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I get it together and go to the waiting room. Kyle gets up.
,,You look worse than when you come in." he points out. I nod kind of tired.
,,I'm.. not okey." I say even though my first reflex was to say I am. He sighs and hugs me.
,,Believe it or not, but admiting the problem is first step to healing." he whispers.

We eventually get out to meet the lawyer next. I don't listen to him at all. I'm stuck in my Kook year again. Everything is on repeat in my head, so I don't even realize we are done till Kyle taps my shoulder. I look up and stand up. We get into the car and head home. The trajekt is packed so we have to wait another hour for another one, but I don't care. I fall asleep in the car anyway.


Kyle wakes me up from my nightmare with Rafe outside of our house. I get out of the car and go to the door witch are unlocked.

When I bypass the kitchen, I notice it's 6 o'clock. I blink few times because it feels like it's a midnight and I haven't slept in days. I slowly go upstairs and bang on Sarah's door.
,,I'm home. Sleep. Too tired. Night!" I shout through the door without opening them. I notice that Twinkie isn't here anymore, so the Pogues must have gone home. Hannah's car wasn't here either. I remember Caleb's overdose and think they must have gone back to the rehab or something. I should ask him if he wants to talk about what happened. But tomorrow.

I open my door and go to my bed immediatelly. I fall asleep just as fast.


I follow Kie upstairs. She shouts something at Sarah and goes to her room afterwards. I close the door behind her when I see her lying on the bed.

Sarah's door opens up. I wave at them to go back to her room. I knew JJ and John B stayed behind. Riley called me in the car.

,,What..." Sarah starts but I shut her off.
,,Let her sleep. Today was exhausting." I state.
,,That bad at the lawyer?" she asks. I sigh.
,,She was out of it the whole time. I don't even think she knows that mum left her the Wreck and the house. I need to tell her that tomorrow." I say. They exchange a confused looks.
,,I took her to a psychologist." I explain.
,,What? She didn't tell us." JJ says worried.
,,I didn't tell her to the last minute, but she went anyway. She was there for an hour and when she walked out, I knew I made the right decision. She doesn't talk to me. Or you. Not about what happened to her and how she really feels. She keeps it to herself, but she... opened up to the psychologist. She only told me they talked about her Kook year and she's worse that I inisialy thought. She'll go back." I explain to them. I need them to know so they could keep a closer eye on her.
,,Oh my God. I had no idea." Sarah says and exchange a look with John B. JJ looks terrible right now.
,,Alright, you should maybe go to her and keep an eye on her now." I say to him. He nods and is gone in seconds.
,,Also, Anna left you easement on the house and some money." I tell Sarah. She raises her eyebrows suprised.
,,What? Why..?" she slightly shakes her head.
,,Because... your family now, Sarah." I hug her briefly and leave the two alone.


I lie down next to her. She's already asleep. I sigh and scoot closer so I could wrap my arm around her. I want her to know I am here for her when she wakes up.

I look at her face for a minute. She looks so peaceful. I realize that she doesn't look like that when she's awake. I should have noticed sooner she needs help. She needs to talk to someone. I guess I had a lot of my mind lately myself and she helped me out. I only gave her another thing to worry about. I didn't gave her a space to talk about her feeling and what she's going through. Except for the bomb thing and her mum dying, but once again, she had to consul me.

I sigh and scoot even closer. She moves a bit. She moves her hand on my chest and squeezes my shirt in her hand.
,,J?" she whispers.
,,It's me, baby. Go to sleep." I kiss her forehead and then I lean my head against hers.
,,I'm so glad I have you now." she whispers again.
,,You always had me." I say.
,,I love you." I say. She snuggles to me and falls back to sleep.

I stay awake for a long time after that. Thinking about her. Thinking what I want to say to her when she wakes up.

I fall asleep around 2 o'clock still holding her in my arms, never letting go of her.

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