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We head back when the sun comes down, so around 9 o'clock in the afternoon. The Pogues are sitting on the porch when we get back.

,,They are alive!" Pope says kind of angry.
,,What were you two doing all day?" he asks after that.
,,Drinking." I sit down.
,,Smoking." JJ sits beside me.
,,Making out." I say as a joke but it's the truth.
,,Making babies." JJ gets on it also.
,,And then!" I make a pause.
,,We solved global warming." I say.
,,And the world's hunger." JJ ads.

They look at us for a second before Sarah interupts the quiet with her laughter.
,,Good one." Pope says with a fake laugh and take a sip of his beer.
,,We should have stayed longer, might have figured more world's problems." I say.
,,I think you just stick with our problems right now." John B gives me a look.
,,And thanks for hanging up on me, that was sweet of you." he gives me a fake smile.
,,You were annoying." I state. JJ shrugs and grabs another beer.
,,Okey, so... what do we do now?" Pope asks the question.
,,The day isn't over yet, so I won't..." I start but Sarah interupts me.
,,You can't let him walk, Kie." she shakes her head. I look at her if she's serious.
,,Like it's really an option, right?" I ask ironicaly.
,,It is. He's dangerous. You know what he did, what he's capleable of. He needs to stay behind the bars for the rest of his life, so he wouldn't hurt anyone else." she points out like I don't know that.
,,So, I should just let Malia die? Because that's probably gonna happen if he won't give her his kidney and he won't do it just out of kindness of his heart." I say.
,,She might get a match from the wait list and as crual as it is, she's one person, think about how many people you put in danger if you let him walk." she sighs.
,,It's cruel, but it's the truth." she adds and gives everyone a look. They look down and I recognize they agree with her.
,,I won't let her die. I won't risk that the the wait list won't help. I couldn't live with myself, it's easy for you to say this when it's not on you if she dies, because I am the only person who's standing between him and freedom aka helping her out." I state the truth also.
,,You can report him for what he did to you, Sarah, but this won't be on me." I get up.
,,All of us know that I don't have proof, it would be just mine word against his. You are the only one, who has proof because he slipped up that night." she says on my walk away.
,,Slipped up? Are you serious right now?" I turn around to look at her. The others are looking between us, but don't interupt.
,,Could you not argue?" JJ runs his fingers through his hair and looks down. I shake my head and leave.


The next day morning, I go back to school for the first time after Hannah came to town. It was Friday and the weekend, so it's fine, at least no one is going to talk about us not being in school again and why. Which they wouldn't even know why, so the gossip would came back.

Sarah slept over at John B. JJ didn't stop by yesterday but he texted he went home because the Pogues started argue about what would be best to do, which isn't really up to them anyway.

When I park at the parking lot on Monday morning, Twinkie is already here and the Pogues are waiting for me to show up. I give them a look but I continue my walk directly into school, but I noticed JJ isn't with them. Maybe he's taking his bike and he overslept as per usual.

I try to call him and wake him up by it, but his phone sents me straight to the voicemail, so I hang up.


He texts me during the forth period that he overslept and doesn't feeling sick today, so he will skip the rest of the day too.

I asked him if I should come over, but he declines that.

After school I head home without talking to the Pogues all day and change, because I have a shift at the Wreck in an hour.

It's pretty quiet for a week day today, so it's dragging on hard. It feels like iternity before the last hour starts to count down.

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