though?" Sarah asks.

,,Alright, good luck! See you down!" I move the snowboard again and put my goggles. When I am set I follow after screaming John B. I catch him in no time and tell him what to do.

We get down unharmed and wait for the rest. But after 30 minutes of waiting they are still in no sigh.
,,Let's go up and find them on the way down." I decide and we wait in line and get on the top again.

John B knows better now and goes slower, but still fast. We see them in the middle of the slope, so I look at John B and smile. I go faster and make a sharp turn in front of them all which makes them fall down.
,,Howdy, how it's going?" I put my goggles up and look at them chuckling. They are giving me death stares for making them fall. John B stops next to them and sit down.
,,Did you have to do that!? We were finally standing!" JJ looks up at me.
,,This is harder than surfing." Sarah comments.
,,It's fine." John B smiles at her.
,,So we won, right? We are the best pair?" John B looks at me.
,,You bet we won." I smile.
,,You owe my 20 dollars each." I look at Kyle, the twins and Caleb.
,,What?! You said it was unspoken competition!" John B raises his eyebrows.
,,Didn't want to pressure you." I wink at him.
,,But I'll give you a half." I add.
,,There was a competition!?" JJ looks at Kyle.
,,I really thought you would win man." Kyle shakes his head at him.
,,That's why I wanted you!" he sighs.
,,Too bad, we won." I smile even more.
,,This is not fair!" Caleb shakes his head.
,,I want another round!" Frankie says.
,,You know what? Why don't you all compete so we would know who's really the best!" Cleo states.
,,No." the four shakes his head.
,,Fine." I say at the same time.
,,What?" I turn to them suprised.
,,You are small and weight like 40 killos with your bed! That's an advantage! You are the fastest!" Kyle shakes his head.
,,Right." the rest crosses their arms.
,,So I am the best." I nod.
,,Ehr, fine!" Caleb says.
,,Let's see." the twins adds.
,,But before that, you have to get them down!" I nod at the Pogues.
,,I see it's not going good." Kylie and Mal stops next to us on their snowboarder.
,,John B nailed it." I correct her.
,,Yeah we saw... and heard the screaming!" they giggle.
,,I wasn't screaming all the way down, okey?" John B shakes his head.
,,I was very suprised you didn't fall." Mal says.
,,But you disapointed, JJ." she shakes her head on her brother.
,,It's hard okey!" he pouts.
,,We are going for some lunch, you want to join?" Riley, Hannah, Rick, Jamie and Sam stops under us on their skis.
,,Give them like 40 minutes, they might." I comment. Kyle shoves into me and I start to go down for a moment.
,,Really!? How come you didn't fall?" Sarah shouts after me.
,,I snowboard since I was 4. I don't fall." I laugh.
,,Alright, this isn't funny anymore. This is embarrasing." JJ gets up and puts his goggles on.
,,If you can do it, I can do it better." he states and starts to go down. He whizzes past me so close I actually fall back this time.
,,Fuck! How do I stop!?" JJ shouts after him. I look up at Kyle annoyed.
,,You want to help him by any chance?" I ask.
,,You are the best. You help your boyfriend." he smiles ironically.
,,Funny, Kyle." I get up and go after JJ.
,,You should go faster if you want to catch him before he runs into someone or something!" Kyle shouts after me. I shoot him the middle finger. Mal and Kylie go after us so they wouldn't miss the show.
,,Kie!" JJ notices me when I match his speed.
,,What do I do!?" he shoots me a look.
,,Look in front of you!" I shout. I go closer to him and grab his forearms making him change the route since some kids were in his way.
,,You got it, JJ!" Mal whizzes past us with Kylie.
,,I so don't!" he shakes his head.
,,You are fine." I say calmly.

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