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Yup, the whole day and night my asshole brother left me here. He bails me out the next morning around 9 o'clock.
,,You should find definition of be right back." he says to me when I come out.
,,Sorry. Won't happen again." we get into his car.
,,You are starting to get into my financials pretty bad. Think of Mik, she needs collage fund, but I can't do that for her if I spent all this money on your bails." he comments and starts the car.
,,She's 3, Kyle. I'll pay it back to you." I say.
,,You mean dad will pay it back for me." he corrects me.
,,Well." I shrug.

We don't go home. I realized that when Kyle turned into the other direction.
,,Where are we going?" I ask.
,,Mainland." he says.
,,Why? I could really use a shower right now." I sigh.
,,Our parents lawyer called me yesterday. I think it's about mum will." he explains. I lean back to my seat. I don't say anything after that.

I take out my phone from my pocket and text the Pogues.

The Pogues

Kie: I'm out. Heading to mainland w Kyle. See you when I see you.🤷🏼‍♀️
Sarah: U ok?
Kie: Never better. Meeting a lawyer.
JJ: Why!? Are they charging you for traspassing?
Kie: No. It's our parents lawyer, it's probably about mum's will. :)

When we get to the mainland, we go get lunch, because I haven't eaten for 24 hours and then we go meet the lawyer.

,,I don't know why I have to be here. It's obvious she left everything to her golden child." I state when Kyle knocks on the door.
,,Mum wouldn't. Also they lawyer said that both of us have to be there for the reading." he says.

We turn aroun when the door flungs open. A young woman lets us in. She takes our names and let us sit while we wait.

I am nervous and anxious so I am trying to distract myself with the pictures on the walls. There's a lot of quotes flying around. I don't know if I am at lawyer's office or psychologist's one. Then I freeze. I slowly turn right to look at Kyle who's typing something on his phone.
,,This is not a lawyer office, right?" I ask. He takes a breath and turns around.
,,It's not." he nods sligtly.
,,What the hell Cabe!?" I stand up quickly.
,,Calm the fuck down." he says and I look around to find the woman's looking at me. I sit back down and give him an angry look.
,,We are meeting the lawyer, but later." he starts.
,,I don't need a psychologist, I'm..." he interupts me.
,,Fine?" he says with his raise eyebrows.
,,You are not, M." he shakes his head.
,,I get that you are angry, sad and lot of other emotions. I feel it too. I'm angry as you are, but you can't go around all vigilante with a gun." he shakes his head.
,,You went through a lot last couple of months and you pretend like nothing happened. But it did. You were fucking shot and you didn't even call me. You almost didn't tell our parents but you were too worried they'll sent you to boarding school, which I don't think is a good idea to rip you from your friends, but still, you told them just so you could stay and not because you should talk about it. I can see why you wanted to stay so badly. Your friends love you like family. I can also see how much JJ really loves you after yesterday when he told me what happened. He was out of his mind and fighting for you when you weren't there to fight. But you need help Kie. You need to talk about what happened so you can really move on." he gives me a whole speach.
,,Just, please... at least give this a chance. I will consider your debt to me paid." he squeezes my hand. I sigh but nod.
,,Okey. I give it a chance." I say even though I don't like it, but I didn't give him a choice. I really crossed the line yesterday, which I thought I am not capable of, but I did it anyways. I don't want to do that, cross the line again. That's not me. That's more like a Rafe.

I lean back to my chair and wait for my appoitment, which I apperently have.

,,Kiara?" a door opens and woman in her mid-forty stands in the door. I look up at her and slowly stand up. Why do I feel so nervous? It's not a big deal. We are just gonna talk for the next hour. I hope it's just an hour.
,,I'll wait here if you need anything." Kyle says.
,,You are not coming in?" I ask him like a child.
,,No. I want you to open up and heal, you won't do that if I'm there." he explains and nods at the lady. I follow her into her office and sit down on the sofa. She closes the door and sits opposite of me.
,,My name's Emily Fleming." she smiles at me.
,,Your brother called me two days ago, he was my patient once too, so I made an exception and made a room for you at this short notice." she starts.
,,I didn't know he went here too." I state.
,,Yes, it was couple years back but that's all I'm gonna tell you. Every session is confidential. I won't tell him either what we are going to talk about. I would only tell him if I thought you're suicidal or you want to harm someone." she explains and I nod.
,,So. Let's start, Kiara." she leans back to her chair.
,,Call me Kie." I say. Maybe that will help to make me more comfortable.
,,Alright, Kie." she smiles.
,,Mike told me some things that happened recetly in your life. You went through a lot." she says and I look away.
,,I would start at the begining. Can we?" she asks.
,,Where's the begining?" I ask her.
,,Your time with Kooks. You call them that, right? I still don't understand the whole things Pogues, Kooks thing." she says. I chuchle.
,,Yeah. But if you want to start at the begining, we should start by explaining something, for furure references." I say.
,,Okey." she nods.
,,So, both of my parents were Pogues when they were younger. After mum got some money, they bought a house on Figure 8, started their own business and slowly became Kooks." I give her a look.
,,That makes me Kook also, but... I have never wanted that. I don't like most of them. We have nothing in common, so it made sense I became friends with a Pogue group. We became pretty close over the years, but my patents didn't approve. Espessialy my mum who tought they are bad for me. They were onto me every second I was home with me going to Kook academy. So eventually I noded, so they would leave me alone. I thought, right, I'll go to the Kook academy, my parent will know I have tried and then I go back to the Pogues." I explain.
,,But that didn't happen, right?" she asks and I nod.
,,It didn't." I look down at my hands before I continue.

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