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I'm leaning against the wall and Jamie is laughing in front of me about all this.
,,This is fun." she states.

The door opens so she steps closer and we turn at the Pogues.
,,Family meeting." Sarah says and we exchange a look with Jamie.
,,We are in the middle of something here." I say.
,,Family. Meeting. Now!" she crosses her arms.
,,Okey, I'll wait inside." Jamie chuckles at Sarah behaviour and walks back in.
,,Are you that stupid!?" Sarah stops in front of me, so I smile at her.
,,Am I? I feel pretty smart right now." I say.
,,You won't see her after we go back home." Sarah says.
,,And?" I ask and look at John B.
,,Oh no, are we back to old JJ with one night stands?" he asks me and looks at Pope.
,,I don't remember why I gave that up." I lie. Shit I wouldn't go back even if I could. I wonder more how I could not date Kie sooner to be honest.
,,You are not serious right?" Cleo asks.
,,I'm not?" I ask.
,,I think we shouldn't went there with Kie, it's better to be just friends. No hard feelings." I lie again. The shock face almost makes me laugh. This was a good idea after all.
,,Na aah!" Sarah shakes her head.
,,Hard feeling all over here!" she points at her and then them.
,,How can you have hard feelings?" I ask confused.
,,We do!" she crosses her arms.
,,The hell you doing out here?" Kie comes out.
,,Oh my God, Sarah. I told you to let it go!" she stops next to John B.
,,You two clearly hit your heads." she shakes her head and go inside. John B goes after her.
,,Just remember what you promised me." Pope says to Kie and they leave too.
,,What did you promise him?" I ask curious.
,,That if we break up, it won't affect our group. That we will stay friends no matter what." she says.
,,Oh my, they are lucky we got back together because I couldn't go back just to be friends with you." I step closer to her.
,,Best friends." she says and looks around before she kisses me for a second.
,,Girlfriend is better option for me." I smile.
,,Same here, boyfriend." she smiles too and we go back in. We stop at the bar and order 6 shots. We take them to our table and give every Pogue one.
,,Peace?" I asks and we clinck before drinking them.
,,I still hate the both of you." Sarah says before they go dance. Pope and Cleo join them.

I sit next to Kie.
,,How long are we going to play this?" I ask.
,,I don't know." she laughs.

I shake my head and grab her hand. We go to the Pogues and we dance all together. The rest of our table joing us.


Kie pays the bill around 3 o'clock and we head back to the cabin.
,,Hut tub?" Finnley turns around still walking.
,,You bet!" Kie shouts at him.
,,You have a fucking hut tub!?" John B turns at her.
,,At the rooftop." she nods.
,,Nice." he fist bump me.
,,Don't you dare to name it, JJ!" Kie shout at me without turning around.
,,You are ruining all the fun!" I shout back.

We get home and borow some swim suit from Kyle, Caleb and Sam who had two's.

We hang out in the hot tub for an hour before we decide to wrap it up for the night.
,,I'll sleep on the couch because I don't think I will be able to get up with the sun rise." Kie says to me in the kitchen when everybody is already in their rooms.
,,Okey, but.. one more thing." I say and take out the little box from my pocket.
,,Happy birthday, Kie." I give it her and she takes it. She looks up before she finally unwraps it.
,,Jayj, you shouldn't." she looks up again. I take the bracelet out and zip it around her wrist. It automatically joins with the matching one I am wearing. She raises her eyebrows.
,,Oh my God. It's magnetic heart." she smiles.

,,Do you like it?" I ask her

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,,Do you like it?" I ask her.
,,I love it." she smiles.
,,But..." she frowns.
,,It had to be expensive." she says.
,,And you are worth every cent." I smile.
,,I also lied." I add which makes her raise her eyebrows again.
,,I didn't buy it weeks ago." I say.
,,I bought it one week before your birthday." I admit to her.
,,What?" she whispers. I just shrug.
,,When I saw it, I knew I had to buy it for you. For us." I explain.
,,But you haven't forgiven me then yet." she reminds.
,,I was getting to it." I smile.
,,I love you." she shakes her head and gives me a kiss.
,,I love you even when I hate you." I joke which makes her smile.
,,Clearly." she nods.
,,Night." I kiss her forhead and head to my room even though I want her to come with me.

I close the door and lie down. I turn to my right side and look at the empty space. I sigh and turn around on the other side.

I sit up when I hear the door open. It's Kie.
,,You forgot something?" I ask.
,,You." she says and goes lie down on the other side. I smile and turn back around. My arm pulls her closer and her hand goes around me too.
,,Sweet dreams." she closes her eyes.
,,You too." I move my head closer to hers and we fall asleep.

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