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We got home that same day and got over everything we know. We wrote it down on paper to see the evidence all together but we think of nothing to do next.

We went to sleep around midnight because the next day is my first day back to school even though I don't want to go back yet. I'm not ready for the whispers and looks on me from my piers.

However, the next day rolls up pretty quickly and I have no other choice than to sit in my car with JJ and drive to school.

I park on the parking lot next to Twinkie and get out.
,,You got this." JJ grabs my hand for a second and gives me a look.
,,We are here for you, okey? Ignore the rest." he smiles and we join our friends.

Just as I thought, all eyes on me but I try my best to ignore them and stay with my friends who barricades me from anyone who wants to say something, anything to me.

After school, I drive home by myself because Kyle wants to go on family dinner. Just the four of us.


,,Hey." I great the Pogues chearfully the next day still on high with the news.
,,Hola." JJ leans down and kisses me for a second.
,,Guess what!?" I say and smile.
,,Ehm, you got rid of your hair-straight-thingy?" he smiles.
,,No, you wouldn't." he shakes his head immediatelly.
,,Youuu... won the lottery!" he nods.
,,You were supposed to say what, not really guess." I roll my eyes.
,,You see, people do expect that but where is the fun in that? I'll figure it out, let me get back to you, I'll give you a list." he smiles and grabs my hand into his.
,,Come on, school's waiting." we head to school, but after a second we notice that the Pogues aren't following us.
,,You are skipping todayyy or what?" I ask them when we come back to Twinkie. They are smiling from ear to ear and looking at us.
,,You good?" JJ asks and looks them up and down.
,,It just... it finally clicked that you are really together together." John B explains. I raise my eyebrows and exchange a look with JJ.
,,Bro, we are together like more then two months." JJ reminds him.
,,Yeah, but... we knew that, but... you two were still behaving the same. I have seen you kiss like one time, the day you told us, but now... it was very casual. You came, you kissed, you grab her hand and went to school." JB explains more.
,,It finally clicked to us." Pope repeats.
,,O-key?" I say.
,,Glad to be a show to you, but we need to go." I nod at the school behind me and JJ.
,,Oh yeah!" Pope almost run to school.
,,God forbid he would be late!" JJ comments.
,,Oh fuck, you discovered a new living species!" JJ looks down at me.
,,What!?" I start to laugh.
,,How did that come to your mind from Pope being late?" I shake my head and all of us head behind Pope.
,,Well, I said God and then I was thinking, he created all of the species, so maybe you discovered a new one no one else did yet." he explains.
,,Stay in school, J." I squeeze his hand lightly.
,,I'll figure it, just you wait." he says confidently.
,,You know, you were right." I admit.
,,About what exactly? I am right about a lot of things." he smiles and shoot a look at John B who chuckles.
,,About this being more fun when the person you ask guess what, actually guesses." I say.
,,Oh, I just wanted to be annoying." he sighs.
,,Sorry." I smile and he rolls his eyes.

JJ keeps trying to guess but he's yet to figure it out.


After school I go pick up Kylie from kindergarden which she started attending two weeks ago because it looks like they are going to stay for a while everything settles down and they'll see what to do next. They still have a home and jobs somewhere else.

When she's in my car, we decided to go for an ice cream and then head to John B's because Kyle and Riley has some things to do today.

,,Hiiiii." she runs to the porch to the Pogues and jumps on JJ who's sitting down.
,,Hello there." he catches her around her weist so she would fall back. I sit down next to Cleo and smile.
,,Guess what!?" she asks him.
,,What?" he says enthusiactly.
,,I'm going to be... drum rolls... a big sister!" she throws her hands in the air.
,,No way!" Sarah smiles. I nod slightly.
,,Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed that." JJ shoots me a look.
,,That's great news, Kylie." he looks back at her.
,,Do you know if it's going to be a girl or boy?" Cleo asks.
,,A boy." Kylie turns around.
,,I'm thinking Marley." she says her favourite name for the baby.
,,I am just hoping it won't be another Michael." I state.
,,Yeah, that would be boring." she agrees.
,,But maybe this time it will start with R after mum." she adds.
,,So it would be fair. Agree." Sarah nods.
,,Soo, maybe..." Kylie thinks for a second.
,,River!" she smiles.
,,Sure." I chuckle.
,,I am serious." she rolls her eyes.
,,Just ask your parents first." I say.

We stay at John B's till 8:30 before I annouce we have to leave. Kylie's bed time is at 9-9,30.

I buckle her up in my car and close the door. JJ's leaning against my car, so I smile at him.
,,When should I come over?" he asks with a smile.
,,Around 10, so I can make her to go to bed and call Kyle." I kiss him.
,,Or I could come with you now and help you out." he says when I lean back.
,,No, it's fine. Kylie's a lot of work before going to bed. You would be bored and waiting which would stress me out, so I would stress her out." I smile and kiss him again.
,,Okey." he nods and wraps his hands around me.
,,I love you." he says.
,,I love you." I smile and we kiss one more time.
,,See you in hour and a half." he kisses my cheak and steps away so I could get in the car.
,,See ya!" I wave at him before driving away.

When we get home, I park my car on the drive way and unbuckle Kylie. She runs the stairs to the door.
,,You have a box in here!" she shouts. I lock my car and follow her.

I look at the box with my name on it. I unlock the door and pick it up, but I place it on the kitchen counter, because now I need to get ready for bed.
,,Alright, let's go." I look at Kylie and we go upstairs to my room to pick up her PJ's and hit the bath next.

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