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He said only one sentence to me since he read the letter. I mean, I don't care, I am still smiling and Sarah's having a field day. At one point I really tried not to laugh out loud, because I know he takes it hard. No one ever did anything like this before. I know for a fact that John B, Pope and Cleo would contributed too, if I told them about my plan sooner, but I would feel back because, I don't actually need that money, they do and we all would be lying to JJ which he would take even harder that now.

,,I need a beer." JJ gets up and goes inside the house with the paper still in his hand. He doesn't come out though. 

We exchange a look and sit down and let him process this a little longer, before we go check up on him.

,,Want to talk about what happened with Rafe or not?" Sarah asks. I look behind her, I know JJ wants to know that too and I actually want to tell him. I don't even know why. I don't what him to do anything about it for sure, but.. I want to talk about with him. It's like an instinct I always had, I always wanted to tell him anything because I know his only presence can comfort me and make me feel safe. I just didn't realize it might have to do with the way I feel about him, because I never actually let myself go beyond our friendship. 

,,I got home and no one was there, which I knew before I went in. I went to the kitchen so I could place my things on the counter before I go change and head here. Only he was waiting in the dark and I haven't notice him before it was too late to run away." I look down at my hands.
,,I tried anyways, you know. I turned around and tried to run but there wasn't a chance. He grab my arms and push me against the fridge. He was holding me against it first. He asked about you, that he wasn't there to hurt me again. I didn't believed him, I knew he was going to do it anyway, so I thought to myself why would I gave him your location too, when I knew he won't leave just with that. I told him to fuck himself, which he laughed. I didn't find it amusing so I looked around when he was occupied with his laugh to try find something which I could make him back away." I stop for a second so I could take a breath before I say it.
,,He noticed that, his hands were suddenly on my through. He was shouting something at me. I don't really remember what. I was trying to breathing at that point. I was trying to fight him off too, but he's strong, I am not. However when I kicked him, his grip loosened and I manage to shove him off. I try to run away again, which I failed again. Not because I wasn't fast enough this time, but because a gunshot stoped me. I froze at spot. I didn't know if he hit me or not, I was too afraid to look down, but I didn't feel anything hurting. Then he grab my again and turned me around, he put the gun to my head and start shouting something at me again, which I don't remember either. I was just so scared to even trying to listen to his words." I sigh.
,,But I know for sure that he haven't had the chance to ask me about Sarah again, because truth be told, I would probably tell him anything at that point. He didn't have a chance because suddenly Shoup showed up behind up, I recognized his voice. Rafe grab me by the arm again and reposition the gun to my head and place his arm around my neck so I wouldn't run or duck. Shoup was talking to him, but his grip got stronger around my neck every sentence Shoup said, so I eventually passed out. When I fell down, Shoup shot Rafe and he fell down too. He got the gun from him and arrested him, I was sent to the hospital for check up and asked a few question about what happened before the police came in. He also told me what happened after I passed out, that's how I know. When they dismissed me from the hospital, I talked with my parents and told them I still want to come here, that I need to come here. Eventually they let me. That's about it." I say but I don't have the courage to look up at them.

,,How did Shoup knew about Rafe being at your house?" Pope asks.
,,When I went to pay up the restitution, I also reported Rafe. Shoup told me he filled a restricted order agains Rafe and made some calls about his last presence. One of the guys he talked said he saw Rafe in Outer Banks yesterday, so Shoup went to my house to tell me that. There he was." I explain.
,,Did you gave him your old phone?" I look up when I recognize JJ's voice. He's standing in the doorway. I didn't know he was listening too.
,,Yes." I say.
,,Good." he nods and looks down.

,,So, did you process it finally?" Sarah changes the subject, which I am glad.
,,Are there going to be some action?" she asks hopefully.
,,No, there won't be such a thing. I try to calculate how long would take to pay you two back but when I end up with like 20 years without actually buying anything else, I gave up." he admits and sits down with his beer still kind of mad. But not at me or Sarah, at himself for not being able to pay us back.
,,You know we don't expect that, right?" I say matter of facts.
,,We did it, so you would have a clean slate and could concentrate on school and other things teenager should concentrate." I add. He looks at me.
,,Where did you even get that much money?" he asks.
,,I worked two jobs since we arrived back. I also had some savings, we had Ward's money and... Topper gave us his saving." I admit even though I don't want him to know the last part.
,,Fucking Topper helped too?" he looks at John B.
,,That's why he texted you." Pope realize out loud.
,,Yup and I mean, it was his fault you two sank his boat, he might as well have contributed too." I say.
,,Facts." Sarah nods.
,,I mean.. why?" JJ asks another question.
,,Why would you even think about my restitution?" we exchange a look. I look down.
,,I wasn't asleep when you three talked about what will happen after we come back to Outer Banks in the motel back in Kingstone." I admit.
,,I heard you and I was mad at you." I look back into his eyes.
,,I said the truth." he states.
,,Well, I wanted to prove you wrong." I smile at him. 
,,Classic Carrera." he shakes his head.
,,Just so we are clear.. you are nothing like Luke and you have a life ahead of you different that his, so you better remember that next time." I raise my eyebrows.
,,Got it?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything, he's just staring at me.

,,Can I talk to you outside for a sec?" he doesn't wait for my answer, he just stands up and goes outside and out of view around the house. 

I look around confused. They all shrug.
,,Okey, no problem, JJ." I say because he didn't wait for my response and get up to follow him.
,,If he's going to yell, tell him to yell loud so I could hear." Sarah says after my back. I chuckle at that and I am not the only one.

I follow after JJ footsteps, he's pacing back and forth waiting for me. I sigh because I know he wants to say something he don't want the others to hear.

When I get closer, he looks up. I take few more steps closer and open my mouth to ask him what's up, but he doesn't let me say anything.

He takes the last few steps that are separating us from each other. He cups my face and kisses me like he never did before. The kiss is full of emotions, full of gratitude which he can't say in words. My arms wraps around him for support. His hands goes slowly down to my waist and he starts to move till my back hits the facade of the house. I moan when his tongue gets in my mouth. When he hears that, he groans and stops kissing me. His head falls back and I can tell it's taking his every ounce of will power to hold back from me now. I clench my hands onto his shirt and press him closer to me. He groans again and looks at me.

His hands moves behind me from each side of my head, he lowers himself down, so we would be the same height.
,,I didn't expect that as a thank you, but when I know, I should do something like that more often." I say with a smile on my face.
,,I swear I couldn't hold it any longer after what you said. If we haven't clear things between our feeling, I am telling you, I would kiss you anyway, because what you did, no one ever did for me or care to do something for me in any way. It really hit me and I didn't know how else should I show you how much I appreciated, because I know I haven't said thank you yet, but words can not explain how grateful I am, even though I would appreciated you save the money for yourself." he says on one breath.
,,Thank you." he adds anyway.
,,Don't thank me, J. I didn't do it for that, I did it just simply because I wanted to prove you wrong." I smile at him.
,,And because you like me." he jokes. I can tell by his smile.
,,I don't know about that one." I smile at him too.

I love you, you idiot.

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