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I storm out of The Wreck and take a deep breath. Sarah's right behind me.
,,You good?" she asks. I shake my head and get into my car. I can't imagine how JJ's feeling right now.

I head into the chāteau and park outside. We head to the porch where is Pope packing around. Cleo is sitting uncomfortably on the couch. Then I hear loud noise from inside. I try to get in, but Pope gets in my way.

,,You shouldn't go in there, Kiara." he states.
,,I have to talk to him." I say, but he still doesn't let me through.
,,And what are you gonna say? He knows you didn't know, but he's in pain right now." he shakes his head.
,,He haven't saw his mother in 13 years and all of that time you have known her. You know her longer than him. Just leave him alone to deal with his feelings before you talk to him." he crosses his arms on his chest. I know he's right.
,,Tell him I'm sorry and when he wants to talk, I'll be... home, I guess." I sigh and leave.
,,I stay here, okey? I'll call you if anything." Sarah says and I just nod without looking back.

I head home, where are a lot of cars parked outside. They must have already regroup here. When I get inside, I'm even more shocked to see one extra person is here.
,,You!" I shout at Big John and push on his chest so he backs away a little.
,,Kie, I'm sorry..." I stop him right there.
,,You are sorry!? Your son is worried sick about you for a year and this is the second time I have met you! I! Not him! Why don't you go home!? Why are you here anyway!? You said it was dangerous for you to came back and here you are!" I shout at him, then I take my anger elsewhere.
,,And you, Hannah! How could you!? You knew who my friends are! You knew I know your son and you didn't think to mention that!? I liked you! I always liked you, but now!? I hate you! I hate all of you!" I give everyone a look.
,,Kie." Cabe grabs me by my shoulders and takes me away, because I was ready to actually punch someone.
,,How could they Cabe!?" I ask him when we end up in my room.
,,I don't know. She said it was because of Luke, but there's no excuse to leave your son behind and leave, even though she wanted to protect her unborn child. She should have take him with them." Cabe shakes his head.
,,I don't know what to do." I say kind of tired and sit down on my bed.
,,I know. I don't have anything to offer you either." he says.
,,Baseball bat would be great." I smile at him.
,,Didn't think to bring it with me, but I remember for next time." he squeezes my hand.
,,Don't forget, I might actually need it." I look out of the window.


The next morning I don't have any missed calls or texts from anyone. I try to call Sarah but it goes straight to the voice mail.

When we get downstairs my anger comes rushing back when I see them all sitting around our kitchen table.
,,We need to talk." mum says.
,,Oh, now they want to talk." I say ironically. However, before they can say anything I hear opening the door. I turn around to see Kyle.
,,What are you doing here?" I ask.
,,Mum called me about Mal and Mik wanted to come. She's with Riley in the hospital visiting while I came to see if the fire is still on in here." he explains.
,,Sure it is." I say.
,,What did I miss?" he asks, so I gladly explain it, so I could have some backup.

,,I... what?" he looks at our parents.
,,You didn't." he shakes his head.
,,Oh, yes they did and now, my friends don't talk to me! Thanks a lot." I give them a death stare.

I hear knock on the door, so I turn around once again. It's sheriff Shoup.
,,Yes?" mom gets up and goes to him.
,,I see you have a company, but this is urgent." he says.
,,Ward Cameron was seen yesterday, or at least someone thinks it was him. You told me he wants his daughter back, so I came to warn you if he was here for her." he looks around.
,,Sarah is at John B's, I should go get her." I say.
,,Whoa, slow down. I'll go get her, you stay here. All of you and..." he stops.
,,Big John?" he asks confused.
,,I thought you are dead!" he opens his mouth shocked.
,,You should catch up, I am going." I grab my keys and go outside. Cabe and Kyle are in my foot steps.

They don't try to stop me, which is surprising. However, Kyle wants to know what happened with Ward and Sarah, so Cabe explains it on the way, I don't have the energy for it.

When we stop before John B's house I turn to look at Cabe.
,,Could you get her, I rather wait here." I ask him.


We all sit outside, while I explain JJ how I know Hannah and what I know.

,,Hey guys." we look up at Caleb who just step on the porch.
,,Sorry to interrupt, but something happened." he says and looks directly at me.
,,No shit, Sherlock." JJ shakes his head.
,,Something else happened to be exact." he looks at me again.
,,What is it?" I ask.
,,Your dad might be in Outer Banks, Sheriff Shoup just stop by." I get up instantly.
,,Also, your dad is in Kie's kitchen. Don't really know why." he looks at John B.
,,What!?" he stands up also.
,,Yeah." he nods.
,,Why isn't he here? Why didn't he came home?" John B asks confused and grabs keys from Twinkie.
,,He didn't say. Might have been because Kie yelled at him for 2 minutes straight, then she yelled at Hannah and I was 99% sure that if I don't get her away from them, she will punch someone, so... I don't know why he's there and not here." Cabe explains.
,,Shit, Kie." JJ stands up.
,,She's outside waiting in the car for Sarah. She was afraid to come here, but you should come with us back home." he looks back at me. John B goes outside in the meanwhile, so we all follow him.

I recognize Kiara's car and we all head into her direction. When she realize that, she gets out of the car slowly.
,,Didn't think you all would come." she comments surprised to see the Pogues also and not only just me.
,,My dad's is at your's house?" John B asks.
,,Yes. Don't know why." she shrugs.
,,We heard." Pope says kind of amused.
,,Hey, we should go!" some dude shouts from the car.
,,He's right, if you want to come, you can. If you don't, I understand." Kiara says.
,,Who's that?" I ask.
,,Kyle." Kiara bites her lips.
,,I know there have been some shocking news, so I might tell you who's that later." she says.
,,Tell us now." JJ speaks up for the first time. She doesn't look in his direction.
,,Jesus guys, I get it, you have it hard and all, but if what Cabe told me in the car is true and Ward is really that dangerous, I would like to go home and you can talk there!" Kyle shouts from the car.
,,And by the way, my name is Micheal, not Kyle. Don't listen to Kiara." he adds. We all look at her, she rolls her eyes at that.
,,Sure, Kyle." Caleb gets in the car.
,,Go on." Kie says to me.
,,Key. Are you guys coming?" I ask the Pogues. JJ's giving Kyle a death stare and doesn't realize the answer is practically on him.
,,Wouldn't miss the show." he goes to the Twinkie.
,,I'll ride with Kie, meet you at our house!" I shout behind them and get in the car.

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