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We are pacing around in the waiting room. It has been hours since we came here. I already told the police everything I could about Reed but there isn't much for me to do.

She's gone and I don't know how to help her. How to find her. So I wait with the rest in the hospital.
,,JJ Maybank?" a doctor comes into the room and looks around.
,,Is he going to be okey?" Hannah gets up. We all wait for her responce.
,,He should make a full recovery." she smiles.
,,They are moving him to a room 350, you can visit but he'll be out for a little while longer." she says and leaves.

We go find the right room and when we do, he's already there.
,,Thank God." Hannah closes her yes and Riley gives her a hug. The Pogues rushes to his bed first. We stay behind them.

My phone starts to ring, so I step back into the hall and take it.
,,Michael Carrera." I say.
,,This is Sheriff Hill, we might have a lead. Can you come by the station?" he says.
,,Yes, I'll be there in 15." I hang up the phone and look into the room. My eyes meet Riley's. She smiles lightly and nods at me. I nod at her too and rush out.


Our journy comes to a stop outside of some cabin in the middle of nowhere.
,,C'mon." Reed says and gets out first. I don't have any other choice than to get out too.
,,I would like to trust you, but I don't think we are there yet." he grabs me by my arm and pushes me inside. He locks the door behind him and puts the keys into his jacket.
,,What are we doing here? Where are we?" I ask.
,,Just stoping by to get some essencials. I lived here my grandparents before they died." he says and ignores the second question. He goes into the office but still keeps an eye on me. I'm just looking back at him.

However when he gets out of sight I look around quickly, I notice coal rakes just a few meters from me, but I don't have the chance to do anything about it, since Reed comes back into the living room.

I look away quickly, just as he takes off the jacket and throws it at the couch.
,,Are you hungry?" he asks. I frown.
,,Am I hungry!? You joking me? I want to go.. home." I say it before I can think about it, which makes him angry.
,,This is your home! And you will eat something!" he shouts at me and steps closer.
,,I thought I made myself clear in the car how it's going to go from the point forward!" he grabs my arm.
,,Do you understand.." I try to push him away but he slaps me so hard I fall down hitting the table with my head.
,,Stop this shit! I am trying to help you!" he shouts, then he sighs when I look up and my head is bleeding again.
,,I'm sorry." he squats down and extend his hand to wipe the blood off but I lean away. He sighs again.
,,I'll get something to wipe it off." he goes into the kitchen. I grab the coal rake and put it under the table still holding onto it in my hand but out of sight.
,,Here." as he squats down with the shroud I pull out the rake and I hit him in the head with it. He stumbles and falls back in pain.

I get up quickly fiding his keys in the jacket and running to the door. I unlock it just as he sits up. I look around and our eyes meet.

I don'ts hesitate and pull open the door running for my life. Literally. My head is spining but I keep going deeper into the woods.
,,Kiara!" he shouts somewhere behind me. I don't look back. I fasten up my pace and try not to concentrate on the pain.


,,We saw his car on a camera outside of a gas station, he was going North." Sheriff Hill says.
,,We think he's going to his cabin. He got it from his grandparents." he grabs his keys.
,,We are heading there to check. We are playing with a limited time here." he nods at me and I follow him.

We get in the car and we drive off with another police car following us.
,,I hope she's there." I mumble.
,,We'll find her." he states and speed up. He also turn on the lights on so the cars in our way would let us pass faster.


I open my eyes slowly. I have to blink couple of times to realize why is everyone looking at me and why am I in the hospital.
,,Kie." I whisper and try to sit up but someone pushes me back down.
,,They are looking for her." I recognize John B's voice. I turn my head slightly to find his eyes.
,,I couldn't stop him." I whisper.
,,Hey, you need to concentrate on you now." I turn my head to see it was Hannah. My mother.
,,Get out." I say to her after a minute of staring.
,,JJ.." she frowns. I can see she was worried about me which I appreciate since she didn't care for me for so long, but I know what she was really saying. Stop caring about my girlfriend, who's fault is all this, and concentrate on you.
,,Get out." I say and turn away from her closing my eyes so I wouldn't start to cry.
,,I.." she starts but she doesn't say anything else.
,,C'mon. We'll be just outside if you need anything." Riley nudges her to the door.
,,Wait." I look at Riley.
,,Where's Kyle?" I ask.
,,He's with the police looking for her." she says.
,,Nothing yet. If he texts, you'll be the first one to know." they leave and I am left in the room with the Pogues.
,,Do you think... she's okey?" I ask and start to play with the same bracelet she has. I need to see her. I need to know. I can't take this waiting and guessing. I can't do this again.
,,We hope so." Sarah sits down on the edge of the bed and place her hand over mine. I look up at her.
,,Do you think.. he'll hurt her?" a tear comes out. I wipe it off with my other hand.
,,She's strong." John B says and looks down. I can tell he's trying not to cry too.
,,She'll survive. She survives everything." Pope looks out of the window.
,,She has to survive." Cleo says and grabs Pope's hand.
,,She was finally getting better.. after.. after what Rafe put her through." I close my eyes remembering what she told me this morning.
,,They'll find her." Sarah states.
,,I just hope they'll find her alive." I look out of the window too.
,,Kie wouldn't give up. She wouldn't leave you. She's a fighter." John B places his hand on my shoulder. I nod slightly, praying she will walk into the room any minute.

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