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When the school ends at 4 o'clock afternoon we stop by Twinkie.
,,Want to go surfing or you have work?" John B asks us.
,,I have a shift till 9." Sarah says.
,,I have work in two hours till 10." Cleo makes a sad face.
,,We have plans." JJ states and they all turn to us.
,,Oh, don't say." Sarah smiles.
,,We can go fishing." Pope suggest to John B.
,,Okey." he nods.

,,I pick you up at 7, okey?" JJ says when we stop by my car.
,,Okey. What should I wear?" I ask.
,,Something comfy." he kisses me quickly before he waltzes back to Twinkie. Sarah comes short after that, then I drive us home.

,,So? A date! You have to tell me everything after!" she says when we enter my bedroom.
,,I thought you, Ms. Know-it-all, knows it all." I chuckle.
,,Funny. Anyway I have to change and go, but send me what you wearing!" she goes away.

,,Can I take your car?!" she shouts.
,,Wait!" I shout back.

I grab my phone and text JJ.

Kie: Do we need my car? Sarah wants to take it.
JJ: She can take it, told you I will pick you up :*.
Kie: Key. Just asking ;P.

,,You can take it." I walz into her room and give her my keys.
,,Thanks." she takes them and puts them into her bag.
,,Go on, make yourself prettier!" she kicks me out.
,,Rude." I say to myself but take her advise.

I take a showel and wash my hair in the process. Then I blow them dry and straighten them.

I put on my black torn jeans, white sweater I tuck into my jeans on the front and my brown short vest. I braid two braid from the front hair and the rest I leave loose. I put a little make-up and mascara on.

I take a picture when I am done and sent it to Sarah and Cleo into a group chat I created just now.

Kiara sent a photo
Kiara: ???
Sarah: OMG!!!
Cleo: WOW!
Sarah: You look so beautiful!
Kiara: Thanks <3. Took your advice @SarahCameron.
Cleo: Jesus, don't listen to her! But you really look beautiful!
Sarah: Pff. Just so you know, everyone should listen to me, I have a good advices!
Sarah: Anyway, I am borrowing that vest someday!!
Kiara: Where would you wear it? XD.
Sarah: To the fucking beach, I don't care. It's too pretty to just sit in your closet!
Sarah: You know what, when I get home, I take a look around to see what else you got there :*.
Sarah: You in Cleo?
Cleo: Sure XD, but I don't think Kie has something that would suit me.
Sarah: Nonsence! Anyone can pull what Kie has!
Kiara: Don't know if I should be offended or be pleased :).
Sarah: That's up to you to decide.
Cleo: Told you not to listen to her, didn't I?
Kiara: You did! I am telling that to JJ all the time and here I am! I should know better by now XD.
Sarah: Pff. I am too unappreciated!
Sarah: Anyway, got to go back to work! Enjoy your date. Cleo, survive at work! We talk later.
Sarah: Bye bye <3.
Cleo: You too, S.
Cleo: Good luck, Kie!
Kiara: Thanks guys. Love you <3.

I still have 5 minut untill 7 o'clock but as I know JJ, he's going to be late anyway, so I lie down on my bed and turn on my TV to watch Netflix in the meantime.

,,Hola!" my door opens not long after that. I look at the clock on my phone and raise my eyebrows.
,,You are right on time." I state and turn off the TV. I get up still suprised and confused.
,,And you look beautiful." he smiles and goes to kiss me.
,,What's wrong with your hair!?" he asks when he pulls back. I frown.
,,Nothing is wrong with my hair!" I roll my eyes.
,,They are... straight. Why aren't they curly?" he looks at them and touch them like they were on fire and could actually hurt him. I push his hand off.
,,I straighten them." I explain.
,,You what now?" he asked.
,,You never heard of hair straightener?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
,,What the hell is that?" he shakes his head.
,,It straightens your hair, dumbass." I roll my eyes.
,,Yeah, but why? You have perfect hair! Curly hair!" he points out.
,,You don't like it?" I ask like a puppy so he would get off my hair. Literally.
,,No, I do. It's just... weird. I never saw you with straighen hair before." he says.
,,It took me an hour to do so, so you better like them." I push him back a little.
,,Did you just played me?" he realizes.
,,Kind of." I smile.
,,Who's the asshole now?" he asks.
,,Little advise, don't call your date an asshole." I suggest.
,,You called me dumbass like minute ago!" he defendes himself.
,,I can call you whatever I want, you on the other hand." I shake my head.
,,Well that's not fair at all!" he crosses his arms on his chest.
,,It's the rules!" I say.
,,That you just made up!" he corrects me.
,,You still want to go or argue till sunset?" I change the subject.
,,Argue, for sure." he smiles and grabs my hand into his. He interwine our fingures and we head down.

Mum's here with Hannah and Rick.
,,Oh, I forgot about that part." JJ comments.
,,I didn't know they were here." I say back.
,,Doesn't matter." he smiles and lets go of my hand.
,,Thought you are at work." I comment so mum could hear me.
,,And here I am." she says and looks both of us up and down.
,,Where are you two headed?" she asks. Hannah and Rick looks at us also.
,,A date." I answer.
,,Oh you went there." JJ says so only I could hear.
,,Thanks for the heads up." he adds and we look back at the parents.
,,Really?" mum pretends to be suprised.
,,I was assuming to see another boy today." she reminds me of our yesterday conversation.
,,Sorry to disappoint." I smile.
,,Okey, have fun. Text me later when you going to be home." she says with a smile.
,,She's still smiling, why's that?" JJ whispers into my ear.
,,She was suppose to hate me again, wasn't she?" he adds another question.
,,Something wrong?" mum asks.
,,Nothing." JJ shakes his head and we head out.

His motorcycle is standing on our driveway.
,,Uu, you never took me on your bike!" I say with enthusiasm.
,,You have a car. Didn't think you would even wanted to." he says and gives me helmet.
,,Be careful!" I turn around to see mum in the open window.
,,Mum, get inside!" I shout at her and shake my head before I put the helmet on. JJ puts a helmet on also and we get on the bike.

We drive through Outer Banks all the way to the top of our only mountain. When JJ stops the car, I get off of it and take off my helmet.

,,Wow." I comment the view of the sunset.
,,How did you know about this place?" I ask because I have never been in here. I didn't even knew about this place.
,,We were going here with my mum when I was little. When I was old enough, I came here time to time by myself. It's quiet in here." he says. I give him a look.
,,Want to talk about it?" I ask him.
,,Nothing to tell really, I only remember coming here to watch sunset or sunrise. That's it." he shrugs and grabs something form the pocket under the passanger seat. He puts into one of his hands so I couldn't see and with the other he takes out a blanket.
,,C'mon." he nods and we head closer to the edge, but we stay in the safaty zone.

I help him put the blanket down and we sit down.
,,Do you want something?" he ask and smiles all cute.
,,What do you have?" I raise my eyebrows. He shows me his hand and gives me a box of oreos, which are my favourite.
,,Uu, gimme gimme!" I take it from him and unwrap the box so I could take one or all.
,,Want some?" I ask after I eat like 5 of them.
,,No, thanks." he chuckles.
,,I won't force you, more for me!" I chuckle back at him.

We sit here and talk untill dark. Then we lie down and look at the start. I explain to him some constalation Sarah taught me.

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