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I help Kie get up and we head outside. I smile like I just found the gold and the cross in my room.

They all sit on the porch, talking quietly. When they hear us coming, they stop talking and look at us.

,,Morning." I say very cheerfully for my taste.
,,Look who it is! Mr. Sunshine himself!" Sarah comments with a smile.
,,You okey, bro?" John B asks me. I nod.
,,I am. You were right. My girlfriend is really the feelings department." I state and sit down. Kie rolls her eyes and sits next to me. She leans her head back.
,,Girlfriend, don't you say!" Pope smiles at me.
,,Didn't you denied that last night when I said it?" he asks.
,,That was last night." I say.
,,Oh, okey. I see." he nods and smile even more.
,,So it's finally oficial?" Sarah asks and tries to hide her excitement.
,,Why do I feel like you are more happy that I am about this? And trust me I am happy!" I look at her.
,,Well, I was begining to think you two never make it offical with your denial everytime we asked." she says.
,,Told you. Tortoise and tortoise. The slowest people on Earth." Pope comment. I give him a finger.
,,You said that alright." Sarah nods.
,,When did you said that? Did I miss something?" Cleo asks confused.
,,You haven't been with us back then." Sarah says.
,,We were stuck with Twinkie in the water and send these two for a car so they could set Twinkie free, but oh they took their sweet time." Pope explains.
,,Yeah, Twinkie was almost submarine." John B adds and rolls his eyes at that memory.
,,Stop bitching, we got to you right on time." I remind them.
,,Yeah, after I was attacted by a gator for crying out loud." Johm B reminds me.
,,Well, you should have waited and not playing around." I smile at him ironicaly.
,,That's exactly what I was doing!" John B shakes his head.
,,Hey don't yell at me, it's in the past and we already had a fight about this. You know I can't do another speech." I say.
,,Yeah, that was a good one, Mr. Spanish." Sarah chuckles.
,,Jesus, I mixed a language. Sue me." I roll my eyes.
,,I might." John B shoot me a look.
,,See you in the court I guess." I chuckle.
,,Yeah, see you there." he chuckles back.
,,So, what are we doing today?" I ask.
,,Well, Ward ultimatum is over today. We should prepare for the worst." Sarah says and her mood changes.
,,Right. Why worry about one Cameron when we can worry about two." I sigh and look at Kie but she's asleep. I bet she didn't sleep last night. I could say that only by when I look at her before. She really looked terrible. Exhausted. I place my hand on her thigh protectively and look back at the others who are still talking about Ward.

,,We should deck out in the ocean and lay low." Pope suggests.
,,You really think he won't find us there?" Sarah asks him. He shrugs.
,,You have better idea? We are sitting duck in here." Pope says back.
,,It's better than stay here." John B agrees.
,,And JJ can take his gun." John B looks at me.
,,I don't have it anymore, remember?" I say.
,,Yeah. I found it and blow up the port, so we could get in the container and on the boat." Pope adds.
,,That's how you did it!" I remember that.
,,Yeah, well." he shrugs.
,,Great, so we have nothing to protect us if anything." Sarah states.
,,Yup." I nod. It feels weird not to have the gun, but Kie hated it anyways, so...

We decided to head out to the ocean anyway. We don't really have much of a choice. I wake up Kie around noon, so she could change into swimsuit like the rest of us.

After that we pack us some beers and dec out. Kie calls her mum to let her know where are we going.
,,Yeah, you be carefull too." she says and hangs up the phone.
,,They are at the hospital now. Caleb is getting out today and heading straight to the rehab." she says. She still looks tired but she looks better than in the morning.

We hang out here all day. Swimming, talking, drinking. I almost forgot why are we here in the first place, but when it's starts to get dark, we have no choice but to head back.

John B, Pope and I go ahead to look if anyone is here. They go through the house and I go around it. The girls are waiting in the boat for safety. They can easily run from here if the Cameron's or the crazy chick were here.

I stop when I see a movement. I take a step forward, when I realize it's my dad, I freeze. I always do.
,,Boy, you are in big trouble." he shakes his head.
,,Get in the car! We have a lot to talk about at home." he nods behind him and I recognize his old truck. I don't want to go with him, I know what will happen, but... it's either me or my friends. I don't want them to get hurt or witness what's bound to happen.

I look back and see the boat in distance. I can't pin point Kiara, but I know she's there waiting for me to come back. I sigh. She's gonna kill me. But it's better if it's me than her or the rest.

I look back at my dad who's still waiting. I can see how angry he is, so I go to his car. He gets in too and starts the engine.
,,Dad,..." I start but I am very quickly interupted by his fist when he hits me in the face. Then again. And again.


John B

,,It's clear." I say to Pope who nods because he didn't find anything unusual and we go outside. I look around to spot JJ, when I see a light from a car. We exchange a look and go around the house to see who it is. But we don't find any car in there.
,,You saw the light, right?" I ask him.
,,For sure, man." he nods.
,,JJ!?" I shout, but nothing comes back.

We look for him everywhere for the next 10 minutes but it's obvious he isn't here.
,,Shit." I say and we go back to my boat.
,,Everything alright?" Sarah asks.
,,We saw light from a car and when we went to check, nothing was there." Pope explains.
,,And we might have lost JJ." I add. Kiara is up in seconds and off the boat before we can stop here.

She runs to the house to check for herself like we would joke about that.
,,Where is he!?" she asks and looks at us all very upset and worried.
,,We split up to check around here..." I start.
,,Split up!? Don't you watch movies?" she asks and takes out her phone but she doesn't do anything.
,,Shit." she sighs.
,,What do we do?" Sarah asks.
,,I don't know. We don't even know if Ward is the one who took him." I say.
,,Yeah." Pope looks down thinking.
,,Alright." Kie nods and goes outside to finally make a call.
,,Who do you think she's calling?" I ask.
,,The police?" Pope guess.
,,Yeah, I don't think so." Sarah shakes her head.
,,Then who?" Cleo asks her and they exchange a look.
,,The only people who knows if Ward took JJ is either Ward or Rafe. My money are on Rafe." Sarah says and we all wait for Kie to come back.

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