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I knew something was up the minute I saw the sirans. We all got up without question and run outside to see Shoup get out of his car.
,,Is Carrera still here?" he shouts from the car. He's only one foot out holding the door.
,,No." I whisper, but not to his question. To me. I whisper hoping she's okey and nothing happened to her.
,,She left like an hour ago and went straight home." Sarah steps closer.
,,What's.." she starts but Shoup grabs his radio.
,,This is Sheriff Shoup, I have conformation of two minors victims at sight. I want all personal on rescue. I don't care what else were you doing! Shoup off." he says and my heart stops beating. I would swear it.
,,What.." John B starts this time but he's no caplable of continue. None of us is ready to ask that question. Shoup looks up.
,,I'm so sorry." he says.
,,There was another bomb at the Carrara's house." he states unemotionaly. I shake my head automatickly.
,,No." I finally manage to say outloud.
,,That's not.. possible." I look at my friends.
,,I'm sorry." Shoup says again.
,,I need to go help, but you stay here and be safe. I don't have the time to looking after you too." he gets in the car and drives off.

,,Tell me that didn't just happened." Pope says. I turn around and head to my motorcycle.
,,JJ! Wait!" they shout after me, but I don't stop. I get on it and drive. I drive to Kie but there are so many police cars, fire trucks and reporters I don't even the house.

I don't see the house.

Because it's not there anymore.

Just fire and ruins of the house.

That blew up.

With Kie in.

And Kylie.

I speed up and drive to the hills where I shout from the bottom of my lungs. I cry my heart out. I pray. I fucking pray for them to be alive.

That doesn't happen. No, because when I get back the next morning to John B's, my world crumbles down.

There are multiple police cars with Kyle's car next to them. I park my car and look up at the sky. Hoping for the last time I hear good news.

I get to the porch where's everyone crying. Except for Kyle who looks like a ghost just looking on the floor in front of him.
,,JJ." John B notices me first. He steps forward but I step back and shake my head.
,,No." I say.
,,Don't say it." I add and look down fighting the tears.
,,They are dead." Kyle states anyway. I close my eyes and try to breath but I can't.
,,J, breath." someone's hand tries to reach me but I flinch.
,,No." I say again.
,,This.. she... no." I get inside into my room here and shut the door behind me.
,,No. No. No." I shake my head and lean against the door.

I call her number.
,,Hi, this is Kie, don't leave a message and just text me. Bye bye." the voice mail says and when I hear her voice, I lose it. I break down, completaly crying. My legs buckle down and I fall.
,,No." I say again.
,,Please." I lean my head against my knees.
,,Not her. Please." I beg and I never beged for anything in my life.
,,Why didn't you take me!? It shouldn't be her! Not Kie." I get up and punch into anything I set my eyes on.



,,How did this happen?" I ask.
,,Luke's in prison." I state.
,,It wasn't him." Shoup says.
,,It was supposed to be him!" I get up.
,,You arrested him so this wouldn't happen again!" I push into him angry.
,,You were suppose to protect her! Kylie! Everyone!" I shout at him.
,,Sarah." John B wraps his arms around me and makes me back off.
,,He must have had acomplice." Shoup says and looks down.
,,Don't do that! You don't get to be sad and sorry! This is your fucking fault!" I shout at him again.
,,Sarah." Kyle speaks up for the first time since he told us they found them dead.
,,He did everything he could have." he adds and gives me look.
,,I have to talk to JJ when.. after..." Shoup doesn't know how to say it.
,,Why!?" Pope stands up.
,,Don't you think he has other things on his plate!? His girlfriend and best friend just died!" he shout at him too.
,,He and.. Kiara visited look two days before.. the bomb... I need to know why." he states.
,,Oh you really think he would say to them what's going to happen and who's going to do it!?" I ask him.
,,Do your job instead and try to figure our who's doing this!" I add. He only nods and exchanges look with Kyle.
,,I'm gonna go." he steps away.
,,And do your job on the way!" Pope shouts after him.
,,Guys." Kyle speaks up again and gets up.
,,I know..." he looks down.
,,I know, okey? But he's doing everything he can." he states and leaves after him.
,,This can't be true." Pope sits down. I shake my head still not believing in this either and leave into John B's room to be alone.

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