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We sit on the porch, drink and talk for a while. Cleo comes half an hour later. She freezes for a second when she sees all of us together laughing.
,,That's... weird." she comments.
,,Are you on drugs or just drunk?" she asks and sits next to Pope because that's the only seat available, but she lets a lots of space between them.
,,We made up. It's fine, just a misunderstanding." I say.
,,And we are also drunk." I add.
,,But that happened when we were sober, so." I comment again.
,,Oookey." she nods and takes a beer from Sarah which she was offering to her.

We eat the fish after that and I have to say, it was delicious like always.
,,That was great." Sarah comments. Cleo nods in agreement.
,,Had better." I joke.
,,Hardly." JJ corects me.
,,Eh, it was... good." I say. He rolls his eyes.
,,Fine, Ms. Higher-class, next time, you are cooking." he states.
,,You don't want that. Trust me." Sarah chuckles.
,,She almost burned my house down back in the day." she adds so they would understand.
,,Alright, alright. It was one time and it was an accident!" I defend myself.
,,Sure, Ms. Perfect." she chuckles again.
,,I am not risking that again." she adds and I roll my eyes.
,,Your parents litteraly owns a restaurant where you work!" John B points out.
,,I serve, not cook." I remind him.
,,Can't be good at everything, right?" I play it off.
,,And what are you good at exactly?" Sarah asks.
,,Well. Surfing? Driving? School? And stuff." I shrug because I can't think of anything else.
,,Driving?" she raises her eyebrows.
,,I am!" I say.
,,Okey, and what about the time..." she starts but I cut her off.
,,Sarah." I say.
,,Uuu, what happened?" Cleo asks.
,,Nothing." I shake my head and finish my drink.
,,You have to tell us now when you started it." JJ point out.
,,I haven't started anything." I correct him.
,,I can also drive a motorcycle!" I say.
,,Yeah, I can agree with that at least." Sarah nods, but her mood goes down.
,,Since when you can do that?" JJ asks.
,,I don't know. For a year. Give or take." I lie.
,,More than give than take." Sarah comments.
,,Interesting." John B says.
,,And what about the driving thing?" he reminds.
,,Jesus Christ." I throw my head back.
,,She hit a tree in full spead. Broke her arm." Sarah says, oh how she's wrong.
,,That wasn't even my fault, you know." I give her a look.
,,That's what you said." she reminds me.
,,I had a concusion and was confused." I say.
,,Can we change a subject now?" I go to grab another beer. When I get back, they are all silant and looking at me.
,,Rafe was in the car, we were arguing about some shit and when he started to yell, I got scared and crank the steering wheel to the tree by accident." I explain so they would give me a break.
,,Happens. I am a good driver." I add when no one says anything.
,,I mean... what!?" JJ asks suprised.
,,Why didn't you tell us?" John B asks another question.
,,We don't talk about my Kook year remember?" I say.
,,You could have told me when you remembered." Sarah shakes her head.
,,I thought it was nothing back then." I explain.
,,I told you I didn't know he was using, but there were signs I didn't see untill it was too late. This was one of the signs." I add.
,,Can we move on?" I suggest.
,,We can play the Activities we brought." Pope reminds me.
,,Sure, if you want?" I look at the others who nods their heads.
,,Great, another game I am bad at." JJ sighs, but when I take a look at him, I know the conversation isn't over. He will want to know more and I don't blame him. I would want to know too if the roles were reversed.
,,Okey, I grab it. It's in my car." I get up and quickly go for it.

When I get back, they are arguing who will be with who in the team.
,,I'm not with you, JJ." John B says.
,,Hey!" JJ shakes his head on him.
,,What!? I want to win!" JB defendes himself.
,,I want Kie!" Sarah shouts.
,,That's a real bestie right there! Take notes, dickhead." JJ points at Sarah.
,,Alright, we draw lots." Pope decides.
,,No one has to argue." he adds.
,,Great idea." I nod.

I go find a piece of paper and pen inside and write mine, Sarah's and Cleo's name on it. Then I throw it in a bowl and go back outside.

I put it in the middle of the table.
,,Alright, the boys will pull out a..." I don't even finish the sentence when they go for it like vultures.
,,Ha, I got Kie!" JJ smiles at JB and Pope, who roll their eyes.
,,Cleo." JB says.
,,Sarah." Pope read it also. Sarah extendes her hand and switches their papers before they can say anything.
,,Better." she comments. No one complaints about it so we put the board game onto the table and choose a color of our figurine. JJ grabs blue one and puts in on the start. Sarah chooses yellow and Cleo red.
,,Great. We can start." I sit back down next to JJ. We do rock, paper, scissors and Sarah wins so they start.

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