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I am starting to realize that JJ being annoying all day wasn't that bad, because I forgot about Caleb overdose, but everything comes rushing back when I get to the hospital.

I wanted to visit him and say hi, but only family members can do that right now and since we are not blood related, I was sent away.

However, at least I found out the surgery for Malia is going to happen a day after tomorrow. They had opening furtunatelly. At least that made my mood better.

When I get home, I find Pope waiting outside of my house, which suprises me. I raise my eyebrows and stop in front of him. He was sitting on our stairs so he gets up.
,,You told Cleo I'm in love with you?!" he asks mad.
,,Thanks a lot, by the way!" he adds and shakes his head.
,,I didn't, so why are you yelling at me?" I ask calmly. Don't need to upset him more.
,,Who did then? Because now she barely talks to me! I told you something is starting between us and now she thinks she's just a distraction or something!" he sighs.
,,And I am not in love with you anymore, just so you know." he adds.
,,I didn't say you are, Pope." I repeat.
,,But you made it seem like you are. She noticed you are mad at us." I point out.
,,I am mad at you!" he corrects me.
,,Right." I nod.
,,I am sorry I made you angry, it wasn't mine intention. I tried, but we weren't meant to be together, you have to accept that." I say.
,,I certantly didn't plan to fall in love with JJ. I don't want to hurt you or anything, that's why we didn't want you to know for now." I try to explain.
,,So you lied to us instead." he says calmly than before.
,,We... wanted to know if it's going somewhere before telling you and then shit happened and we didn't really have time to even talk about it." I sigh.
,,I'm really sorry, we should have told you differently." I look into his eyes. He nods lightly.
,,I'm just worried, okey. Slightly jealous, not because I am still into you, but because you love him like I wanted you to love me. But mainly because we know what happened when we ended it. It was weird and we almost stop talking. If you two break up, I can imagine what would happen to our group." he explains.
,,Even if that would happen, we would still be friends, I wouldn't let it break us apart. I promise." I say.
,,You might not, but I doubt JJ would have the same approach to that matter. I won't choose between you two. That's what I am saying." he adds to his previous explenation.
,,I talk to him. We won't let that happen okey? And let's be possitive for a second and hope we won't break up." I chuckle. He smiles too, which suprises me even more than him being here.
,,Okey. So, friends again?" he asks.
,,Of course." I hug him for a moment.
,,Alright, so now when we are good again. I also wanted to apologize for what I said to you. I didn't mean it." he looks down.
,,I know you didn't, Pope. I am not angry at you about that." I say. He smiles at me again.
,,I'm sorry anyway." he adds.
,,And, I want to know a name who told Cleo this shit, so I can yell at the right person next time." he asks. I laugh.
,,Alright, Fighter. I'll talk to Cleo and explain it to her." I offer him instead. I won't rat Sarah out.
,,We don't need another fight." I add when he frowns. However, he nods eventually.
,,If that doesn't work out, you are gonna speak." he warns me and I nod at that.
,,Deal." I extend my hand and we shake on it.
,,Do you have plans tonight?" I ask him.
,,I don't." he says.
,,Why? Do you?" he asks. I shake my head, grab his hand and drag him inside.

,,Oh, finally someone who gets the concept of the door. I like you the best Pope now!" mum says when we come inside. She's cooking dinner.
,,Sarah's at work." she adds.
,,I know." I nod at her and grab two sodas from the fridge.
,,We are going upstairs." I announce to her.
,,Oh, how many more boys are you planning to bring there?" she jokes.
,,Everyday another one. I don't know about tomorrow though, I pick someone from school. I let you know." I say and we go to my room.
,,They were right. Since when she smiles at us and let us in?" Pope sits down on my bed and take a look around.
,,Never been in here." he adds.
,,Wanna play scrabble?" I aks and he chuckles.
,,And I even got an invitation! I feel special now." he smiles. We prepare the game and then start to play. Pope's smart so it's different league with him. I don't even know some of the words he came up with so I have to google them to verify it isn't made up.

Sarah calls after 9 o'clock so I pick up.
,,Hello." I say and put her on speaker while I think about a word I could play.
,,Hey, John B invited us to sleepover, they went fishing and they are going to grill. You in?" she asks.
,,Did you ask mum?" I ask her.
,,Yup." she says.
,,Alright. I'll be there in half an hour, ish." I agree.
,,Key, I say John B to call Pope. You okey with that?" she asks.
,,Sure." I look up at him with a smile, but I try not to laugh.
,,Okey. See ya." she hangs up and few minutes later, JB calls Pope with the same question.
,,Sure." he says.
,,No, you don't have to pick me up. I have someone who can drive me." he answers another question while I pack my things I need for school tomorrow.
,,Bye bye." he ends the call and starts to laugh.
,,I can't wait to see their faces." he says to me. We finish the game after I am packed because we were almost done anyway. I also grab Activities with us if Sarah wanted to play something again.

I park the car after 20 minutes ouside of John B's house. We get out of the car and head to the porch.
,,Hey." I say. They nod at us and stop when they realize I came with Pope. They start to exchange a look between us and then between them.
,,Okey, while you are procesing, we go grab us some beer." we go inside and take two beers from the fridge.
,,That was priceless." Pope leans on the kitchen counter and opens the beer for himself.
,,Cleo isn't here, is she at work?" I ask him.
,,Yeah, she is, but she practicaly lives here so she'll come later I guess." he answers me.
,,You can talk to her then." he smiles.
,,In front of everyone? That wouldn't be uncomfortable at all." I give him a thumb up.
,,I mean, you can try and show her you are interested in her and then when there's a chance I can confirm in private." I give him my opinion.
,,Yeah, but there's a problem. She doesn't..." he doesn't finish the sentence because the three comes in.
,,Alright, what's going on? Am I dreaming?" Sarah asks.
,,You might." I nod and take a sip of my beer.
,,Funny." she rolls her eyes.
,,So, you two are good again?" John B asks and exchange a look with JJ who shrugs.
,,Don't look at me man, I was here." JJ reminds him.
,,We are good." I say.
,,Anna likes me the best just so you know." Pope states.
,,I used the doors." he adds.
,,Yeah, she liked that very much." I confirm.
,,And this time, she had jokes on me." I add.
,,Yup." Pope comfirms that.
,,What did she say?" Sarah asks.
,,Asked which boy I am bringing in tomorrow." I say.
,,You went inside of her room?" JJ asks confused.
,,Yeah, we played scrabble." Pope explains.
,,And I got actual invitation!" he points out. I roll my eyes at him.
,,I had to point tht out." he adds.
,,Great." JJ nods.
,,Didn't you go in to the hospital? When did you had time to make up?" John B asks.
,,They didn't let me visit because we aren't blood related, so I went home and Pope was sitting on our stairs." I explain.
,,Yeah." he looks down.
,,Are we missing something?" John B asks another question.
,,No. Both of said what we needed, we explained to each other what's up and we are back to normal." I say. Pope nods at that.
,,Great. Glad to hear it." John B smiles.

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