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Something wakes me up in the middle of the night. I sit up and JJ groans.
,,What are you doing?" he whispers.
,,I heard something." I state and watch the close door to my room.
,,I think someone is in the hall." I look down at JJ who opens his eyes.
,,Then someone is in the hall. Go back to sleep, baby." he closes his eyes again.
,,Could you.. go lock the door? I have a bad feeling." I ask. He sighs.
,,Okey... but then.. sleep." he gets up slowly. I watch him as he rounds the bed and gets to the door. He never locks them.

Instead I hear loud noise, I close my eyes for a second, but I when I open them, JJ isn't standing anymore.
,,Jayj!" I shout and run to him. I turn the lights on and look down on his bleeding stomach.
,,Kie..." he looks behind me.
,,Let him go." I turn to see it's Reed with a gun which is poiting at me now.
,,What... no!" I turn around again and grab a hoodie that was lying around and push it against JJ's wound.
,,I said let go. We're leaving." Reed puts the gun to my head.
,,Kie." JJ whispers.
,,Fine! You want me to shoot him again? I don't think he can take it." Reed reposition the gun. I look at him for a second.
,,Here... keep pressure." I place JJ hand on the hoodie.
,,Don't..." he whispers.
,,I love you." I kiss him but Reed grabs me by my forearm and makes me get up.
,,Kie!" JJ shout after me, but we are at the hall in no time and Reed's rushing me down the steps.
,,Kyle! Get up!" I shout as loudly as I can.
,,You shouldn't have done that." Reed punches me with the end of the gun to my head and I black out.


I look after her unable to do anything.
,,Kie." I whisper and close my eyes.
,,Kyle! Get up!" I open my eyes again when I hear the worry in her voice. I try to move but I hardly get to the door to open them wider.
,,Kie, what the..." Kyle comes to the room and stops talking when his eyes lands on me.
,,He has her." I whisper. He squats down a put the pressure on my stomach, I groun in pain.
,,Riley! Call 911! JJ has been shot!" Kyle shouts.
,,What!?" Riley runs in and when he sees for herself, she grabs mine or Kie's phone on the nightstand.
,,Reed.. he.. has Kie, Kyle." I find his eyes.
,,Stay quiet. We'll get her back." he looks at Riley.
,,They'll be here in 10." she says.
,,I hold them away." she runs back into the hallway when we hear voices and movement.
,,You... have to.. find her. Promise... me." I exchange a look with Kyle getting more sleepy.
,,You are not fucking dying! We save her and you'll see her again! Don't you dare to fucking give up!" he shakes his head.
,,She won't survive that." he gives me a stern look.
,,You need to fight a little longer, okey? The paramedics are going to be here any minute." he looks at the hall.

I try to not close my eyes. I try to stay awake, but eventually the darknes pulls me in.



I open my eyes paintfully. I blink a few time and look around me. We are in the car and my forehead is bleeding.
,,You up." I sharply look to my left.
,,I can forgive you for what you did back there. You are a good person, it was in you nature to shout at.. him." he frowns.
,,But now, we are finnaly together." he smiles.
,,There is no we." I say over my better judgement to stay quiet.
,,You saved my life. We are family, siblings. I finally understood you are nothing like the rest of your family." he shoots me a look.
,,I know you didn't mean what you said to me, you were driven by your emotions, but you'll come to your senses." he states.
,,What the hell are you talking about!? You murdered my parents! You tried to kill me! You tried to kill Kylie! I meant every last word!" I get angry.
,,You... you shot... you shot my boyfriend!" I shake my head remembering. I hope he lives.
,,He isn't good for you. Neither one of them! You forgot how they treated you for the past month!? I told you, I'll come back for you. You belong with me! I am your actual family!" he looks at me.
,,Both of us made mistakes in the past, but I know better now. It wasn't your fault that Anna chose you and not me. It was meant to happen this way. All of it. So now we could be.. free. Be a family." he looks back at the road. I don't say anything else. I look out of my window realizing I have no idea how much time had passed or where I am.

No one can help me now. I'm on my own and I need a plan how to get back.
,,You will realize that I'm right. He's already dead and no one will go after you. They are selfish. They don't care about you. They only use you and kick you back to the curb when they don't need you anymore." he says.
,,You are a Kook, they are just low lives who like your money. That's. It." he frowns.
,,You'll be happier with me. You'll understand that I'm right." he smiles again.

I look at him kind of scared about his mood swings. He's going to kill me. I know he will, because nothing is true what he said. And he'll realize that soon enough. Then he'll kill me.

I look back in front of me thinking what should I do.

I'll come up with nothing.

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